Authenicator Code Request

I am experiencing the same issue.


Maintenance is now done, and this is still broke.

Anyone found a fix?


I’m able to connect through the client, but opening wow.exe directly and trying to log in does this to me.

I don’t like to run two instances of but I have two accounts (on two separate accounts) so I launch one through the launcher, and one as a standalone program.

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same problem everyone else has, hoping they will get this resolved or respond to it. Is this capability something they removed? If so say something so we know.

As a note for troubleshooting purposes: Opening a second instance of to log in to my second account still wanted me to enter an authenticator code, but it didn’t push a request to my phone. I did a manual code and it worked, as opposed to going through the same process with just the standalone program and having it immediately disconnect me.

Still, annoying. Running two clients is pretty systems intensive, and while my computer is pretty new, it does like to overheat at times.

I’m also getting a “Something went wrong” error for the actual content in on both clients, so I’m inclined to say this is all something went awry as opposed to an intended change.

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Disabling authenticator “fixes” this, doubt thats what blizzard wants tho.

Was bored and had to try, hoping someone will see this and respond.

Unless blizzards new stance is for people to disable authenticator, but would be good to know if thats what they want us to do.

Hey everyone,

We’ve gotten a lot of reports of this and have the developers looking into it. The info I see mentions this only happens if the application is bypassed and the account has an authenticator attached. The workaround is to launch via the application, using a manual code to log in, or remove the authenticator. Removing security may not be desired or advised to do, but I had to call out everything we’ve seen working.

I don’t have an ETA on when a fix will be applied but wanted to let know we have eyes on this. I’ll try to update this thread if I find out anything else.

Thanks for everyone’s patience and understanding while this is sorted out.


Thank you, most people who use multiple accounts tend to launch from outside application is it allows them have unique set ups. ie: Launch this account on this monitor etc.

Appreciate the acknowledgement.


Same problem here

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I can’t log in even if I start wow from the launcher.


My problem appears to be identical. I have three subscriptions to WOW associated with two battlenet accounts. When I try to login to characters associated with a battlenet account that I am logged into, there is no issue and I login normally. If I try to switch to a character from the other the other battlenet account, the login requires a new authentication even though the machine is trusted. Even after I provide the authenticator code, I am unable to login and am shown the error text "You have been disconnected. (WOW51900314) If I log out of battlenet, and log into battlenet account associated with the other account, I am able to log into that account normally.

tl;dr if I’m not logged into the battlenet that is linked to my wow account, I cannot access that account even if I provide all the credentials normally required including a valid authenticator code for that battlenet account.

Yeah, I never log into the launcher, and I guess for that reason the game won’t load even if I run it from there. Just asks for an authenticator code and dc’s me after I put it.

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Also getting this same issue

same here, prompting me for authen then disconnect

Exact same issue here. Works on, removed and re added as well with the same result. Forced to remove since I don’t use the launcher in my everyday.

Yep always the case here too with my 5, launch with the .exe. Kind of annoying to have to resize window placement every time now, hopefully fix is on the way.

On a bright note, turns out my hardware authenticator is still alive and kicking XD

Just had same issue - the way to resolve (as the GM has stated) is to close WoW, and in click the “Go Online” button middle-top right under your ID.
IT WILL ask for your authenticator code, and FAIL first time - but when it returns to the Username/password pop-up (may see an error saying incorrect details) - just repeated the process - login with password, and enter the new authenticator code .
On the second go it worked for me, and once logged into you can just launch Wow directly there and it’ll take you straight to your realm screen

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I’m having this same problem but I always launch through I can clear the problem, though, by exiting the client and relaunching.

This has been happening to me all day as well. Very frustrating.

I’m still unable to login, neither the exe directly nor the launcher allow me to log in. In each case it asks for an authenticator code and then disconnects immediately after putting the code and hitting “okay.”

Also, when I use the launcher, it doesn’t load any content, just “Something went wrong. We’re having difficulty retrieving content from the servers…”