<aussie ping> (NA Guild) 10m 6/13H Recruiting - Prot Paladin + Rogue or SP

Raid times: 11pm-2am server, Fri & Sat.

We are a newly formed guild made up of capable players with a strong pvp background looking to round out our roster. While most of our players have a large amount of raiding experience, we have a couple who are coming into group heroic content for the first time. So don’t feel intimidated if you’re still working on your gameplay or are needing a stable raiding experience to progress as a player. We are very willing to work with you.

As said we are an NA guild with myself being the token aussie and the guild name being the guys having fun with me.

If you think you might be a good fit for us, please feel free to reach out.
Bnet: Lostgravity#11998

Updated for July. Very interested in a prot paladin OT and shadow priest. Main team positions.