“A guild for redditors, by redditors.”
The community has been around for ages and has a diverse group of players. As a guild we love to raid, run dungeons, quest, run old content for achievements or just silly shenanigans. As a community as a whole, we love getting together and playing different games together outside of WoW. From other video games to playing D&D on roll20. We love talking about nonsense and having a great time. Some of us have had some IRL meetups and plan for more.
If this sounds like your type of guild, read on.
Our raid team is currently in need of a few core members for our progression raid. Our progression team raids 6 hrs a week and our goal is to finish off heroic as quick as we can, get AotC and then push into Mythic content. How far we get into Mythic is all up to the raid team. We are looking for those that want to progress, and do harder content, but can’t commit to a full-time raid schedule. Those that are ready, willing and able to defeat everything thrown at them.
Progression Raiding.
Tuesday - Progression - 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM CST (Server time)
Thursday - Progression - 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM CST (Server time)
We are recruiting for a few key needs we have for our progression, however we are always looking for good players.
Current Needs: DPS
Aside from the guild required addon (Greenwall), we also require all raiders to have: Discord, Angry Assignments (With “Allow All” permission set in the options), DBM (Or bigwigs), Weakauras 2, and Exorsus Raid Tools. Also have chat bubbles enabled in the in-game settings.
For information on Raiding with contact:
JRoc @ (BTAG: JRoc#1966, Discord: JRoc#5400)
BYOB is the name for our community/alt/optional raid. There will be drinks, there will be laughs, there will be stupidity. Being in guild or on realm is not required for this raid (though if you are cool and good we might hound you to join us in guild.
Saturday - Alt/fun raid - BYOB Raid - 9:00 CST (Server time)
The basic requirements are as follows:
- Be Alliance, 120 and appropriately geared.
- The desire to raid and have a good time.
- Have Discord installed and ready to use. Speaking is not generally required, but being able to listen is.
- Have a few hours to spend in the raid. We don’t want people coming in for 1 boss then bailing out. Unless of course this is arranged beforehand.
- Have a positive and friendly personality.
- Remember, you are joining our raid. Please maintain respect for our raid leaders. While we do appreciate input and insight on the raid, please mention it privately to the raid leader(s).
For overall information on joining please visit: