Auspicious Arborwyrm Massive Glitch

I see these people on the forums far more than I see them in the game. I sometimes think they’re on the forums MORE than they’re in the game.


so you made a post about people complaining about others “complaining”

and the cycle will go on forever… water is wet too…


You’re the exact type of person I’m talking about, so it’s expected you’d react poorly. Proves my point very well…

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That person also clearly doesn’t understand how some things are simpler to fix/change than others and sometimes priority of a “bug” is based off how quick it can be dealt with.

However instead of applying logic or critical thinking some would rather yell at the sky🤔

I still see someone riding it in WOTLK. Apparently they haven’t removed it completely.

They probably haven’t dismounted yet.

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they definitely mounted up in ICC lmao

Hm, interesting lol.

Most likely they gonna add this mount next year to the in-game shop as a “limited time” offer.
On Retail they added Hoplet to the in-game shop as a limited time offer. This pet was part of last year’s 6 months sub reward on WotLK Classic.

Definitely a shame they didn’t do something like

  • Get Salty and get TCG turtle.
  • Get Chef titel and get Magic Rooster.

But they did add Spectral to asian servers. Wasn’t it like $100 or something?
Found it!

The bundle that includes the Swift Spectral Tiger, Wen Lo mount, and Goblin Kettle toy costs ¥1,688 CNY (about $267 USD)


cowards. let us keep the mount. it has no other purpose than flying so there is no reason to remove it.

yes give the mount back. i could understand removing it if it was a dragonflying mount or had multiple seats with new vendors, but as it stands it’s just a reskin of a wyvern/gryphon with nothing special about it


Also there’s a low pixel version of last year’s rabbit mount in the WotLK game files (it was even in the mount journal on PTR before the ICC release).
Probably that will be a limited time offer too.

Can you do the same with the rest of the game’s feedback?

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rofl this is what the phrase “new low” was made for…

You sound so entitled,

has no other purpose than flying so there is no reason to remove it.

Yeah, except it wasn’t advertised for Classic, they can get into trouble for false advertisement. If you bought the 6/12 month sub solely because you thought you’d be able to use the Arborwyrm mount in Classic then you lack the ability to read an availability chart.

No it isn’t, it’s so far removed from a Wyvern/Gryphon that it can’t even be said that it looks like one and it is special, it’s a unique mount with nothing that looks even remotely similar.

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bring the mount back. and in fact let us have the TCG Mounts too!!


ya know… it’s funny how people were all like, “Classic and Retail should be totally sepperate”… but the moment something cool from Retail accidentally gets enabled in Classic the positive response is big enough that a Blizz takes notice.

Maybe it’s time to put away the Classic vs. Retail elitism and just let collections be account wide so people can enjoy the things they’ve collected in either era. Or, ya know, both eras. After all, some of us like hanging out with bronze dragons and getting involved in time shenanigans.

Although, I did think this was kind cute once I realized the idea behind Cypress being classic and Arborwyrm being retail. It’s like getting the dragon as a baby in classic and having it all grown up in retail. That’s a nifty idea and I’d love to see more things like that carry forward (in time), maybe Season of Discovery can do stuff like this more liberally where maybe there aren’t so many classic purists who’d get mad about it.


It’s literally all some of them have left… If you take it away, they just have MC40…

they just added it back in lmao

Its back in the game