Auspicious Arborwyrm Massive Glitch

2nd? more like 5th class alot of bugs are still there and they havent even bothered to fix most of them and let alone do something about the bots or even listen to feedback… but yeah I hope they refund people that legit feel betrayed… by the sudden change.

I love all of Classic, but Im really hyped for MoP. (I will still play all of Cata, WoD, Legion, BFA and even Slands in 10 years time).

I’m looking at your paladin’s set :slight_smile:
Joined retail too late unfortunately. So I missed out on MoP cosmetics.

So this time around, I’m definitely getting my Druid and Paladin MoP sets +2h polearm :slight_smile:

Edit: On Shadowlands part, idk, I actually had an absolute blast. I loved PvE content. I destroyed M+. Was in top 2% by RIO according to season 2 wrap up and top 3% in Season 3. If Shadowlands Classic releases with all of 9.3 changes, it will be a mad good xpac with a lot of freedom)

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Welcome to the World of Whalecraft.

An actual blue response, and it’s wasted on microtransactions.



These cosmetics are technically free, we just pay for the subscription.
Imagine calling this “whale”. :man_shrugging:

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You’re buying a mount. Take the mount away and are people buying a 12 month sub?

By the way, these forums are hilarious. “I’m quitting Classic without Wrath Era!!!”
“Whoa, a mount. Here’s a yearlong sub payment!!” It’s no surprise Blizz builds the game for whales.

Which is…whatever. But keep the mounts out of Classic. I hate seeing these whales begging Blizz to have Retail mounts shoved into the Classic game. We don’t need flying pigs and all the absolutely ridiculous nonsense that clutters Retail and has no connection with the Warcraft universe. It’s just a clown show.

Uhm… yes? I mean I would buy the 12 months sub anyway, overall it’s cheaper than buying 1 month 12 times. Basically you’re paying for 10 months and you get 2 extra months for free.
I’ll most likely play WoW in every month so it’s worth for me, especially because currently I play SoD, WotLK and Retail (WotLK and Retail just raid logging though).

Nah, I’m paying for the sub. The mount is just an extra cosmetic item.

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AKA You didn’t read.


Eh I didnt care about those things being added tbh. I’m all about letting people spend their money on what they want. And QOL stuff being added is something I really like, such as the mount tab being added early.

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Hey Born. Hey, sorry., could you look at my post here

Are Wrath looms now will be upgraded to 85?!

claimed my ugly-ass mount on both accounts.


some of you are just mystifying with your Bad Takes™.

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Admins PUT IT BACK or i leave

I also get the yearly subscription for the discounted price and receive these perks as they come out simply because I already have my sub paid for but I guess according to some that makes me a cosmetic chasing retail whale :whale2: or something.

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RIP to a sweet unique mount. #honeypot

And the pet in retail!

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Crying in bala t10 set bug, desecration and ams lag interaction on arenas, DRW still being broken with going on random targets having resists and reduced initial hit,SM and jar broken interaction, but let’s fix instantly some mount that was incorrectly put into classic like me for example didn’t even know about this XD

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Don’t forget about the countless mounts that are just sitting in WotLK Classic’s game files rotting away as they’re completely unusable (TCG, RaF, etc). Shame Blizzard never implemented these, they’re some of the best mounts in the game.

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No why would they do that they only care that you’re playing one version of the game. It was clearly stated that it was for retail only and if someone bought it because they saw it in Classic then it’s their fault for not reading the fine print.

What do you mean, Ashes looks great :frowning:

Was never intended for Classic players in the first place.

Was never intended for Classic players, that’s their reason for removing it.

Mount not available in WoW Classic games. Pet available in WoW: WotLK and Classic only.

So as you can see, Classic gets the pet and Retail gets the mount.

No you weren’t.

It’s literally stated in the Bnet launcher and when you buy the sub.

World of Warcraft = Retail
WotLK Classic = WotLK

Priorities are on sod and insignificant “bugs” like this. Not really annoying GAME bugs no no.

You know, the reason I should quit are the people playing right now.

Not the game (I don’t mind the game right now but it’s kinda stale, I’d really rather be playing TBC. Cata will be a welcome change).

Not the cost (insignificant).

Not the bugs (also insignificant in comparison to how toxic the players are).

It’s the community of people that are so toxic, whiny, incessant with complaints and negativity…

I can’t believe some of the reactions and feedback about the most minor of inconveniences.

I’ve been playing this game since 2004. Been playing Blizzard games since WC2 and D1 on my Performa II. I don’t give 2 damns about Blizzard as a corporation, I just care about the games themselves. And I know what I play (that’s why I don’t like retail, some do some don’t).

If it wasn’t for my guild I’d have been gone long ago.

I know it’s a bunch of very vocal whiners that are doing this, but gahd it’s hard to hear anything else over the noise.

Like dealing with grown children. Over a virtual horsy. In a video game.