August trading post

I leave the datamine that wowhead is now available this article.
You give your opinion if you wish.

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its all bad
that is all

for the people who only speak english:

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those pink wings… are GLORIOUS!

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First off, no. Just no.
& also~ we’re all wrong sometimes, you just have ta admit it and move on.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I kinda just want the shoulder capes and maybe the watch, the rest I either have or don’t care.

Or you could just read the official post, instead of datamine?

i’m always happy to do this.

i’m not one of those weirdos who gets offended by being wrong.

on this, i am not wrong.
(it was about time my bunny suit got a new addition!)

Mayyyybe the weapons. Maybe. That’s a strong ‘possible’.

But everything else is forgettable.

Glad we understand each other with no confusion and yes i agree, mustard goes on strawberry icecream.

There is the transmog toy. :robot::thought_balloon:éreo

Nothing I really like so this will be a savings month.

ok but that’s still bad cuz i have it (jk)
but the murloc pet is bad cuz theyre mean lil things that will eat your sammiches and leave feet prints on your nice clean floors, also a target on your back as the monthly reward?.. uncool bro unnnncool