Augmentation is well balanced

The new spec is pretty fun to play and I don’t think the damage is anything crazy you have to ramp it up ebon might. Can line up some nasty combos with Breath of Eons and Upheaval. Seems Pretty tanky and self healing is good… But to say its broken ? might be taking it to far.

okay then if you think so.

Antibiotics cleave

I think the healing might be a little too high is all. Most games I play against aug they end up doing more healing than damage.


currently 20-4 on my aug evoker in first 4 lobbies already 1908 cr lmao

well balanced tho


How much gear do you have?
Is it fun?

It’s literally a peel bot/support bot, Makes high damage specs do absurd amounts of damage and seems to keep everything alive while also refusing to die itself.

Tuning the healing would prob be a good start but the amount of damage its making already over-tuned specs like boomkin do is pretty crazy, how do you even balance that?


Full gear from pres, so mostly haste and could have a lot more mastery.

It’s fun, feels kinda illegal tbh

the main issue is, nothing dies.

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I think there was already a spec in pvp like this. One sec let me find it. Oh here it is lol

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What does the Aug mastery do?

yea its a support spec 100% dont expect to top damage meters.

Casting an empower spell grants Shifting Sands to 1 ally, preferring damage dealers,                increasing their Versatility by 3.0% for 10 sec.

The durations of Shifting Sands, Breath of Eons, and your other helpful auras are increased by 4.0%.

And for reference, I played with an Aug evoker earlier and got like 28% extra vers from then.

Hopefully its mastery gets dunked in pvp

Yeah mastery buffs the versa bonus and buff durations.

I havnt played in arena yet but so far:

I feel somewhat more durable. Wouldnt say tanky but not squish.

Doesnt feel bad to start casting woth essence then stopping mod cast. Essence is used after cast ends instead of when it begins like with lazor.

May be a noob trap but i really like the pvp talent that makes living flame instant after casting ebon might.

Upheavel combo with landslide makes landslide feel good and it looks cool.

All spells hitting decently hard for np crit/support build.

During raid, picked up the healer paradox buff and immediately said i need this in bgs. 100yd range yes please. Plus mastery extends the duration so it last a good long time and the cooldown reduction cd makes the 2 minute cd not bad.

Downside, i have way to many damn buttons now.

I noticed this. I did twice as much healing as damage. But as a support with fairly low damage this isnt that bad. I neither out dpsed or out healed their respected roll players.

Also, i was target a lot so i was spamming my heals like crazy versus doing damage because o cant reach people with my tiny trex arm range.

You dont. Thats the main issue with force multiplying supports. Its either super good and breaks already strong specs or it does nothing.

There isnt much of a in between.

But you also have to remember that they are essentially giving their dps to someone else instead of doing it themselves.

Basiclly augs are yumi in lol.

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Augs are basically Shadowlands prot paladins

i like your comparison better.

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