She does literally the exact same thing except you cant target her when she is supporting and she is garbage squish if not.
It is kind of toxic gameplay tbh.
Not sure it adds anything quality at all to pvp.
It’s just another prot paladin
Yummy <3 <3
Blizz literally decided to make power infusion a spec, All for Warcraftlogs.
Wouldn’t that basically guarantee kills with rogues?
The rogue uses shadowy duel on someone and then nukes them with the extra damage provided by the augevoker?
Aug actually does same levels of damage as dps specs from what I saw on ptr.
we heard that u didnt like borrwed power. so here let us introduce this borrwed power spec
Genuinely feels 100x better to play than devastation. Just playing it casually in bgs though.
I really hope its iterated on and they revamp all healing specs into suppport
Actually yes. In fact i picked up mad rawr talent to hopefully extend cc chains to beyond disbelief as well to go along with this.
You can’t…Something will always do insane damage and the whole purpose of aug is to make it do even more.
It will be a staple for people trying to cheese/1shot for years to come
In pvp or pve?
Pve its 30% personal damage 70% buffing everyone else.
In pvp they are supposed to get a damage aura so their personal damage isnt garbage but they dont have any crazy burst potential like other mage classes do.
I have seen 100k empowered spells with all modifiers up though, and eruption/living flame hits harder than wrath/starfire. So its not nothing.
But they dont have any instants built in outside of using a pvp talent for 3 instant living flames and tip the scales empowered.
In all other situations, all damage is hard cast only.
PvP. On the ptr I dueled some and their damage was indiscernible from a normal dps (they were just unkillable as well). I actually haven’t ran into enough on live yet to say if it’s any different, but I don’t see why it would be and anecdotal accounts such as the below seem to indicate nothing has changed.
I havent played any arena/rss yet, but i have not seen any Augs out dpsing damage dealers in any bgs that I have played so far.
Again, they dont do no damage. They are supposed to do more than disc, but they are not topping charts with their personal damage and they dont have burst the way other classes do.
I doubt ill ever see a 150k+ livingflame/eruption and the biggest upheavel ive gotten was 100k, with a variety of modifiers up which has a 30 second cd and doesnt hit that hard every time. Meanwhile, other classes can just dump out damage like that non-stop.
Paladins for example have damage like that, even after they were nerfed. But they were literally globaling people for a minute.
Augs are not do damage like this. But they did have their base damage increased so that they could do meaningful damage in pvp. if you reduce their damage output because they increase the output of others, then Blizzard would most likely buff their force multipliers.
Healing? i see wars with more healing than healers sometimes. before we address the support spec healing, we should definatly check the numbers on all dps specs and tone those down significantly. I suggest 50% modifier for lay on hands for ret to start.
Their dps just has spikes. It really is a second healer.
You’re probably just really bad at it. Cdews stream is free to watch and you can go watch the vod from yesterday where him and Trill on his Aug were doing 2’s and Trill was doing as much damage as every dps they faced.
Seems like this is some kind of weird retaliation aimed at me for talking about Aug damage lol. I mean go ahead it’s already heavily nerfed in PvP and I barely play ret.
not the norm. it can happen if you dont have to spend as many globals to off heal, but trill is also play with 2 of the best players in the world, and he’s also a mythic raider. he’s free to cast more damage because his teammates know how to trade, position themselves, and wean damage.
its not a high damage spec. sorry to tell you.
The spec obviously does really good damage and it will just be a matter of time before people figure it out. Evidence>empty words. Nobody is saying it will always be the absolute most damage, but it in no way is giving up enough damage to offset how much it’s increasing other player damage as well as healing/tankiness. No point going in circles about this when there’s video showing what the spec can do though so I’ll just leave it at that.
Not a weird off take, its literally the same argument that you are make about augs off healing capability. There are several classes that can off heal just as well while pumping far more damage than aug.
Like Swole said, your anecdotal evidence is that of a professional player playing with other high level players that are all capable of communicating, coordinating and maximizing every aspect of the choses class/specs.
Its not the norm. The aug wont be able to just free cast in most situations all day every day and pump out damage similar to other dps classes.
At the end of the day, aug doesnt do as much as damage as other dps and are force multipliers.
In other words, if bliz wants them to be the top of the dps chart along with classes like warlock, then the aug will force multiply the warlock to do the most of the augs damage for them while still pumping out damage themselves.
Bliz could have decided to make them full support, have the dps do 100% of the damage the aug is bringing while having more peel and control instead.
Now your Unhdk is doing nearly 300k dps while the aug does near 0% but you cant move ever because the aug has so much utility and the Dk melts everyone.
Unfortunately, force multipliers are an all or nothing support archetype. They either make top dpsers broken, or they dont do anythign at all and no one plays them.
In reality, the way you balance something like the aug is reduce the damage output of other classes. But then you run the risk of making Aug mandatory to be competitive.
Now that its in the game, it will forever be this way.
link to the video?
Nah brah. Devastation Oneshots are still a thing. Feels good to mow down the entire enemy team in opening fights at EOTS mid and the like