Augmentation has ruined the game for me

I dont understand this sentiment. Dev voker is still A tier DPS in raid and m+.

The only content theyre truly lacking in is pvp.

While not my main, ive had little to no issues getting in keys, albeit only up to 18 so far, and i had 0 issues getting in raids.

The only time i get flamed is when I go pvp as augmentation, which is hilarious

im leveling a dev evoker, is this still an issue even after the nerfs? devastation is pretty up there in tier lists so are they accepted more often than at the release of aug? or is it still aug or bust for dps evoker?

This has never been an issue for me. I raided mythic until we called the tier just fine, and very few dungeon groups have ever expected/asked me to go augmentation. I’ll run it with guild groups because I have confidence in the DPS and it makes the runs laughable, but you will be totally fine playing devastation.

yeah i was enjoying the class the entire expansion then aug came out and killed my spec.

especially cause im a PUG player.

this is very similar to what i experienced playing feral?
not boomkin? instakick
sad times all around

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no different than other classes , i remember back then not outlaw? kick , not survival ? (bfa s3 it was?) , not fire mage? …and so on.

If someone playing a rogue, warrior, mage, or any other class gets mad at you for playing Dev, ask why they aren’t rerolling Aug.

As much as i like the idea of a support themed spec, and actually have fun with aug. I honestly think Blizz should have just made it a tank spec.

It would have both saved them a lot of balancing issues they still having up to this day, wouldn’t make it hard for dragons wanting to play deva, and fixed the issue of Dracthyr being the only race in the game without tanking options


not as much of a problem with the specs as it sounds like a problem with your guild. Find new friends to play with imo.

That’s a hard bit of luck, every M+ pug I’ve joined in the last week I always ask “Do you want me as Aug or Dev and when do you want lust?” 70% of the groups I’ve joined have told me to play whatever I feel comfy with, the rest ask me to play Aug, you should look for a different group of friends if they’re forcing you, or bring it up to them.

AIN’T NO ONE have the power to make me play something I don’t want to play.

I play Devastation because I enjoy the race and the class. I won’t be playing Augementation and no on will make me. I will make my own 16s but I don’t play at that key level. I do 2s-10s. 10s being plenty for me, my guild wants to bring me in 15s and 16s that’s cool. But I won’t play a spec I don’t want to play. Period.

I’m a recent Evoker main and I’ve learned very fast Deva is for soloing in the open world… and nothing else.

Even though I know my guild wouldn’t mind, I feel like if you show up with a Deva spec to raid or Mythic+, people are absolutely going to look at you sideways. It’s just such a downgrade in both effect and impression.

People get super excited to have an Aug with them. If they were to find out it was a Deva instead, it’s like: “… aw, that sucks.”

What a sad thing for a spec.

They absolutely have to give Deva something Aug doesn’t have that groups want… otherwise Deva will be fast considered “toxic”.

You deserve a good guild. Let the try hards scream at other try hards and have fun with your guildmates.

Devastation is completely fine in raid

It is fine, but Aug is more fine - both in what it does and, by far, in community perception. Thus, I can see why people feel pressured into Aug so as not to appear selfish and toxic.

That’s the whole point of the thread.

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It’s far more intensive to play aug at a more fine level in raid than dungeons. The vast majority of aug evokers are likely not playing at this level and will be far better off as devastation.

Be that as it may, that doesn’t change the community perception.

I personally love aug, but yeah, that’s really upsetting. It shouldn’t be so required that it ruins the ability to play the other spec. If they added more support classes/specs it’d fix or mitigate this, but they likely won’t. They’ll just consider Aug a failed spec and rework it most likely.

They simply don’t have the required resources to add enough supports to the game to make them a core feature, but they decided to experiment anyways.

WoW Community being Elitist Jerks as usual.

Being a Dancer main on FFXIV I actually came back to Retail just because of Augmentation.

But it shouldn’t be bullying other specs out of runs, just because the group leader wants us to fluff their numbers.

I feel like this is just par for the course though for High Keys (just ask Warlocks).

It’s one of the reasons I left this game in the first place and went to FFXIV.

I wish you the best though OP. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should play.

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Maybe. My hopium guess for the future is that They’re going to do WoW 2 after the Worldsoul Saga. Metzen called it “tying up all those loose ends”, “end of an era”, etc. I think Aug is the first of many for a new role in WoW 2.