Augmentation has ruined the game for me

Sounds like you need to find a better guild, and start making friends with some of those PUG Players.

As for Aug, they’ve started the nerf to uselessness already. Worry not, we’ll be a solo semi dps again before long.

Same happened to me. I was main dev, then kind of got pushed to reroll due to my guild. If I try to pug keys as dev, it typically leads to a kick after invite.

I’ve also had issues when in a group as Aug, where I’ve been kicked for “low dps” due to how things like recount/skada/details shows up for group members.

This isn’t great advise, but I tend to find pushing my own keys helps as I can dictate who I’m playing with. Doing keys on reset day also seems to have more sucess for me. Keep your chin up.

I re-rolled aug after healing every class (and spec) exclusively since Vanilla, and my recommendation is to try and educate people on aug & devs’ syngergy. Dev performs extremely well with an Aug in a group, maybe not MDI level good, but easily into low 20s. Nothing wrong with taking two dragons. Best of luck.

I totally get how you feel, but it’s more on my paladin’s side.

I keep getting declined for +20 groups as a 446 ret with 2600 io and being told to go holy because it’s part of the xodia comp. After so many declines, I get frustrated and log onto my aug and get into a key within minutes.

Also, it’s absolutely nuts how many people want meta classes in 20 and under keys.

Thats true for raids, sure. But until you try getting into any keys above +20, its borderline impossible.

hopefully devoker gets some love soon.

its also a pretty bad spec for pvp… with the 2nd lowest overall representation for 2100+ pvp

kinda crazy how its sooo bad in the xpac it was released in lol

Man, your sentiments aren’t unfounded. This phenomenon is something I’ve also encountered myself as a dev/prevoker player. Everyone wants a damn hpal &/or aug because some streamer said they were the most important in their respective rolls. Bullspit. What, by 1-5%? There are plenty of specs/classes that can bring just as much damage & utility accumulated from the augs buffs & dps. Everyone just likes seeing big numbers on their meters. Its absolutely absurd & has diminished my overall experience to play this game because I’m not a fan of the playstyle of aug. Just make every evoker spec provide buffs similar to aug, give the aug a dmg buff. Problem solved. Blizz needs to fix this or they’re gonna lose me. Again.

I haven’t encountered this at all. I haven’t even been asked to switch once. I only Pug 17-19s. 20+ is guild-only runs for me.

That said, if it was the right comp and I was asked to switch specs before the key went in, I would. But not 100% of the time.

It’s amazing that some people got kicked due to “low dps” and now people are being denied. People are so dumb.

I quit Evoker, enjoyed it the entire expansion but now I’m begged and prodded to play a Spec i have zero interest in playing.

Augmentation is terrible, why couldn’t they just make a tank caster spec and call it a day.

Personally I would go with the Flow…and well yeah thats what I am doing. I basically swapped from Dev/Pres to Aug for Mythic Plus…raids for the time being. Its not really terrible to play but its not really super fun either. Edit to say, its better then sitting around doing nothing ingame.

Give the FOTM Meta what it wants, it might save you the anger and Grief you are getting being denied/harassed etc. You might end up liking it. Might be a large learning Curve going from DPS to Heals/Tank, imo Beats washing time and getting angry.

Tank caster would never work unless everything they had to cast was castable on the move and allowed dodge/parry. At that point, just keep it melee focused with mostly instants and only empowers as hard cast, with dodge/parry allowed while casting them

That wont fix the issue. The main problem is they’re not bringing any unique utility the other two specs already bring. The defensiveness is also a night and day difference between aug and dev.

I sort of agree, I don’t think the chasm between two specs of the same class has ever been higher in terms of getting invites.

People can say what they want, but it’s really noticeable in content and it sucks for dev.

I have no trouble getting invites as dev up to and above 20.

Hunters alone have had a much much larger rift between specs historically than the month down of time we’re talking about here.

Same with locks, rogues, and many others.

The recency bias in all of this drama is laughable. There have been (and are) specs that actually are just trash in dungeons compared to their other options (assassination rogue immediately comes to mind). Devastation, on the other hand, is still very good.

Community perception is the lions share of the actual problem, not the specs themselves. It’s been such a short period of time in a mid tier patch. People need to relax.

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Yes agreed. It’s the perception.

That was me the first week playing Aug, Kicked out of groups mid run because my dps was trash but everyone else was breaking over 150k. I get asked to switch only when they cant find a healer… and then usually they find ANOTHER augmentor lol

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The problem is two-fold in my experience.

  1. People want Aug because it makes them feel better, and it is quite strong.
  2. well-played devastation is great, but a well-played devastation will rip threat all the time, and no one likes the floor-POV

I stopped playing devastation this tier because tanks can literally do nothing to keep you alive short of AoE taunt. It’s the only class/spec in modern WoW history that i’ve pulled threat on a boss more than 20% into the fight. Until there’s a fix to the threat issue, i don’t think anyone will accept Dev into push keys while Aug exists.

Just imagine that Augmentation spec is an extension of Devastation spec, but the new meta. I mean, you have a lot of similar baseline abilities anyways. What’s wrong with playing Augmentation?
I get you really really want to keep playing as Devastation, but Devastation is no good at the moment.

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Well what you experience is what every spec expect anyone playing the god comp.

That is pretty much my take on it. I can get the idea of playing what you find fun but Devastation is a burning dumpster fire of bad ideas and neglect.