Aug is proof Bard would've worked

No, no. Pallies are all Light and Justice and stuff.

We need Doom Ponies (or mini horses), that are all gothic and scary and stuff.

Like this (credit to AndoAnimalia on DeviantArt, rando google search ftw):

Yeah i like how Aug is completely op broken and one of the worst things ever added to WoW. Let’s have more of that :roll_eyes:


This basic idea is as silly as thinking you’ll do more dps by pressing the keys harder.

I definitely turn better in Mario Kart if I also lean with my entire body.


Bard would be cool. Great role playing class.

And a class that literally laughs at the saying “sticks and stones may break bones but words can never hurt me”

The bard thinks “oh really”

Casts vicious mockery…


Might get one now… could make sense if we get a pirate themed seafaring expac next as well. I expect Aug will be a good ‘lessons learned’ experience for them.

I found the bard class gear templates…


Ozzy Ozborne had Blizzard make him an Axe/guitar that is his weapon. So maybe if they did combo weapons. Axe/Guitar, Flute/staff, and maybe a few others if someone can come up with them.

I have seen Ozzy’s weapon it looks kinda interesting.


Uh, no, that’s a bad idea. Rebuild Aug and supports in general to have less damage than pure DPS but granting as much DPS via buffs as they’re ‘missing’ and tweak the numbers so 1-1-2-Aug is equal to 1-1-3.

I’m happy they are trying something like Aug. The trinity is 20+ year old mmo design. Wow should be willing to push the boundaries and keep things fresh. I want to see them take chances in content and see if the player base likes it. Because sometimes we do. Plenty of content that I don’t care for and gives them buckets of sub money. That’s good content, because part of that money will inevitably go towards content I enjoy.

I would also like to see something matter besides meters, because let’s be real - balancing 30ish dps specs isn’t working in PVP or PVE large/small content. Just isn’t, never has, and probably by design never will. Throw enough variables at the mix and the meta just fails to materialize.

If the cast of exodia was dogwater with other comps, we’d see far less of it. They’re all solid specs in a vacuum - and it’s a math/utility thing that makes the comp so significantly stronger than the other options.

Besides, at this point locking in roles for content designed around those roles should be a given. The freedom of choice is anything but in the pug scene. How many pug groups are no healing brackenhide at any key level…

If Bard is like this, heck yeah!


The problem is WoW is not compatible with Aug or Support in general, its endgame doesn’t play nicely with it. There are a few solutions to fix Aug and bring it in line with WoW:

  • Bring it in line to performing as a kind of DPS. It’s gimmick can be dealing extra procs of damage based off of other teammates’ attacks, but based only on the Aug’s own stats instead of the ally’s. That way it retains its identity as teammate reliant in group content, but doesn’t exponentially magnify certain classes over others.
  • Homogenize DPS as a whole. This means basically making every class play roughly identically with one or two quirks with similar output. This way Aug’s numbers don’t cause a party to go crazy due to a perfect storm.

As it stands right now, classes that can fit their big burst damage within the Aug’s window are vastly preferable compared to classes that may be steady performers on their own, but can’t benefit from Aug’s numbers nearly as well. Every class and every spec should be able to do all content.

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People have been asking for Bards for 1-2 years. I wonder if they will make them.

I would unsub if they homogenized the game to that extent or if they just halted class rankings and never did tuning passes to reconfigure the top of the heap and meta.

Aug is fine, if they design encounters for it.

If the group can push out 450k dps on average, you set the health pools in the dungeon to hit a certain playtime metric. It’s that simple. You tune mob health to output. You tune mob damage to hps. The tuning can be adjusted.

Part of the issue isn’t aug adding an extra 10-20k dps to that number, it’s that it’s heavily buffing healer throughput and reducing tank damage at the same time. It’s that you have uncapped aoe and capped aoe classes running around in the same dps pool. Aug is just bringing this stuff to light, but those other specs were also design flaws (obviously).

I’m all for them revisiting how aug buffs the team, but I’d like for the to further explore the role of support.

Enhancement, fistweaving, retribution, aug, and maybe more could all be options for this new role. Wow started with support roles, shammy and Pld were originally not just hps classes.

Blizzard has already stated they have no interest in redesigning any current specs to be a Support-role like Augmentation. If they decide to add more, they’ll add a whole new class or spec instead of completely changing an existing one.

Possibly. Who knows what the future holds in terms of entirely new classes or anything like that. It’s unlikely that we would change existing specs to have this functionality. Even if historically, Enhancement Shaman may have signed up 15 years ago for this type of gameplay, if you’re playing that spec today or in recent years, you’re playing it because you like Shaman, you like playing melee DPS, you like doing big numbers as melee DPS. We wouldn’t want to change that out from under people, but we’re excited to explore new types of interactions and cooperation between players and as we think to new editions of the game going forward, if this is successful and players are telling us, they wish there were more flavors of it, like they wish they could be a melee version of this instead of just ranged, that’s something that we would look to find a home for.

Seems like they learned a few lessons from the Survival Hunter redesign.

All Aug proves is that the handful of people demanding a bard class should do jail time for putting the rest of us through this Aug nonsense.

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Blizzards stance right now is that they don’t want to turn those specs into solely that playstyle, but we know how often they change their minds…or don’t do what they tell us.

It’s low hanging fruit to give the trees 2 options. Higher self throughput or higher group throughput. Just like most weaving and fistweaving is baked into the mistweaver tree and you can choose, they could do the same here. Or frost dk having a dw and 2h build.

More of an AI music fan, huh?

Aug is proof that challenging the DPS/tank/healer trinity was going to cause problems.
This thread is proof that Blizzard nowadays can’t add one new feature to the game without people thinking it automatically entitles them to something adjacent to it; Aug → bard and third DH spec, 4 allied races between Legion and BfA → a gorillion more allied races later, draenei getting man’ari options → other races getting fel-tainted options, etc.

I don’t know which idea that Aug’s existence brought is worse: that every class should now get a support spec or have an existing spec retooled into one, or that one spec validates an entire class that has no place in a militant superpower like the Alliance and Horde. Though I’m leaning toward the latter at this point due to the bard crowd dethroning the tinker crowd in terms of sheer desperation, an amazing feat in itself, by often trying to forcibly shove their meme dream into another class as a new spec.


can you guys image if we get bards - Ozzy Ozbourn would make one for sure