Audio bug - Constant sound effect of an electrical current

I’m experiencing an audio bug. I have a constant sound effect that sounds like an electrical current or something. I’m not sure how it happened, but I began yesterday while I was questing. It’s so obnoxious that I can no longer play with sound effects on on my evoker. I even tried uninstalling the game and that didn’t work. Please help. I’m afraid that I may have to delete the character and then recover it to make it stop.

you think maybe that innkeeper in Dornogal with his constant huffing and puffing might be a bug too??? it drives me bananas…

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It may be a corrupt audio file. Try a scan and repair. If the repair doesn’t fix it try a full uninstall / reinstall.

its definitely not a corrupt file, i already tried this. im getting the same thing.

weirdly enough i notice that the negative charge red debuff icon keeps popping up randomly a few times a minute, with a 10 second duration, but it’ll instantly disappear before i can even read what it says

im having the same bug and its driving me insane

did you do the rookery right before the issue

Fixed it !! go to rookery and get the debuff from the grypon riders

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I’m having the same issue and it’s pretty annoying

Could you please be more specific in what debuff and how to get it? Because I did the rookery but I didn’t get anything

I just killed myself and the noise disappeared, so you can try that guys at least as a temporary solution.
I will keep you guys updated

Exactly the same thing with me, but after the “solution” I haven’t seen it or heard the noise


Dying worked for me too, I did it in the Rookery, but I don’t think it would matter.

Thank you for the advice to die. I was losing my mind!

^^ This. Worked like a charm. Thanks legend

Thanks for that, dying worked.