Auction or Sell greens?

Unless it has a unique and popular appearance like the pirate’s hat or the wizard’s hat just for example, I think you’re better off just vendoring or disenchanting it. Its value is otherwise artificial.

Depends on the green.

What i do if i got any greens, is put it to the suggested market price

If there is no other as the one i got, i just put a price that i think is reasonable.

If i didnt sell it for like a week or so, i lowered the proce to 3 digit numbers if the items is expesive, if is cheap, i just sell them at 1 or 2 gold more than vendor price

I stick ANY BoE in guild bank, even greens, until toons all have those basic mog elements. Once majority has em, they get to AH for a couple iterations, then vendored if they didn’t sell. LOADS of basic mogs live in the greens, be on lookout.

The disenchanted mats are easier to move

Depends on the slot tbh

Belts and bracers are basically always vendor or de

Other ones can be worth an ok amount depending on the server

Unless its used as a transmog id just vendor/disenchant. Most of your best transmog are from classic and TBC.

3rd option. Give greens to salana, and I’ll find out what I need with them.

I use a TSM operation that will list greens 40 times or so, and if it hasn’t sold after that it goes to the disenchant mill.

I sell everything, or scrap it for alts. The AH is so obscenely overpriced I never use it. I’d rather kill grey mobs for an hour that pay fifty gold for a stack of linen cloth.

Get the Auctionator addon and you’ll never have to guess. People will sometimes pay obscene amounts for certain transmog pieces, but you’d never know it unless you’re actively tracking it. I prefer the addon, that way I can just vendor or DE right “in the field” rather than holding onto it so I can check AH prices.

I disenchant my greens and sell the mats… Or actually I turn those mats into enchants and sell those.

If its not slutty it doesn’t tend to sell at a fast rate at all. You’re better off collecting the mog if you don’t have it and selling for some gold.

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Just DE them, unless its a really hard to obtain, or unobtainable transmog, their simply not going to sell well, if at all. The only pieces that will really sell are BoE’s from the first couple weeks of a raid release or the start of an expansion. Along with gear pieces from crafting at the start of an expansion. Otherwise its very difficult to sell items like that and your better off DEing them and selling the mats.

(I am tailor/eng Warlock & miner on DK alt @75.) I like to farm in a couple hyper spawns in NR (there are quite a few u can find & YT has Loads). If busy just go to another. I also try to farm & sell many different type of products. From crafted, to mats & parts for multiple profs. In 1hour 30min with tailoring in a hyper spawn I end up approx. 140 bolts of Imbued Frostweave (1000-1500G), Lots of Cheap greens (1-3g) are d/e’d for the Dust if u’r Tailor like me (best$$) & I sell the other greens or de for enchant mats or levelers on AH.
I aim for 3-4x vendor price or the just below cost of the de mats that will come (Auctioneer/TSM tells you). Any Good greens or Blues also sell. This has upped my profit considerably…If it say 20% chance of 6-7 dust or 15% of Essence, Shards w/e I charge accordingly. I was surprised just how much sold & how quick.
So after changing my approach to gaining gold I think I have to say- there are better ways to deal with greens & the AH in general. The Market can get Very competitive with constant undercuts & bots etc. same with trying to farm, time to get Inventive! The greens for enchanters, the mats You get de’d, Crafted tailoring, mats for said crafting (often better as less competition & undercutting) Ores from the miner which can be turned into more plate crafted gear & eternal buckles! Great $$ there), plus the bars of course -always be on the lookout for what is running low. Older Ore is a goldmine heh heh.
I’ll find out & make lots of the hard to get parts for engineering, j/c, blacksmithing etc. -peeps can’t be f’d going & farming up stuff often.
Mats Mats Mats -of all types. I play roulette & hedge my bets, from engineering rare mats & parts (made stacks on repair bots 1,2,3 early on & have Jeeves + all the parts for diff Eng devices. Rare or short supply ores & bars (a Miner is a must!) JC parts & raw gems, Ore for prospecting, or popular crafting. Moral of the story - be inventive & try to cover as many professions needs as possible. Think outside the Box :wink:

You’re still making money, what do you care who buys it?

Selling Uncommon items was only viable the first week of the expansion; you missed the boat on that one.

If they are overpriced, they won’t sell.

For the first … maybe two weeks of DF, there was some distinction between “vendor the item or DE it and sell the mats.”

But from about the third week on, there’s no point in even DEing for mats. Just vendor the item and buy mats as you need them.

I think it’s 2x4 bots that just DE greens to save pack space, they don’t even care that selling mats at a loss, they just need the pack space. Nothing else really makes sense, why would anyone DE an item to LOSE money???

Almost every profession mat is like this. Before you craft ANYTHING … do a quick search on the AH. 90% or more, you’ll find that you can just buy the item cheaper than the mats are worth. It takes some of the fun away from crafting stuff, but … money is money.

So, your time is worth about 1/2 a cent per hour.

Dangit, who keeps necroing these?