Auction Issue gone awfully wrong

You might laugh but i’m not finding it funny. So i was purchasing a couple runecloth stacks for my tailoring upgrades off the auction house, average price is around 1.5g-2g range and there are many up and were at the time but in between there was 2 by this guy who had it priced at 971g witch seams exploitable and somehow strategy placed so that someone could accidentally buy this one for a preposterous price. Normally i’m able to avoid this and stuff but found myself several times almost accidentally clicking his and buying it, well this time while trying to avoid that and only selecting the ones i wanted to buy for REASONABLE PRICE, the auction house lagged a few times told me Some Error “item no longer found” and suddenly i check my mailbox for the 1 stack i end up buying and sure enough 971G gone.

I have open a ticket and yet to receive a response, as much as i’m embarassed i am also furious, i feel as if i was exploited or scammed in such a way. One puts alot of times and effort into these kinds of game and WoW classic is no exception.
In a nut shell as a very long term active subscriber i want 2 things. One i want my gold back and i will gladly return the still in my mailbox Item wrongfully purchased. #2 I want people who do stuff like this to be investigated because we still do have a large amount of gold sellers and such in the game and i probably just fell victim to that, and i do NOT ENGAGE in these acts.

Plz help :frowning:

If i could attatch a screenshot i would.
Also this is a world of warcraft CLASSIC ISSUE
not BFA

While it is unfortunate, this does not seem at all like gold sellers, but rather someone watching that particular product like a hawk and being strategic with their listings.

You’re going to have to wait on your ticket to see if anything can be done.


Auction House PvP is serious business. It’s happened to me a couple of time. You just have to be aware of what you are buying and the costs.


I am sorry, Voidran, but there isn’t anything that we’d be able to do here.

Understand, that while I can certainly understand that placing an item on the Auction House with a much higher price than average seems like they are counting on someone making a mistake, there isn’t anything fundamentally against policy. Players can put their items on the auction house for whatever price they wish. Even if it is under the current average or extraordinarily over it.

While we certainly to understand that mistakes happen, and can sometimes help in those situations, we do not reimburse for Auction House purchases, sorry.


This kind of behavior isn’t Acceptable in the real world, it’s considered Scalping, why should it be so in game as well? His price was well over 600 times the normal amount and that doesn’t seam at all fishy? it obviously isn’t a one time accidental typo because its listed twice EVERY DAY in between listings of the same item and amount for 600x less. Maybe they should revamp WoW classics auction house then because those listings should of been at the very bottom on the last page based on An order of least expensive to most expensive, not in the middles and in between.

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Azeroth is not the real world, and gold is 1s and 0s. It’s not a nice thing to do, but a perfectly acceptable practice in-game


This is a video game, not the real world. It doesn’t follow the same rules. I never said it didn’t seem fishy or scummy, I just said it doesn’t scream scammer. Just someone being strategic with their auctions after watching someone seemingly mindlessly buying out auction after auction. I have a habit of doing it all the time, so it isn’t as uncommon as you think.

That also doesn’t make it an actionable offense or something a GM is going to get involved with, which is why I said you’ll have to wait on the outcome of your ticket to see what happens. Playing the auction house like that is a legitimate playstyle, both in Classic and retail.


Considering the accidental purchase was caused by the auction house lagging and bugging THIS SHOULD BE REIMBURSED AND FIXED.

A player having issues with their system isn’t something Blizz will fix. Nor to the point, the GMs ain’t going to action someone because someone wasn’t watching where they’re clicking.


That isn’t something that we’d be able to verify, Voidran.

It is also important to note that there is a confirmation window where you would have been able to confirm the price before confirming.

We try to help when we can, but it isn’t always possible. Sorry.


Right the technicians and creators of the game can’t verify or simply can’t be bothered to verify it at least and backup what there saying wonderful. Thanks for your time you may delete this post, i won’t be wasting my money on this game any longer 13 years and Hundreds if not thousands of real world dollars and possibly more lost for What me asking for Consideration ONE TIME. Screw you all i didn’t ask to be treated like this. Yall remind me of people scalping medical supplies and essentials in the real world right now.

Exceptions set precedence. You aren’t any more or less special than any other player.

Good luck in the future, but I’d try to leave the hyperbole out of your daily routine.


Please stop trying to compare us or anyone else to scalpers. The analogy doesn’t work in this situation. We aren’t trying to sell you something and jacking up the price. You made a mistake, you clicked on an item that was grossly over priced and you didn’t notice. You confirmed that purchase again, without noticing the price difference. It happens to the best of us.

I understand your frustration, Voidran, but what you are asking for isn’t a one time consideration. Our policies apply to everyone equally, even the exceptions to the rule have rules that govern when we can provide them. When it comes to Auction House purchases, we are unable to intervene in most situations.

If that means that you don’t wish to play anymore, that is your choice. I wish you well in wherever your gaming takes you.