Auction House Update

To address some issues related to the Auction House,


One thing we’ve identified as particularly troublesome is a large volume of trade skill materials being auctioned off in stacks of 1

I would very much like to see a change to the functionality such that I can list a stack of 200 and choose to allow people to "nibble" bits off as they please. 1 listing, with a programmatic change to allow people to take what they want.

Solves the probleme in the entirety. Posting an auction of 1 could be auto accumulated into a single stack on the ah thus reducing lag and server load, while still allowing players the maximum flexibility in buying and selling.
Looks like once again, NA servers are the actual PTR
Or how about setting a limit for how many actions of a duplicate item a seller can make...for instance, put a 5 auction limit for duplicate items, say someone has a stack of 200 ore, don't let them post 200 1 ore auctions. SO what they can do is:

5 auctions or 40 ore stacks, or:

3 auctions of 50 stack ore - 1 auction of 49 stack ore - 1 auction of 1 stack ore (you can still list that single ore!)

To sum it up, let a seller just post 5 (or 10) auctions for a single item regardless of price or quantity, this will eliminate the single item auctions of trade good that a seller can easily push into the thousands.
Why not just disable AH addons to make it more difficult to list items?
08/28/2018 07:08 AMPosted by Seraca
Why not just disable AH addons to make it more difficult to list items?

This would upset the "financial gurus" of WoW.
08/28/2018 06:51 AMPosted by Slatticus
I thought this was going to the PTR first?... Hotfix notes says it's going to live with the server restarts. It's already live in the US, and it broke auction posting in every AH addon.

Is there a list of API changes associated with this change?... I'm throwing an error about a popup string.

Well, that explains why no AH add-on can post this morning.

Personally, I don't think this will have the desired impact on the auction house. Because it's an attempt to disincentivize a particular behavior while existing incentives will continue to exist for that behavior.

Matter of fact, there's some add-on functions that if revised, would go a lot further in solving this issue than an increase in deposit fees for single stack items. For example, disallowing macros when interacting with the auction house.

Most importantly, this cannot be solved with short-term solutions. The long-term solution, something Ion said they were working on back in 2016, is an overhaul of the auction house interface, with modern features like buy orders.
08/28/2018 07:08 AMPosted by Seraca
Why not just disable AH addons to make it more difficult to list items?

That sounds like the dumbest idea i've heard in this thread. They need to entirely overhaul their AH if they want to stop AH addons. This band-aid fix won't fix a damn thing as is. I'm still gonna post walls since it makes me money from impatient people under me.
500g deposit for 6 flowers! Give me a break!
08/28/2018 07:24 AMPosted by Kyrra
500g deposit for 6 flowers! Give me a break!

Tulips are expensive.
The ability to search for stacks of a certain amount would be helpful. Similar to how we can select ranges for levels on gear, let us search for say stacks of 10 or more if we want to so we can just bypass the singular entries.

I wish WOW had FF XIV's market board interface (minus the need for retainers), but that would likely be too much of an overhaul.
08/28/2018 07:22 AMPosted by Menard
08/28/2018 07:08 AMPosted by Seraca
Why not just disable AH addons to make it more difficult to list items?

This would upset the "financial gurus" of WoW.

The default UI has a really easy and quick way to list a bunch of stacks of 1, what exactly would disabling addons do?
08/28/2018 07:08 AMPosted by Rezzerf
Or how about setting a limit for how many actions of a duplicate item a seller can make...for instance, put a 5 auction limit for duplicate items, say someone has a stack of 200 ore, don't let them post 200 1 ore auctions. SO what they can do is:

5 auctions or 40 ore stacks, or:

3 auctions of 50 stack ore - 1 auction of 49 stack ore - 1 auction of 1 stack ore (you can still list that single ore!)

To sum it up, let a seller just post 5 (or 10) auctions for a single item regardless of price or quantity, this will eliminate the single item auctions of trade good that a seller can easily push into the thousands.

If you think prices for crafting and consumables are bad now, just wait until supply is even worse because I can't post 20k herbs or 1k flasks at a time in stacks of 200/100/50 for raiders and crafters. Good luck with that.
08/28/2018 05:28 AMPosted by Skybain
08/22/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Ythisens

• Now imagine an additional 20% deposit added to the listing fee per auction. With an asking price of 10g each, that raises the deposit by 2g per stack. In the case of 1 stack of 200 linen, the total buyout price is 2000g, and the new deposit is 2g1s. In the case of 200 individual stacks, the new deposit of an additional 2g per stack brings the total deposit up to 402g.

Another idea as an alternative is add a check box to the search for searching for stacks only, much like the existing check box for usable by character. This in turn when checked would only return results on items in stacks of more than one. And to further improve this option and an input box to search only for stacks of however much the user enters.
For example:
Stacks only (10)
*returns results only listed in stacks of 10


Stacks only (28)
*returns results only listed in stacks of 28

In my opinion this would be much more feasible to the public and increase usability, and also not upset the community by increasing deposits, refundable or not, when the idea behind the auction house platform is to strategically make money and problem free item purchasing.

Agreed, but I think that the input box should be a minimum stack size instead of an exact amount.
08/28/2018 05:28 AMPosted by Skybain
08/22/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Ythisens

• Now imagine an additional 20% deposit added to the listing fee per auction. With an asking price of 10g each, that raises the deposit by 2g per stack. In the case of 1 stack of 200 linen, the total buyout price is 2000g, and the new deposit is 2g1s. In the case of 200 individual stacks, the new deposit of an additional 2g per stack brings the total deposit up to 402g.

Another idea as an alternative is add a check box to the search for searching for stacks only, much like the existing check box for usable by character. This in turn when checked would only return results on items in stacks of more than one. And to further improve this option and an input box to search only for stacks of however much the user enters.
For example:
Stacks only (10)
*returns results only listed in stacks of 10


Stacks only (28)
*returns results only listed in stacks of 28

In my opinion this would be much more feasible to the public and increase usability, and also not upset the community by increasing deposits, refundable or not, when the idea behind the auction house platform is to strategically make money and problem free item purchasing.[/quote]

Agreed, but I think that the input box should be a minimum stack size instead of an exact amount.

08/28/2018 05:51 AMPosted by Stabbatha
08/27/2018 10:49 PMPosted by Morgueart
Look we all know that folks who post 1 of something by the 1000's are trying to interfere with the game function. Just ban the jerks. They do it on sub level 10 characters so that pages that are helpful like the undermine journal wont function well.

If the goal of these sellers is basically griefing the game then treat them as such. There's NO good reason to post 1000 of something one at a time except to cause interference with the game.

Also make them be at least level 20 to use the AH so we can track the jerks.

It has nothing to do with 'griefing' the game. Here's an example of why walls are created:

Take Storm Silver Ore, which on my server goes for roughly 55-60g apiece as the market value. I post a wall of 50 stacks of 1 ore at 32g each.

Now, a good amount of people that post things on the AH aren't trying to maximize their profit, they want the fastest sale. So they're posting whatever is in their bags at the lowest price so that it appears first on results. Someone comes along with the ore they found while xping or gathering, let's say a full stack of 200, and puts it up at 31g 99s 99c (~6100g total).

Meanwhile, I'm sitting at the AH waiting for people like this to post their auctions, buying up anything that gets posted before that wall. I buy that stack of 200 ore, intending to resell it later at actual market value. Even if my wall gets bought out, here's what it's cost me:

6100g for the stack of 200
1600g worth of mats to create the wall
Total 7700g invested.

Now, if I flip that single stack of 200 at even the lower end of market value (which is easy to do for trade goods by selling them in trade chat, prime time on the AH, or even just after the wall is gone), I get 10000g minus the AH cut.

I've already made a good profit just off a single stack of ore. Since most people aren't going to buy up that wall, I'm looking at getting thousands or tens of thousands of ore at an artificially lower price, easily. The cost of putting up that wall of stacks of 1 is nothing. Even if my wall gets bought out before I manage to make a purchase and a flip, it's still just a tiny speck of what I stand to make. I just remake the wall.

Most people that use the AH aren't going to bother with trying to figure out the optimal price to list their items, or buy up stacks of 1. They want to post their sale, make their purchase, and get back to other aspects of the game as quickly as possible. Walls take advantage of that mindset and get people to post things cheaper than they should, and goblins flip it later for profit.

No listing fee is enough to deter this, because the people making walls don't care about the money from the actual items making up the wall itself. Even if you outright banned stacks of 1, walls will be created with whatever the smallest stack size is. They don't have to last long on the AH to generate a profit.

This is you helping to ruin the game for everybody else. I would be happy if you were banned.
08/28/2018 07:35 AMPosted by Stabbatha
08/28/2018 07:22 AMPosted by Menard

This would upset the "financial gurus" of WoW.

The default UI has a really easy and quick way to list a bunch of stacks of 1, what exactly would disabling addons do?

I think that comment was suggesting that disability the addons would force people to be a bit more independent.
This seems like a small step in the right direction. I've been explaining to our guild all the nuances that make the AH awful, including the 1 stack mat posters.

I know this is just the tip of the iceberg for the AH future... but I'd be letting myself down if I did not try to post my thoughts on what could be.

Ever since the WoW token became bidirectional, the ability for the AH to serve it's function has diminished. Not because it is not a marvelously capable module, because it was never supposed to do all the things we have asked it to do for YEARS. Follow me...

Mats in any form are NOT AUCTION ITEMS. Period. Proof... see Wall Street etc. They belong on an EXCHANGE... bidirectional trade where buyers and sellers set their prices... not a single thread of ppl constantly undercutting each other with no floor. GIVE US A BUY ORDER FUNCTION and watch the AH FLY.

All other non stacking items belong on an AH, much like the BMAH. Simple. There should be no floor for single stack items like armor and weapons, mounts and other random stuff.

I understand launching an exchange is a huge task... but I also know there are several companies worldwide that have launched cutting edge exchanges in the last few years, and Blizzard could easily leverage any of them.

We can only hope the admins are listening, and have considered what these types of enhancements can do for the player quality of life.
08/27/2018 05:58 PMPosted by Omegall
those single stacks still sell. they'll still bog down AH if they still sell.

No, they don't. Most people won't buy single stacks, even with AddOns. Actually, single stacks makes it so the AddOn takes longer to scan the Auction House, which is annoying as well.
08/28/2018 07:48 AMPosted by Blizzhoof
This is you helping to ruin the game for everybody else. I would be happy if you were banned.

Thanks fam. I mean, I'm an advocate of converting to buy/sell orders so that walls can't be used and the AH is easier to use for everyone along with better filtering options, and I'm trying to explain why people do this because it seems neither Blizzard nor a lot of other people understand the actual problem and behavior. But yeah, I'm totes about ruining the game. Luv u <3
I normally sell ore and herbs in stacks of 20. I've personally found it easier to sell that way. With the green herbs and ore, like anchor weed and felwort, I sold them in stacks of one, so guessing I shouldn't do that any more now. But will selling the stacks of 20 be bad to do now? Should I sell in full 200 stacks now? Sometimes when I farm I don't get a full 200 stack.
08/22/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Ythisens

One thing we’ve identified as particularly troublesome is a large volume of trade skill materials being auctioned off in stacks of 1. Some addons make posting quantities of this size trivial to do, resulting in dozens, if not hundreds, of pages of auctions for a single item.

This has been going on for 14 years, and now all of the sudden it is causing AH lag? I highly doubt it! We didn't have that lag even back when wow was at it's peak. Instead of trying to put a bandage on it, how about getting the code fixed, because the issue stated the day of the new expansion launch.