Auction House Update

08/27/2018 08:09 PMPosted by Joeeyaa
Rather than attacking people selling individual items, do the developers feel that all these automation machines that are in the game are harming a lot of the economical and technical details behind the auction house?

I really do think a lot of the problem is all these people constantly scanning and sniping auctions, I think something can be said that if these procedural automation executions could be slowed down or stopped, we would all see a big improvement.

It's not like the AH was this way in Legion, the AH always seemed very fine in Legion, but I think you're seeing an influx in "goblin" activity this time around, and it's really hurting the playerbase by being allowed as well as actually just taking a huge amount of resources away when they do the mass scan and sniping strings.

I agree with you. Using third party tools to scan the AH only illustrates how outdated the WoW AH functionality actually is. This is nothing more than an attempt to place a band-aid over a gaping wound.

The way items are searched for, listed, and sorted, and filtered is all badly overdue for a revamp.
I doubt this is going to fix anything. People really don't need to be posting thousands of items from an account, they do so because the system enables them to use the auction house as storage.
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I have always used auctioneer. My major characters like buying single stack items to complete a profession task so as the seller I want to list single items without penalty/fee. I’m all for limits. I usually list twenty stacks in every stack quantity. I would not complain in limits of ten for stacks under twenty and a limit of twenty for for stacks over twenty. Just my bankers preference.
Wouldn't it be more efficient to be able to filter by stack size or a jump to page function?

Im not against an increased deposit, but I am tired of flipping through multiple pages of 1 stack items.
make more sense to have every item listed at the same price and quantity show up in a single "buy" amount

so if 10 different people all listed the same Silver Ore at 15g each

you would see the total quantity of silver ore at 15g, just like how auctionator currently does it after a scan. The issue is not the display of a single Ore its that a single orde must be viewed and purchased with there own individual line.
How about fixing or upgrading the 14 year old Auction House code instead of blaming and penalizing your paying customers?

Is $60 billion not enough to fix the AH? Give me a break.
Can we please just copy paste Carbines Wildstar AH? If you don't know how it works its like this.

Example . Every single persons mats of same type (ie copper ore) is rolled into one stack .There are 2400 copper ores on the AH. This can be made up of 100's to 1000's of different players. I want 200 ores it will give me the price of the lowest 200.

It will also show me as a seller what is the average sell price per ore over 2400 ores etc etc etc

Wildstar didn't do to many things right but it got its AH 100% correct.

Blizz you talk a lot about not needing outside addons to play WoW but in reality we need them to make things easier and less of an annoyance and the AH is really annoying atm its very dated.
The ah cut needs to be larger per stack.
Say you sell a 200 stack of linen for 20000g, the ah cut should be like 10g or something but if you sell that same linen as a single stacks then it should still be 10g. So if you sell the 200 stack your takeaway will be 19990g whereas your single stack value will be 18000g. This will not stop everyone as some people just want to offload there mats as quickly as possible and don't really care what they get. But it will encourage some to post bigger stacks so they can get the most gold possible from their auctions.
I've been asking for a commodities market for years. The database and processing overhead would be much lower than the auction house model.

When you post something, you don't specify a stack size, just the total amount and price for each. Charge storage fee based on sell price. Allow changing price , adding or reducing quantity, without cancelling and reposting. Deposit depletes as time goes by until it runs out.

When you buy, specify a quantity and max price you're willing to pay. If it can be filled with what's available, it's completed immediately, otherwise as much as is available is bought and held, and a buy order is posted for the remaining amount. Buy orders remain open, and can be adjusted at any point at no charge.

Delivery made whenever 12 full stacks have been bought, or upon request for partial delivery.

System should keep track of quantity and average price for last 7 days or so to reduce the need to be constantly scanning the AH to track prices.
As someone who constantly works the AH and getting into undercut battles with other "Goblins" this is gonna hurt so much more every single time I have to cancel stuff. Also because I use Auctionator and TSM buying 800 stacks of 1 is entirely trivial. I can spam click one button to buy every single one of them. This won't stop auction house tycoons that are creating walls to buy up all the items under his wall. Hell i'll still do it without a second thought because all the ore and herbs I buy under me massively outweighs the loss of some herbs not selling. Most likely those will still sell because of addons like TSM making it braindead easy to buy them.

The only people this change hurts are casuals and doesn't affect the "Goblins" at all.
This isn't going to fix anything.
This is going to fall on deaf ears I'm sure, but this change isn't going to dissuade anyone from making walls.

Tonight I spent about 500k buying herbs and ore that were underpriced because of walls of stacks of 1. Even if I were to not hold them until demand is expected to spike in a few weeks, I could flip them right now for about 400-500k profit.

Why in god's name would you think increasing listing fees for a wall from a few silvers up to 400g is going to make any difference when I and others are working with hundreds of thousands to millions of gold in transactions?

You could literally charge me a listing fee equal to the amount I'm selling the stack of 1 for and it's not going to make much of a dent in the profits that come from putting up tons of stacks of 1 on the AH and buying cheap undercuts. I don't care about making money off those stacks of 1, that's not their purpose.

As long as the capability exists to put up hundreds of stacks of 1, it will be done, because the profit that can be made is enormous.

But hey, what do I or anyone else here know, keep spending dev resources on stupid stuff like voice chat and communities and ridiculous softball Q&As.
08/22/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Ythisens
To address some issues related to the Auction House, we’re reconsidering how deposits—the refundable fees you pay to list your auctions—are calculated. This fee is based on the item’s vendor price, and for profession materials in particular, vendors offer very low prices, so these mats have a low deposit cost. Deposits are substantial on items such as BoE uncommon gear, gems, and so forth, but not trade skill materials (trade goods such as cloth, ore, leather, etc.).

One thing we’ve identified as particularly troublesome is a large volume of trade skill materials being auctioned off in stacks of 1. Some addons make posting quantities of this size trivial to do, resulting in dozens, if not hundreds, of pages of auctions for a single item. As we looked at ways to change this behavior and improve the overall Auction House experience, we found that we prefer to avoid inflexible solutions such as caps on the number of listings a player can make, or increased minimum stack counts, which might interfere with many players' common gameplay habits.

Our current plan is to increase the deposit cost of some profession materials on a per-stack basis, which should provide incentive for players to post items in larger stacks.

Here's an example:

• Let’s say that a player is trying to sell 200 Tidespray Linen for 10g (gold) each. Today, each item has the normal deposit cost of 1c (copper), with a 1s (silver) minimum deposit, so 1 auction of 200 linen requires a deposit of 1s, and 200 auctions of 1 linen each adds up to a total deposit of 2g.

• Now imagine an additional 20% deposit added to the listing fee per auction. With an asking price of 10g each, that raises the deposit by 2g per stack. In the case of 1 stack of 200 linen, the total buyout price is 2000g, and the new deposit is 2g1s. In the case of 200 individual stacks, the new deposit of an additional 2g per stack brings the total deposit up to 402g.

In either case, the deposit is returned to the seller if the item sells. Successful auctions aren’t affected by this change.

Our goal is to give players some forewarning on this change, and to gather feedback. We’re putting together a list of the items that would be affected by this deposit change, which we expect to be limited to high-quantity trade goods. Furthermore, we’re deploying the change to the PTR first, so that addon authors can work through the change while we test it thoroughly.

This change will likely be a temporary measure, as we’re also working to broadly improve the default Auction House in the future. It’s clear to us that many players use addons because they find the default Auction House interface inadequate. A temporary change to deposit fees will help with this in the short term, and we’ll continue to work on overall improvements to the Auction House for a future patch.

This isn't going to fix the problem. The players who do this (goblins) aren't worried about some little additional deposit they will get returned anyway. The money is trivial to them.

The solution, the ONLY solution, is to add in an option when searching that will allow players to set a minimum stack size they are looking for. That way, instead of getting 200 pages of single ore pieces, they would only get for example 20 listings if they put their stack size to 50 when searching.
Buy Orders, please.
Could we just get buy/sell order system instead?
Please consider making this change only for cheap materials. Certain things are not suited to be listed in stacks, such as gems or enchants, and this change would adversely affect their value to a tremendous degree.
It's really bizarre to me that it would be so difficult to implement a filter by stack size. The AH can obviously already determine stack sizes, which means a stack is either a single row in the db, or a collection of items that the AH knows how to roll up into one row in a query. Even if you couldn't make it part of the query, a post-processing filter that simply looks at the results and reduces before it displays to the user would be a huge improvement and remove some of the incentive for putting up these walls of 1-stacks.

And yes I know none of us are privy to Blizzard's exact code but conceptually this is basic database/software engineering stuff. You'd have to try really hard to even have legacy code structured in such a way that your query can 'know' about stack size but be unable to act on it.
08/27/2018 05:54 PMPosted by Dotclothbank
20% is not enough to deter people from doing this. Needs to be a larger amount.

I would say a 20% start then a slow increase with each single post, eg 20% for 1st 10 then 21% next 10 and so on and so on
Don’t know if this was already suggested, but, with a major overhaul, only allow people to post one listing per trade item. This listing can be however many they want to list, 5, 200, 456, whatever. Then the seller can choose how many they wish to buy and they only have to buy as many as they want.

No need for posting of 1 because everyone can purchase whatever they want and limiting people won’t actually limit them.
Another fundamental, yet complicated-to-implement concept, would be to simply group up similar items by seller. So if a seller lists 600 pieces of individual cloths, it shows up on just one listing (like Auctionator does).