Auction House Update

I have never spam-listed the same one item countless times; however I think the current fee system is still too punishing for those legitimately trying to sell without spamming. For example, a stack of 5 BfA mats is perfectly legit but the listing fee is still twice what it really should be.
10/11/2018 09:23 PMPosted by Faeyrl
If I put a stack of 200 up and the unit price is expensive it will never sell. But if its up in single stacks of 1 people might actually buy some of them.

That is unlikely. You must be an auction house noob, to think that. Almost all players would rather pay more for the convenience of clicking 1 time, not 20 times.

But even if it were true, it just means you need to use strategy. This is a strategy game. That includes using the AH.

The new rule affects only a FEW things. I have noticed 98% of the things that I post in the AH do not use the new rule.
Well what this is going to do is for rare items like living steel, arcanite bar, and those going for transmorg mats like Enhanced Elementium (think that's the new name) are going to find buys rare if ever, and which takes a long time to get a stack of anything. So 20% of this cost means you post 5 times and you lose essentially any profit which means these items will soon never be posted as the risk to reward is too off balanced.

And no people, not everyone needs stacks of 200 for everything.

It may not affect 98% of transactions for some, but soon the only alternative for most mats will be to farm it as no one will spend the time to do it anymore.

Great, just what I wanted. Spending more time farming than I already am forced to. Games are supposed to be fun, not like a freaking job.
Why not just change the way its viewed and able to be bought in AH?

If someone posts 100 single items at a certain price, they should be listed and be viewed as 100 items like a stack does currently but with the option of buying all or any amount that are still left.

If some other seller wants to sell 100 single stacks at the same price as someone else's 100 single stacks they should then be placed in queue behind the first seller and then be viewed as a stack of 200 with the option to buy any amount from the stack.

If someone posts a "stack" of 100 then it can only be bought as that stack.

To me this would make the most sense and then the THOUSANDS of single items will just look like one giant stack and people can just buy the amount they want from it.

Still garbage, and now I get higher deposit costs for some auctions that aren't even singles. I get I'm on a full server but I feel as if the actual AH plays a big part - it shouldn't be THIIIIS slow for me in this day 'n age. It's an old AH system in-game and needs a proper update.
10/13/2018 04:24 AMPosted by Toxo
Why not just change the way its viewed and able to be bought in AH?

If someone posts 100 single items at a certain price, they should be listed and be viewed as 100 items like a stack does currently but with the option of buying all or any amount that are still left.

If some other seller wants to sell 100 single stacks at the same price as someone else's 100 single stacks they should then be placed in queue behind the first seller and then be viewed as a stack of 200 with the option to buy any amount from the stack.

If someone posts a "stack" of 100 then it can only be bought as that stack.

To me this would make the most sense and then the THOUSANDS of single items will just look like one giant stack and people can just buy the amount they want from it.


The add-on Auctionator does this and it fixes nothing. The problem is in the ancient auction house coding. I'm assuming by the way it works every time we wish to view an item the auction house has to reference each database entry within the specified parameters one by one and x-mit the details to us one by one. Our UI then quickly organizes the data for viewing. The issue occurs on their side long before anything we can actually see ever comes into the picture.
10/12/2018 01:29 PMPosted by Xerius
Well what this is going to do is for rare items like living steel, arcanite bar, and those going for transmorg mats like Enhanced Elementium (think that's the new name) are going to find buys rare if ever, and which takes a long time to get a stack of anything. So 20% of this cost means you post 5 times and you lose essentially any profit which means these items will soon never be posted as the risk to reward is too off balanced.

Yea, this is the part I don't like. My idea would be to exempt old profession mats and such from the new single-stacker penalty. Tie it to the legacy raid loot system if they need an easy metric, i.e. if you're 11+ levels over the content in which the item came from, the deposit penalty is eliminated.
do you think you can fix it so players who put 1 item on the AH dont monopolize it over players who put up bulk? its really bad when i need to go through 34 pages of 1 solo herb when i dont want to buy a full stack but i also dont want to buy 1 at a time...who has time for that? i'm not saying limit how many auctions you can put up there but if 1 player has more than 10...hes kind of flooding the market too much.
This is a !@#$ move. What kind of socialist thought this was a great idea? Put a cap of 5 per stackable cloth, fish and ore if that is what you want. An easily usable and accessible auction house is beneficial in so many ways. You are slowly but surely destroying an awesome aspect of this game.
I've traditionally posted stacks of older enchanting mats or cloth for tailoring, but this deposit change has forced me to reconsider. In the past if stacks of something like Frostweave cloth didn't sell, it wasn't a big deal for me to relist it until someone needed it. But now I'm paying a lot more to relist that same stack and it's only worthwhile if it sells fast. I could actually lose gold in the process.

So now I just won't make these materials available to others, instead vendoring items to guarantee myself a profit.

The end results is that your other customers who need the mats can't find them on the AH because fewer people are taking the financial risk to list them. Both potential sellers and buyers are left unhappy. It hurts the game when the AH doesn't serve the role it is intended to serve.

Improve your AH software and stop making customers suffer.
I would think if you guys are specifically concerned with large numbers of a single crafting mat being listed, instead of making the AH more expensive to use than it already is, rewrite the UI for the AH a bit? Give each item a drop down arrow. Arrange them by lowest price first by default and give the ability to sort based on quantity for those that would prefer to buy in stacks rather than singles. Maybe add tick boxes to allow for buying out multiple auctions at the same time to make things easier on people shopping in the AH.

The AH UI is ancient and needs many improvements. Making it more expensive to use isnt my idea of a good solution. Sure its cheaper for blizz but not exactly a quality or overly effective solution to the overall problem.

The AH already seems quite a bit more costly than it used to be.. maybe Im mistaken, but I have lost more money posting stuff below the current average of other listing(I always undercut the competition) than I have made since the launch of BFA and the economy falling out tremendously from what it was in Legion.
The ironic thing is the new rule changes nothing. On my server, for mats that this rule doesn't apply, people are still stuck in this way of thinking, I see 1x posting everywhere.

And when it does apply - still happens as well! I just saw a bunch of people posting 1 bar of Enchanted Elementium at %20 AH deposit - several of them! Yes they will lose any profit after 5 postings. Do they seem to know or care? Evidently not.

So if the point of this is to change behavior, it isn't doing jack.

I'm all for making changes to this, but punishing the rest of us for a few ignorant fools isn't going to make the number of fools get any smaller. All it will do is upset more people who don't post in AH this way in the first place, make it less fun, and people will stop playing.

Good good. Glad we had this talk.
10/12/2018 01:29 PMPosted by Xerius
Well what this is going to do is for rare items like living steel, arcanite bar, and those going for transmorg mats like Enhanced Elementium (think that's the new name) are going to find buys rare if ever, and which takes a long time to get a stack of anything. So 20% of this cost means you post 5 times and you lose essentially any profit which means these items will soon never be posted as the risk to reward is too off balanced.

And no people, not everyone needs stacks of 200 for everything.

It may not affect 98% of transactions for some, but soon the only alternative for most mats will be to farm it as no one will spend the time to do it anymore.

Great, just what I wanted. Spending more time farming than I already am forced to. Games are supposed to be fun, not like a freaking job.

Yep, this is a big problem for those occasional old word items that sell very infrequently.
So the problem here is that users are posting excessive AH items in quantities of 1 which I agree that 95% of WOW players HATE. So Blizzard comes of with some crazy solution to this by cranking up the posting cost of certain items. This solution is complete crap and appears to be just another WOW gold sink that has effectively killed a large portion of the AH market while only mildly correcting the problem. If you truly want to develop a logical solution to an negative activity, then punish or prevent that activity. For example, if you want to limit your childs play time on WOW from 8hrs a day to 2hrs a day, don't smack them on the head every five minutes... put a limit on their sub to 2hr per day. If you want to prevent people from posting thousands of 1 stack auctions... put a limit so users can only post one stack per item. DONE! Problem addressed at the source.

I was previously annoyed with this decision because it was costing me more gold using the AH as it was intended (not spamming with 1 item stacks and having them not sell) and I was still seeing a lot of users flooding the market with 1 item stacks. It did not hit me hard until I started a new toon on a new server.

I had leveled my character from 20 to 25 and stopped in to talk to Auctioneer Stompi to see what I could get for my loot. I was shocked to hear what he was asking for when it came to items like Goldthorn, Gold Ore, Truesilver Ore, etc. etc. I had only acquired 1 Goldthorn in my adventures and I was happy to see that it was currently selling for a minimum of 99g. Regardless of whether you feel that is overpriced or not, that is what it was currently selling for. However, when I went to post the 1 item I had, I was floored to see it would cost me 20g! I don't even have that much gold and therefore could not even afford to list it. Though a successful sale would put me on the path to eternal wealth, if it didn't sell I would spend the rest of my days hiding in the sewers of Undercity trying to evade detection from all my loan sharks trying to reclaim what I thought was a safe bet. Completely and utterly absurd!

Blizzard, please remove this change and implement a solution using your wealth of developer resources that we paid for, to actually help your customer base instead of just line your coffers with more gold sinks. Unless you goal is to kill the AH... then carry on.
10/25/2018 12:42 AMPosted by Ornamm
So the problem here is that users are posting excessive AH items in quantities of 1 which I agree that 95% of WOW players HATE. So Blizzard comes of with some crazy solution to this by cranking up the posting cost of certain items. This solution is complete crap and appears to be just another WOW gold sink that has effectively killed a large portion of the AH market while only mildly correcting the problem. If you truly want to develop a logical solution to an negative activity, then punish or prevent that activity. For example, if you want to limit your childs play time on WOW from 8hrs a day to 2hrs a day, don't smack them on the head every five minutes... put a limit on their sub to 2hr per day. If you want to prevent people from posting thousands of 1 stack auctions... put a limit so users can only post one stack per item. DONE! Problem addressed at the source.

I was previously annoyed with this decision because it was costing me more gold using the AH as it was intended (not spamming with 1 item stacks and having them not sell) and I was still seeing a lot of users flooding the market with 1 item stacks. It did not hit me hard until I started a new toon on a new server.

I had leveled my character from 20 to 25 and stopped in to talk to Auctioneer Stompi to see what I could get for my loot. I was shocked to hear what he was asking for when it came to items like Goldthorn, Gold Ore, Truesilver Ore, etc. etc. I had only acquired 1 Goldthorn in my adventures and I was happy to see that it was currently selling for a minimum of 99g. Regardless of whether you feel that is overpriced or not, that is what it was currently selling for. However, when I went to post the 1 item I had, I was floored to see it would cost me 20g! I don't even have that much gold and therefore could not even afford to list it. Though a successful sale would put me on the path to eternal wealth, if it didn't sell I would spend the rest of my days hiding in the sewers of Undercity trying to evade detection from all my loan sharks trying to reclaim what I thought was a safe bet. Completely and utterly absurd!

Blizzard, please remove this change and implement a solution using your wealth of developer resources that we paid for, to actually help your customer base instead of just line your coffers with more gold sinks. Unless you goal is to kill the AH... then carry on.

I agree completely. I'm not a big auction house user and pretty much just sell what I acquire while out questing (a few fish here, some scrapped stuff there) but I found on a small server most things don't sell, even if they're priced under the insane deposits. To me, its now completely broken.
This situation cropped up again for the Hallow's End event, where there is a quest rewarding a pet that requires a couple of Strange Dust to complete. Since the quest only requires 2 of them, it makes sense to list them in stacks of 2. However, I'm punished if I choose to list some in this quantity rather than a stack of 200, which less people need at this moment.

So I'm forced to either take a non-trivial financial risk to help other players or to simply not provide them with the materials they need to complete their quest.

Please change this behavior ASAP.
08/22/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Ythisens

Our goal is to give players some forewarning on this change, and to gather feedback. We’re putting together a list of the items that would be affected by this deposit change, which we expect to be limited to high-quantity trade goods. Furthermore, we’re deploying the change to the PTR first, so that addon authors can work through the change while we test it thoroughly.


Where can I see a list of items this applies to?

I noticed it applies to dream shards which is a relatively high priced old content material that selling/buying singles would be pretty normal to do but a 20% selling price deposit on this item seems excessive to me
10/25/2018 12:42 AMPosted by Ornamm
So the problem here is that users are posting excessive AH items in quantities of 1 which I agree that 95% of WOW players HATE. So Blizzard comes of with some crazy solution to this by cranking up the posting cost of certain items. This solution is complete crap and appears to be just another WOW gold sink that has effectively killed a large portion of the AH market while only mildly correcting the problem. If you truly want to develop a logical solution to an negative activity, then punish or prevent that activity. For example, if you want to limit your childs play time on WOW from 8hrs a day to 2hrs a day, don't smack them on the head every five minutes... put a limit on their sub to 2hr per day. If you want to prevent people from posting thousands of 1 stack auctions... put a limit so users can only post one stack per item. DONE! Problem addressed at the source.

I was previously annoyed with this decision because it was costing me more gold using the AH as it was intended (not spamming with 1 item stacks and having them not sell) and I was still seeing a lot of users flooding the market with 1 item stacks. It did not hit me hard until I started a new toon on a new server.

I had leveled my character from 20 to 25 and stopped in to talk to Auctioneer Stompi to see what I could get for my loot. I was shocked to hear what he was asking for when it came to items like Goldthorn, Gold Ore, Truesilver Ore, etc. etc. I had only acquired 1 Goldthorn in my adventures and I was happy to see that it was currently selling for a minimum of 99g. Regardless of whether you feel that is overpriced or not, that is what it was currently selling for. However, when I went to post the 1 item I had, I was floored to see it would cost me 20g! I don't even have that much gold and therefore could not even afford to list it. Though a successful sale would put me on the path to eternal wealth, if it didn't sell I would spend the rest of my days hiding in the sewers of Undercity trying to evade detection from all my loan sharks trying to reclaim what I thought was a safe bet. Completely and utterly absurd!

Blizzard, please remove this change and implement a solution using your wealth of developer resources that we paid for, to actually help your customer base instead of just line your coffers with more gold sinks. Unless you goal is to kill the AH... then carry on.

this change should only apply to very high volume items that singles don't make any sense to buy or sell
Why not just allow us to search by stack size as well? Give us two values to search from so players can put in a minimum and a maximum and show all the results within that range?
Blizzard: *asks for feedback*

Also Blizzard: *buries feedback*