Sorry...won`t let me quote anybody. Assume inm replying to someone who said this change would make them break all thier stacks into single auctions to save money.
You obviously didnt read the blue post. They said they are going to charge
the same deposit per stack...not item. If a stack of 200 has a 5g deposit, every stack of 1 also has a 5g deposit. This change has been a godsend...finally i can spen a few minutes on me bank alt posting all my auctions...rather than a few minutes per auction.
This is simply terrible. Blizzard has done some REALLY stupid stuff before, but wow, this takes the cake for me.
As a returning player, I accidentally just blew a very large portion of my gold on listings for old obscure mats that won't sell, not realizing I was losing THOUSANDS of gold every time I posted something that vendors for 8 copper :s It's like getting into a car you haven't drove for a while and finding out on the highway on-ramp that it can only go 30mph. Seriously what.
As someone who optimizes software and databases for a living, this is a gigantic cop-out of a "solution". My boss would kick me in the d*ck if I suggested something as backwards as this. Fix the AH instead of forcing players to operate in 200 stacks at all times. This is a "band aid fix" and band aids only stay on so long. Fix the root problem if you desire long-term success.
But really, how the hell did you get your product owner(s) sign off on this? If only we could all take the easy way out.
As a returning player, I accidentally just blew a very large portion of my gold on listings for old obscure mats that won't sell, not realizing I was losing THOUSANDS of gold every time I posted something that vendors for 8 copper :s It's like getting into a car you haven't drove for a while and finding out on the highway on-ramp that it can only go 30mph. Seriously what.
As someone who optimizes software and databases for a living, this is a gigantic cop-out of a "solution". My boss would kick me in the d*ck if I suggested something as backwards as this. Fix the AH instead of forcing players to operate in 200 stacks at all times. This is a "band aid fix" and band aids only stay on so long. Fix the root problem if you desire long-term success.
But really, how the hell did you get your product owner(s) sign off on this? If only we could all take the easy way out.
Nothing stops the flow.
09/30/2018 06:32 AMPosted by Odinmar09/30/2018 06:20 AMPosted by DraganeInstead of sellers setting stack amounts, buyers should be able to just peel off the amount of any item they want off a big pile.
This. 100x this. I understand why some sellers want to maintain their control over stack sizes and some of the techniques of listing hundreds of singles to set a "ceiling" price, but this is a ridiculous mechanism that favors certain sellers over buyers.
Blizzard has waited too long to start to fix this, and now they'll have to do so with all of the inertia involved of trying to fix something that has long ago become the "that's just the way it's always been done, so we can't change it now without being unfair to those who have mastered the AH mechanics as they have been forever" thing that people will QQ about as they try to fix it.
This piecemeal approach of clumsily raising stack deposits on the first item of each stack, without properly considering and weighing the market for each item and placing way too many commodity items in this category, was inexpertly executed and, seemingly at least, poorly adapted to fix very predictable problems as they arose.
Well put. Agree 100%.
I'd like to see a blue post/update on what's going on re this. I'm trying to get back into the Auction House game a bit more, and this is making it a lot more confusing than it needs to be.
I honestly don't think there should be deposits at all, just take a cut from when it sells or something. Even then, do you really need to at all?
I honestly don't think there should be deposits at all, just take a cut from when it sells or something. Even then, do you really need to at all?
So any news when you blizzard is going to remove this stupid 20 percent sales up front tariff yet? I'm over loaded with inventory with probably more herbs than entire ah right but I refuse to sell if blizz is going to siphon gold anyway.
AH fix? How about a profession fix? I miss the days in wrath where you'd need an item from almost every production profession to be ready to raid. Shoulder inscription, belt buckles, leg armor, spell thread, and more than 2 gems...
I feel like professions have been nerfed so hard ><
I feel like professions have been nerfed so hard ><
All the people posting in this thread are gold capped. Panhandle now!
Just tried to get going on playing the AH again but the old trade mats still have a RIDICULOUS deposit hung on them. Why in the WORLD didn't Blizzard just put this outrageous deposit percentage on the new mats? Why penalize everybody? My realms are nearly empty of old trade mats and here I sit with a ton of them... I refuse to list them until this joke of a change has ended.
A few people in the thread touched on this, but it seems that most people are clearly missing the bigger picture.
This is a simple case of real world economics. Blizzard relies on selling gold tokens for $20 apiece to make WoW profitable for them. It's hard to sell gold tokens to people that have gold. So what's the solution? Systematically remove gold from the game to artificially inflate demand for the tokens. The AH deposit fee increase is just one of many changes that have occurred this expansion to remove gold from the game. It's not an accident and it has nothing to do with people selling stacks of 1 on the AH - that's just an opportunistic reason that makes this change go over mostly unnoticed and uncontested by the masses.
There's no further blue response to be had or changes to come. The outcry wasn't large enough for them to reverse course and they have accomplished what they wanted. Does the AH run better for anyone? Of course not, but then, it was never supposed to.
This is a simple case of real world economics. Blizzard relies on selling gold tokens for $20 apiece to make WoW profitable for them. It's hard to sell gold tokens to people that have gold. So what's the solution? Systematically remove gold from the game to artificially inflate demand for the tokens. The AH deposit fee increase is just one of many changes that have occurred this expansion to remove gold from the game. It's not an accident and it has nothing to do with people selling stacks of 1 on the AH - that's just an opportunistic reason that makes this change go over mostly unnoticed and uncontested by the masses.
There's no further blue response to be had or changes to come. The outcry wasn't large enough for them to reverse course and they have accomplished what they wanted. Does the AH run better for anyone? Of course not, but then, it was never supposed to.
Ok can yall revisit these fees now please? I rolled a new toon on a new realm just for the hell of it and went with double gathering for obvious reasons. However I literally can't afford to post anything at all on the AH. I mean WTF blizz? Ugh.
just so you know, just like addons make it easy for people to sell in large amounts of single stacks, they also make it easy for people to buy auctions in large amounts of single stacks.
this was working on bladefist realm until about a week ago then 1 guy in particular just started mass posting 1s of everything
Good luck getting them to respond again to this thread. They are getting the gold out of the game in droves, which is what they want at the moment. As for this "fix" implemented to combat the slowness of the AH, it's an extremely calculated move, and easy (lazy) to implement. As others have mentioned starting a new toon on another server to make gold with gathering professions, is next to impossible due to listing fees. Enjoy questing your way to max level zones until you can afford to post on the AH.
Best thing you can do is just hang tough. Once enough gold is sucked out of the game to satisfy them, expect to see the AH revamp and introduction of lucrative gold missions again.
Best thing you can do is just hang tough. Once enough gold is sucked out of the game to satisfy them, expect to see the AH revamp and introduction of lucrative gold missions again.
09/30/2018 09:25 AMPosted by FluffergyrlThis change has been a godsend...finally i can spen a few minutes on me bank alt posting all my auctions...rather than a few minutes per auction.
How exactly does this help you save time posting your auctions?
Just do the inflexible hardline solutions like max postings per player on one server - an empty server.
I will pay to transfer there.
So will everyone else.
You could even have a "no merchanting" server where everything you buy becomes soulbound, and if you buy that type of item, you can't sell that type of item for a month. I would pay x10 to transfer there.
I will pay to transfer there.
So will everyone else.
You could even have a "no merchanting" server where everything you buy becomes soulbound, and if you buy that type of item, you can't sell that type of item for a month. I would pay x10 to transfer there.
08/27/2018 06:18 PMPosted by Zyky
AH addons make single item buying super easy. I use Auctionator and I can clean out 400 single lets say herbs in 2 minutes and with the updated mailbox from Legion, I can loot all the herbs in another 2 minutes. With this process it take a minute longer, but I save a huge chunk of gold.
It should take 20 seconds to make the same purchase if there were no stacks. You'd buy as many as you want from a seller's "bin", which holds all of any stackable item they're selling.
09/12/2018 07:43 AMPosted by Niia
But like i said - blizzard has been talking about overhauling and updating the auction house for five years now. dont hold your breath for this to happen soon, its clearly never been high priority.
They assign an employee to fix it. He takes one look at the 15-year old poorly-documented code and quits the next day.. By now, it's probably their standard way of forcing people to quit :)
Why not simply limit the number of stacks of an item that an account can have listed at any one time?
The solution that should have implemented is just a change in how the auction interface shows the stacks. If I put a stack of 200 up and the unit price is expensive it will never sell. But if its up in single stacks of 1 people might actually buy some of them. In that case you get enough you don't loose money so your not stopping people from butting up single stacks, you just encouraging them to only do it with expensive items that are in high demand.