I would go the other way: deposit doesn't get refunded, remove the AH cut on sale.
That would make more sense as if the auctions sell than this increase in deposit is moot
I mean, let's be real: The actual solution is to revamp the AH entirely to treat trade goods as commodities like EVE does. All linen is the same, there's no need for every seller to have their own individual entry. Just throw it all in a big pile and let people buy out of that pile.
Why not give the buyer the option to search by stack size.
In either case, the deposit is returned to the seller if the item sells. Successful auctions aren’t affected by this change.
So nothing will change then?
People that post tons of items in quantities of one aren't trying to sell them. Most of the time they don't sell. What they are trying to do, often succeeding, is to manipulate the "suggested post price". This means that individuals that aren't AH farmers might post a single stack or two of a normal 50-200 post for much less than the market is really buying them for, and the stack-of-one posters are there to gobble those up.
im on area-52 and the auction house is a sess pool
08/27/2018 07:23 PMPosted by
I mean, let's be real: The actual solution is to revamp the AH entirely to treat trade goods as commodities like EVE does. All linen is the same, there's no need for every seller to have their own individual entry. Just throw it all in a big pile and let people buy out of that pile.
one of the many things wildstar did 100x better than this game.
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Do what SWTOR does and impose a limit of 50 listings per account per realm.
I would propose we instead look at BDO as another example of a fine solution, as I have no experience with EVE and how its market works.
Allow players to buy their wanted amount from any auction stack.
If I want 20 Dust, it makes more sense for me to buy 20 auctions of 1 stack instead of a full 200 stack of Dust. Why can't I go to someone who has posted the best amount of 200 dust and buy 20 from them? I shouldn't have to buy 200.
Please consider this as a viable option as well! <3
OPTIONAL TO CONSIDER: Limit the amount of auctions a player can post as well. BDO also does this, but its limit is WAY too low for an older game like WoW (I think it's like 10 auctions?). 50-100 sounds more viable if you want to go that route! It would certainly kill the single-stackers without any additional fees on the AH required!
Can you guys fix the lag on the auction house on Tichondrius? It takes 20 minutes to buy or sell 3 items.
Feedback : this sounds like a very sensible plan and I support it 100%, since you will not put min caps of say 10.
Except, there are entirely valid reasons to buy small stacks. Sometimes you just need one or two ore. If I'm just one herb away from making a potion, why would I want to buy a stack of 20?
That said, I doubt the proposed change is going to make a big enough dent in the issue. A better solution would be to clump up all of a seller's items into single giant stacks, and allow buyers to choose how many of a given item they want to buy from that stack.
This is extremely smart.
I've certainly never dumped hundreds of items on the AH, and with my tailoring character I have a love/hate relationship with buying single stacks of an item. sometimes nice if i am just a piece of cloth or two short, but kinda terrible when i do want a stack of 20.
But as someone who sells on the AH- normally when I opt in the single stack vs the multiple stack it's because of crazy disparities in the cost between the single item and the stack. For example- something is 5g as a stack of one, but 15g for x15 of the item. 1 item / 5 gold is much better than 1 item /1 gold for the seller. I get much more money from selling a single stack. This being said I try to avoid just flooding the AH and will still do some stacks at the lower price, if only to get rid of things... but at the end of the day I don't feel like the above solution is going to do much? 10% is sizeable yes, but if we get it back it's not going to make anyone think twice about continuing to list stuff this way, especially if the profit margin of the single vs multiple is so, so high.
If you're going to do this, I think it's worth looking into an option to purchase partial stacks. Sure the pages and pages of 1 stacks is super annoying. But if you have an addon, it's not that difficult to manage and is really helpful at purchasing the exact amounts of mats you want to buy.
For example if I only need 10 cloths for a recipe but there are only stacks of 100 or 200 at 10g a piece, that's a lot of gold I'm wasting just because default AH UI can't handle single stacks well.
Not having it affect successful auctions could be a problem.
Why not also have a fee per listing for successful auctions as well ?
With addons around (e.g. Auctionator), the cheapest ones are often the single ones and they'll tend to be the ones more likely to sell.
My solution if I was doing the DB design on this one is to separate out the trade materials auction house database, design it specifically to meet the needs of a tall database and remove any text indexing on searches (there are a set number of specific trade materials that can be looked up pre main search).
But that wouldn't be an overnight change, but it would allow for continued operation of the AH with flexible stack sizes.
Never in my WoW life have i looked at how much it costs to place an auction. This will change nothing.
If the problem is trade goods, separate them from the auction house. Put in a commodity trader where players can post things on orders/consignment.
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Looks to me that people who want to buy less than full stacks may find only full stacks on the AH if that is the way things work out.
Then they will want to know why they can't buy part of a stack etc.
pretty much all the interface is inadequate...
Sure would be nice if we could shift+click or ctrl+click to either buy mass quantities at once or to pick and choose which stacks we want to purchase......
Ok so tell me how this is going to make the guild banks usable again? People are going to keep putting stacks of 1 up because you give them the deposit back on sale.
Haven't you guys been telling us for like 2 xpac's now that big AH changes are coming?
Sounds like its gonna hurt markets that move slowly.
There is another game that just lists all of the items a players sells as one stack and the buyers can select an amount to buy off that stack. It would declutter the auction house and be much simpler for the auction posters too. Can't something like that just be done with the wow auction house?