Auction House Update

08/29/2018 09:14 AMPosted by Arkhanx
08/29/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Ahveros
Why not make it to where you can search for a item then also search for a stack size?

That way you only get results of the item you're searching for in that stack quantity.

They did say they're trying to improve the AH over all but that will come at a later date. So maybe that will be a thing?

yeah, it will be like the selfie camera patch, more "content" lol
I see and understand the need to reduce the number of pages created on the auction house, however I dislike the way Blizzard has gone about it. This is also discourages canceling auctions that have been undercut and reposting, unless this is also a behavior they're trying to discourage. The benefit of posting stacks of one is that it allows people to buy the exact amount of whatever they need. I'm sure there is a better way to reduce the amount of pages on the auction house, allow people to buy the exact amount they need while ALSO not penalizing people who post on the AH.
08/29/2018 09:05 AMPosted by Nighdarke
08/29/2018 08:31 AMPosted by Sistersue
As an AH player, I have to say that you're headed down the right path but you're confused about what REALLY happens on the AH. People don't/won't buy ore/bars/cloth etc in stacks of *200*! I *know* this because I focus exclusively on old trade materials and play the AH daily, buying and selling. Stacks of 200 are just too much for the average player to buy - they normally don't need that much. Old school stacks of 20 are still the "norm" on the AH. You will kill off all the AH players with this change, which will keep the inventory on AH thin and frustrate the average player with the inability to find the mats they need. This is a terrible idea. Minimum stacks make much more sense, for example 10 or 20. Terrible. Idea.


I was going to start gathering older mats and putting them up in stacks of 20 for those who wanted to level their professions for each expansion grouping. However, those older mats usually don't sell the first time around because not everyone is working on the older professions so it can take listing them 3-6 times at the least for them to sell. By the time they do I've now LOST gold because of these fees.

So I guess I just won't put all those old herbs, ore, skins, cloth, cooking mats, up and whoever needed them can just be frustrated if there is none on the AH and they get stopped dead in their tracks on leveling their profession. I know many times I've had that happen with older mats, none on the AH at all.

As a returning player to the game, my max lvl character is 67, who enjoys trying to make money on the auction with old mats because currently I can not farm any of the new ones this change has completely killed this part of the game for me. I can no longer justify listing Steel, Mithril, copper, Iron or any of the other low level mining materials for sale because it is guaranteed that I will lose money with how many times I have to relist things before they sell.
08/29/2018 09:43 AMPosted by Kalladden
As a returning player to the game, my max lvl character is 67, who enjoys trying to make money on the auction with old mats because currently I can not farm any of the new ones this change has completely killed this part of the game for me. I can no longer justify listing Steel, Mithril, copper, Iron or any of the other low level mining materials for sale because it is guaranteed that I will lose money with how many times I have to relist things before they sell.

I have this concern as well. It hurts buyers looking to craft something needing only 1 or 2 of some item. It hurts casual sellers who don't list very often and may not have stacks of 200. It hurts sellers who might sell low-volume but rare items that are only needed in small batches.

They attempted a fix not by correcting the structural problems with the auction house, but by disincentivizing a particular behavior. I understand the frustration of walls of singles but I don't believe this fix will have the intended overall effect since stacks of singles for current expansion items often sell, meaning the deposit fee is returned anyways. In the meantime, there's a lot of consequences for other players that use the auction house.

What needs to happen is an overhaul of the auction house interface. It's not an easy undertaking and will fundamentally change game play for a large number of players as well as add-on authors, but it absolutely needs to be done.

There's lot of good examples they can draw from. For example, GW2 will show the buyer all the items they search for and if they're looking for, say 24 of a certain item and the two cheapest listed are two stacks of 20, it will buy the 20 of the first stack and then 4 out of the second stack. The buyer gets exactly what they need without having to buy both stacks or hunting for singles. The seller has the advantage of not needing to worry about stack size when posting. GW2 also has buy orders that buyers can post and sellers can then fulfill. There's no reason that WoW shouldn't have these features as well.
I think this is a good idea. I would like to see more done with the default AH interface, I have been using an addon for it for I guess 10 years now. My routine consists of going to the AH and scanning it so that I can hover my mouse over any items I get in my bag while out in the world and instantly see the AH price from my last scan. Would love to see that incorporated into the game. Also the 1 stacks of items is highly annoying when they ARE the lowest price on the AH because I really get no choice but to buy them or spend an extra x amount of gold per item by buying stacks. So maybe implement something where we can buy in bulk from the same person?
Can anyone tell me where will new players find the gold to post the peacebloom they are gathering while leveling to meet the exorbitant AH deposit?

I'm actually asking for a friend that is currently leveling the hard way. The easy way being the boost to 110 that i keep telling him to use and stop being such a masochist.
This seems not to have helped AT ALL. There are new postings of hundreds and hundreds of stacks of one today on my server for all the mats. There's even more pages on some items than there were before this "fix".
08/29/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Churruca
Can anyone tell me where will new players find the gold to post the peacebloom they are gathering while leveling to meet the exorbitant AH deposit?

I'm actually asking for a friend that is currently leveling the hard way. The easy way being the boost to 110 that i keep telling him to use and stop being such a masochist.

I would love to know the answer to this question as well. My main has gotten together just shy of 4K gold by selling old mats on the auction house, if I have to risk 30-100 Gold to list the cobalt I have been mining every time I list it on the auction house I will go broke very soon simply from failed auctions draining my money.
I hope there are some changes in the works because this system is just hurting everyone now. Went to list some enchanting mats and just didn't bother over the listing price. 27 umbra shards was goign to cost 40G to list for 12 hours. I think its safe to say most people will not be listening stacks of 200 on alot of items.

I agree it was annoying to see stacks of 1 but it looks like Blizzard is just using this as an excuse to take more gold from players out of the game. Going from 1 silver to list as many enchanting mats as you wanted to 40G is ridiculous. Yea you get your money back IF it sells but how often do you list something and 5 minutes later get undercut by 1 copper and lose you AH deposit?

There are much better ways to look at this problem. Break AH addons that allow this in the first place, make it a ban able offense to use said addons, or as many have suggested put a limit on how many auctions you can post per X amount of time.

I suspect this is just another unhanded "Nerf" from Blizzard to hinder players while trying to look like the good guys combating a minor problem.
This change was horrible and poorly thought out. Old materials for an example, sell very rarely and in small quantities and as of now this change has made it so that no one wants to sell it because they know they are going to be paying insane deposit fees for things that will not sell.

Also for people who are complaining about single stacks, TSM!!!!! for christ sake, Blizzard auction sucks and they are too lazy to do any significant change. Tsm allows you to buy and browse items in a way where single stacks is no problem. Why cant blizzard change the auction to make it more like that instead of doing this change that will just !@#$ with the market too much. A ease of use change should not interfere with the market itself, if it does then the change is bad, market is very delicate thing and shouldnt be %^-*ed with lightly.
08/29/2018 09:14 AMPosted by Arkhanx
come at a later date

Using Auctionator:
Yesterday we had 67k auctions running. That's been pretty consistent since BFA started. But today we have 54k. We have lost 20% of the auctions in a day.
Well this change did NOTHING, the AH is still a lag fest.

How about actually doing some programming and equipment upgrades?
This may have been meant to help with the single posters but it hurts those that put in old mats, or even in stacks of 10's or 5's, what usually only cost me 200 to put in cost me over 2000 and I don't single stack unless it is a left over from a stack. I am not an ah player, and definitely not rich, but I will have to quit the ah until they figure this out as I cannot afford to put my stuff back in if it comes back. This was not a good fix to the problem. Normally people don't want a 200 stack of something when they only need 10 or so. I don't believe they put much thought into this update, but until they figure it out I will probably either try to store my items or just vendor stuff I don't have room for anymore. With all the auction addons out there I am sure they could come up with something to actually make the auction house better instead of just trying to suck gold out of people, the ones that play the ah game have the gold to spare, the rest of us don't. I don't like single item posts, don't get me wrong, but I don't believe that this is the correct solution to the problem.
this is kind of bullcrap! I understand stoping the chowder heads that list 400 single stacks of 1 but raising the listing fee is gonna cost a lot of us serious sellers a ton of gold if it dosent sell right away before all the underlisters jump in and we get underlisted, auction ends with no buyer, and have to eat the new higher listing fee!

what you really need to do is just program in a restriction on single stack listings a player can have in auction house per 24 hour period. actually 1-4 stack cause is you limit singles then then idiots will just list 200 stacks of 2,3,4.
Another rushed and stupid fix that will not solve anything but will make people lives harder.
First of all, you don't need special addons to post stacks of one, the default wow ui provides this option, there is no need to hide your own lack of ah developement behind "bad addons" courtain.
Secondly, making a bigger auction cut will not change anything, as stacks of 1 are usually posted below bigger stack prices, meaning that people will eventually buy them out - the cut will be returned to the seller so basically it changes nothing to said seller. The change, will however hit people posting older mats that do not sell every day. If I'm forced to pay hundreds of gold to post auctions of older mats that might as well never sell, then I might just stop posting them at all. Not to mention low leveled players who mine and herb to earn gold, but with current stacks they won't be even able to afford ah post price... And the more people choose to do so aswell, the worse people life will get since it will be impossible to level and use professions, beside current expansion level.

I don't know who came up with such a stupid solution, especially since there are many better ones mentioned in this thread. It just shows the massive lack of knowledge or ignorance about player behaviour, economy and overall game situation.
A simple fix would be to allow people to filter out single stacks during a search.
08/28/2018 01:52 PMPosted by Moomoose
08/28/2018 12:14 PMPosted by Felthazzar
I didn't suggest players not be able to make a profit for how they play the game.

With the most recent change to professions we should see a tremendous decrease in the demand for mats outside the current expansion. There will always be completionists and there will always be some who care to craft a specific item from an expansion long past, but for the most part now that you don't have to level a profession from vanilla to bfa... anything pre-bfa will become somewhat of an oddity.

My post was addressing those folks that DON'T actually go out into the world and collect and profit from gathering. Those that simply play the auction house and either buyout everything from a select few items/mats, to maintain a high price on those items (monopoly) or are constantly buying out items lower than the average price, and relisting them at a higher price. (This has a singular benefit to the individual and NO ONE else).

What you're more than suggesting is that it's a good thing that leveling characters should be dirt poor and unable to farm up enough gold to buy frivolities like, oh, faster flight? Changes to profession leveling were indeed intended to hurt new players who don't have trust funds that can be used to pay their expenses, yet will be made to spend an extended period of time in leveling content with much less to do than ever.

People are still trying to level up old professions, but recent changes to the game making it necessary to use max level players to farm mats for low level professions means that my 80 level enchanter on a new server can't afford to level up enchanting and can't earn enough gold for faster flight.

The harder you make it for new players to level up and level professions, the less likely they will be there for you when you need that stuff YOU trained them not to do.

If the problem is that valuable mats are assigned a vendor value that is too low, this is a problem that they created themselves, not one the playerbase is responsible for.

Oh that's total crap and you know it. The amount of residual gold you earn (gold earned from doing nothing but leveling) is enough to pay for things like mounts and flight.

No newbie is out there farming mats to full stacks in an effort to fund his leveling process. Come off it... who did you think you were selling that bold faced lie to?
08/29/2018 09:25 AMPosted by Elloredel
08/29/2018 09:14 AMPosted by Arkhanx

They did say they're trying to improve the AH over all but that will come at a later date. So maybe that will be a thing?

yeah, it will be like the selfie camera patch, more "content" lol

Have a feeling it will go the way of the dance studio...
08/29/2018 06:42 AMPosted by Mepriest
08/28/2018 08:47 PMPosted by Kyrra

The real problem that is causing the lag is trade skill master, you can run it from your desktop and it constantly scans the AH for prices and stuff (This isn't an exaggeration, it keeps scanning the AH over and over again).

This is not at all true. The desktop app does not scan the AH at all. In fact, it stops you from having to do so, reducing server lag. When the AH is scanned, the data is uploaded to TSM, which then pushes that data out to everyone with the TSM desktop app, updating your AH data, without requiring you to individually scan the AH. You really could not be more wrong.

Maybe I'm too oldschool... (is thottbot still around?) but auctioneer doesn't function that way. Auctioneer requires a scan to use and update. It takes less time the more often you scan, but in order to accurate information you manually scan.

So while TSM may not function that way... auctioneer sure does (or did).