Auction House Update

08/29/2018 02:35 PMPosted by Felthazzar
08/29/2018 06:42 AMPosted by Mepriest

This is not at all true. The desktop app does not scan the AH at all. In fact, it stops you from having to do so, reducing server lag. When the AH is scanned, the data is uploaded to TSM, which then pushes that data out to everyone with the TSM desktop app, updating your AH data, without requiring you to individually scan the AH. You really could not be more wrong.

Maybe I'm too oldschool... (is thottbot still around?) but auctioneer doesn't function that way. Auctioneer requires a scan to use and update. It takes less time the more often you scan, but in order to accurate information you manually scan.

So while TSM may not function that way... auctioneer sure does (or did).

Correct. TSM does NOT function this way, if you have the desktop app installed. If you don't use the desktop app, TSM will scan the AH in exactly the same way auctioneer does.
The OP was targeting the TSM desktop app specifically, and I needed to refute that nonsense.
While it sounds good in principal, it will destroy the markets of mats from previous expansions that dont sell in large quantities on a daily basis.
Much like me, this is Outrageous.

I think a cap on auctions is completely reasonable. I play another MMO that only allows 150 per account! I find that constrictive but without a hard stop there is no relief.
As someone who doesn't like using the auction house i would reccomend copying almost exactly the mobile auction house. It really was well designed and the fact that it listed all my items clearly for me to list always led to me finding junk that i forgot i had and gave me an opportunity to sell it very easily. Its gotta be the one thing that you guys have gotten rid of that i really do miss. It definitely had a positive impact on my experience and without it i barely ever use the auction house.
An additional 20%? Nope. How will that actually deter someone who has a ton of gold and is only interested in making more? It slows them down a little but really only hurts everyone else.

Put a cap on the number of stacks of an item a person can put up for auction - say 20. So they can put 20 stacks of 1 each of linen and 20 stacks of 1 each of wool and so on with 400 other items or 20 stacks of 50 each of linen and 20 stacks of 50 each of wool and the 400 other items. With each person limited to only 20 stacks (from 1 to a max stack) of each item that one person can't flood the AH with just their stuff.

Another reason I don't want the 20% (even if I get it back) is that I've only ever successfully sold bags and pets (and not very well at that either). On some realms I've made a toon to be able to buy and sell pets there. Needing to first acquire 200g to sell a pet for 1000g means that ends. Especially since pets don't sell immediately - I can't afford to lose that gold even if I have it.

TL, DR: The 20% punishes people who aren't effing with the system. Implement new rules that only block the people who are causing the problems. Limit AH sales to 20 stacks per item per account (or at least per toon).
Just let us buy partial stacks. If I only need 17 of X I should be able to buy 17 from a large stack and then the rest is still up for other people to buy.

It’s pretty crazy that a F2P game like Rift can implement this feature but a huge game like this one is stuck in the Stone Age of AH UI and functions.
irrelevant now.
I've noticed this will hurt *A LOT* some of the old tradeskill mats (if not all), which sells slowly and even take a lot of time to sell. So I really think this need some more deep research within ingame items before apply it to all of them, even if its working right now like this.

Let me give one example I've noticed:

Dark Iron Bar: Melted from 8 Dark Iron Ore
We find this ore only in Molten Core Raid, and on BRD Dungeon. Takes a lot of time to farm, and serves only to the purpose of Blacksmithing Low Level Blues and Epics (mostly for xmog), serving also to craft the base 2H hammer used to craft the legendary hammer from MC - Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. Plus you have to defeat 3 bosses inside BRD to reach the Black Forge and smelt it (near the entrance to MC inside the dungeon). Also, you have to do a whole traveling/farming quest chain to learn the spell to be able to smelt it. It's a really time consuming process to produce this bars. This is not a common mining smelt bar, that you can make anywhere, and farm as much as you want.

JUST ONE BAR costs me exactly 111g 12s 90c to list. On 1 SINGLE BAR! This is just insane! For the record: Costs me 111g 29s 10c to list a stack of 10 BARS. The bar itself sells for 6 SILVER on NPC.

The cost per bar, in my server, which is a medium pop, worth like from 300g to 900g. This bars sells like (with luck) 1 to 5 in a FULL MONTH of listing 48 hours straight, every time posting, the whole month. In almost 6 years selling these, I've never ever saw someone buying more than 5 bars. So, I assume they won't buy 10 bars in a single stack (not even a single stack of 5), because they need just one or maybe two bars.

So, doing the raw math, never worth to post it, by the rate it sells, by the time frame it sells a single unit, comparing to the price of the deposit fee.

That resumes in: No bars on AH. So even the rare player wanting to buy it, he won't find it anymore in a medium to long term gameplay time. Because don't worth selling on AH anymore.

Which also resumes in: You are killing the purpose of AH, which is give players the freedom to sell whatever they want, and how they want, because there is market to all this stack sizes and prices. So we kill the market.

I really don't mind the "idea" behind the changes, but with this single example, it's proven that we have flaws and problems than we didn't had before this patch.

Without some deep investigation on items, this will crack the AH purpose and even worse, on a long term, will backfire against the game purpose of having one Auction House.

You can't force buyers buying quantities they don't need, forcing sellers to sell quantities they don't want, just for the sake of justifying the terrible usability, speed and maintenance needed on the AH behind the scenes. Just do it right, rewrite it, instead of moving the problem to the other side (ingame items, forcing stacks and forcing the market players to behave like that). This just don't make any sense. If it's wrong, in some way or another, fix it on the source of the problem - which is clear the design principles, infrastructure and maintenance needed to work - the effective cost of having this up running and working.

It's your chance to improve what you never did because you never got enough time to do it. Now it's the time.

And trust me, they don't want the AH broken, or you can say bye-bye the hundreds of WoW Tokens sold there daily - and THIS will hurt the real market which Blizzard is interested.
I’m sure it’s already been stated, but it’s not just the AH. Guild bank is extremely laggy as well. Almost impossible to even deposit and or withdraw anything. Kinda annoying since it’s been a couple weeks now.
At this point they might as well and just remove the ah from the game entirely. Or go look at any other mmorpg and look at the ah system used there. And while they are at it rework the antique tech/interface/architecture they call the mess we currently have.

Edit: I suggest this as most posting here thinking this is a good fix dont understand basic economics. Prices have gone up and will continue thanks to this.

And it is affecting full stack prices which in the examples given was not supposed to right?
terrible change. my stacks of 200 dont sell but stacks of 5, 10, and 20 do because most people need a few of something.

the risk is too high now to try selling reasonable quantities.

why not just punish the abusers? limit ppl to 20 or 50 syacks if each item type.

i have never had issues with the AH. i used to use auctioneer to buy and sell. its broken now so i use auctionater. i dont page through pages of listings.

never had guild bank issues. not saying no one is but if its ok on our server group or whatever they have now maybe blizz should look into why its not ok on others. esp with guild banks.
08/29/2018 04:09 PMPosted by Outrageous
Much like me, this is Outrageous.

I think a cap on auctions is completely reasonable. I play another MMO that only allows 150 per account! I find that constrictive but without a hard stop there is no relief.

The AH in Star Trek Online allows 40 postings per toon. And their AH is a total nightmare to use compared to WoWs. They let you do an item search a 2-3 times in fast succession and then you get a 5 second lockout on another search. Searches only bring up 400 listings too. And obviously, there are no addons to help their POS AH.
The way this change is turning out is garbage, I have fish I would like to sell, but to sell them it costs more than 1 of them to post them all? It's fish, the market changes, this is a huge problem.

Tiragarde perch, worth 50 gold each.

I post 8 of them in stacks of 1, I have to pay 88 gold to post them? I don't know about this. This is going to discourage people using the AH and looking for a fast deal on trade chat, no good, there's got to be a better way.

Revert this change and prevent all the automation from people mass scanning and abusing with bots and garbage.

It takes 1 button to run a snipe string on TSM, but if I want to do a world quest and find a group I'm keystroking over 5 and clicking multiple things.

There is a problem.
This change is retarded. It makes no difference for in-high-demand items, yet sellers of older materials get screwed over because nobody wants hypnotic dust any more, but if you don't list it in stacks of 200 the deposit for a more reasonable stack of 20 is massive. Which, if they don't sell eat into any profit you might make from them. At that point you might as well just delete them, since they can't even be vendored.
this seems like a problem of their own design, thanks to the scrapper feature. now more people have access to incredibly more materials, than even the farm and garrison could provide.

i know i've never sold so many tradeskill mats in my entire lifespan of the game until last week.
Can we get clarification on what items are affected by this at least? If this is affection non trade materials, like BoE BFA epics, it’ll be too much of a risk to post them because the loss on them would be insane!

Give us a list for god sake!!!!!!!
20 pages of people telling you this change sucks and why it sucks and no response from Blizzard. And no update to the OP.

We know you’re reading this. So communicate please!
Checking on my server this morning almost all of the old world mats have all but dried up. This change is what is keeping me from listing anything more on the auction house. Which really frustrates me because trying to play the in game economy in a casual way is one of the main ways I enjoy the game. Other MMO's may have better auction houses but no other MMO had a better in game economy because of the volume of people using the WOW AH, despite its short comings, this change however is driving people out of the AH. I know it has driven me out.

Can we please get some kind of an update or a fix from Bliz on this? This change is having a rapid and negative effect on the in game economy.
08/27/2018 06:02 PMPosted by Manzini
How about we bring back the mobile auction house? You know make the armory app valuable again? Or just an actual auction house app.

That is your update? This is nothing. This won't improve anything at all.

In essence...this is a joke.