Auction House Scammers

I got auction house scammed when trying to buy something when my summon overlaid onto the AH screen.

There was someone posting things for a ridiculous amount of gold on there in the attempt that someone would accidently buy it out close to all the lower AH priced items.

Characters name is {Removed}. They do this on multiple items across the entire AH. If you see them please report them they took 811g from me. :frowning: can anyone help me out? I literally have no gold now and I barely get to play.

It’s not a scam when it was a mistake on your end. They’re working within the realm of the game’s AH, there isn’t any way to “scam” it. You were simply misfortunate that you clicked a time or two and ended up with. Blizzard is pretty hands off with these sort of things.

And you’ll want to remove the name, as call-outs are against the rules.


where is the scam ? sorry but this is just someone posting and someone buying at that price off the AH>


While it’s a crappy thing to do, but really not against the rules. You need to be more vigilant when making purchases on the AH.


I realize it was my mistake and I own up to that. They’re ruining the game for other people though. Shouldn’t that mean something

It would if they were actually violating any of the rules. They are not. They are playing the open market and only people who don’t pay attention get caught in their web. You didn’t pay attention so got hit. Take it as a lesson to start paying more attention to things you do as everything in life has consequences.


Everyone can put items on the auction house for whatever amount they wish. If they were attempting to mislead someone or otherwise trick them into buying the item somehow, we may consider that a scam and look into it. If it is just an item priced on the Auction House though, I’m afraid there is little we can do otherwise than urge caution when making purchases. Sorry.


They’re attempting to mislead people by purposely putting it in-between other low auctions by using a lower bid. This causes your sort function on the Database to show the item in close proximity to other lower items.

They are playing the AH. You didn’t pay attention and paid more than you feel you should have. Take it as a lesson learned.


There are some sneaky AH posters. Other than the ridiculous over priced item placed in hopes someone will accidently hit it and buy it someone is using a name similar to the name that shows up when you yourself has an item posted. When you check your postings and see the word You, you would think that is you or your posting when it is the name of a player with a funny mark over one of the letters in their name.
I do not think it would be considered calling this player out on the forums because I did not include the mark over one of the letters and only used the word You in respect to you checking postings. If it is considered a calling out I will edit.

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I messed up, I get that. I know that no one can or will do anything about it because that’s how the AH is intended to work as a marketplace.

Good to know the game has no soul anymore too, only people who ridicule and laugh at ones misfortunes.

Honestly, if that person would have came and asked me for gold because they were in a tough spot, I would have given it to them. Instead it’s come to this. Come on.

I’m not following how this has something to do with the game’s “soul”. People have played the AH since the game launched. Sometimes people put stuff up in hopes that a person will make a mistake. In fact, I bet most of us have been there.

If this happened in Retail, there would have been an additional pop-up warning you about how much you were about to spend as a safeguard.

And chances are this other player doesn’t need any additional gold as you’re not the only player who will likely make this mistake.


I do not see any ridiculing or laughing at you, I see facts that anyone can post for any price they want then it’s buyer beware.


I think you just proved my point even more. Instead of having any sort of sympathy you just kept defending the malicious intent of people abusing the AH.

Nobody is defending anything, and nobody has ridiculed or laughed at anyone here.

You are assuming the intent of the player who posted the auction. Everyone here has tried to explain to you that intent is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that no rules were broken, or even bent, in this situation. While it is unfortunate that you made a disadvantageous purchase, there is nothing to punish.


Does it suck that you made a mistake? Absolutely! But it’s not the other player’s fault and they didn’t “abuse” anything. They put an item on the AH and you chose to purchase it.


The CS forum isn’t for sympathy as this forum is a help desk. Getting sympathy won’t fix anything, nor will that fix the game how you feel is broken.

If you have a suggestion on to improve the game, general forum would be the place to do such.


but there is no abuse of the AH.
Anyone can post any auction for any price, the player did that which is not against the rules.
Buyers can buy items from the AH at any price they feel is fair. They need to be vigilant to make sure they don’t pay more than they want to.
Yes it sucks ovepaying, nobody denies that but you come here blaming others for your own mistakes and then when it’s pointed out you double down on that.
As nothing that has happened has broken any rules I don’t know the purpose of this thread anymore.


I never blamed others for my mistakes. I clearly stated that I own my mistake. I believe this player is doing this with malicious intent to other players and it ruins the game.

Doing what ? posting items on the AH for the price they think is fair ?
You say abusing and malicious but nothing you have said is either.