Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

Yeah Ive been working the AH for a very long time over every expansion since Cata and ive never seen anything like whats going on now. Your comment basically amounts to “Its just super busy”. Its something more than that this time.

I still have no idea what this is supposed to mean or why it’s a problem

People are talking out of their :eight_spoked_asterisk:

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Except for, like, the previous expansion

It was shared in dragonflight because it went region wide in SL.

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no, they just don’t agree with your personal definition of “abuse” in this case

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previous expansion launch had the old one. New was introduced mid df. Just materials were region wide in SL. During DF they added all items

Incorrect. Commodities are regional. Rest is by server.

I was having this issue as well but it only ever lasted 2-4 hours. This time it’s been over 24+ with no items returned with 1.5mil worth of stuff :frowning:


Yeah, average player can’t do that many auctions in an hour. If that addon can do that, that’s crazy.

It’s one every two seconds. Exactly how is that crazy?

If you were doing this for me the first thing you would think:

“This is slow af”

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Ain’t no way I’m getting that many done in an hour, right click it, check to make sure it’s listed the lowest or same price because transmog will list by ilvl… 1,400-1,500 posts? My hands would be dead, I would be in distress

An entire bags + pouch full is like 200 items alone.

Every single one of those posts from TSM requires a click, mouse wheel, key, etc.

Anyway the thread explains it, at least twice

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Wow that is one major hard on against TSM, so much so that your willing to disseminate post after post office rumor, vagaries and disinformation!


Equivocating one click from a mousewheel to a real click is a lot, but also one click vs one click, reprice, click to list is a lot.

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You can bind whatever you want to whatever you want



it’s ignor-a-rama day! yay!

How about disable all AH addons and such?

How about banning people for botting the AH?

I’m sorry but if something is auto buying, auto listing, auto cancelling, auto relisting it’s not a player it’s a bot.

No real human is able to post multiple items within a split second undercutting every other person. It’s not humanly possible.


Are we just shutting down the AH on a nightly basis now?
These Earthen should set up a neon marquee light that says OPEN or CLOSED so we know.


now that’s actually a useful idea

you could make TSM and such illegal. reduce the calls to the AH :slight_smile:


Certain addons and bots, I bet there are a lot of AH bots playing around, especially this early on in a new expansion.