Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

That’s a LOT of Gold and time. Not millions sure.

Assuming they don’t have some way to mitigate the cost, like a toon with other professions. lol

That’s still a lot of raw mats even if they have mules. What’s the issue anyway? Just don’t buy it.

are you sure?

I would love to be able to get a mech mount, that doesn’t j1ggle like it has a disease, for a reasonable price.

I got this from a Rare…

Machine Defense Unit 1-11 - Item - World of Warcraft (

I’m calling BS on that.

“Treasure: Awakened Cache”
“Zone: The Ringing Deeps”

Ain’t no way I’m doing 20 waves as a fury warrior, my main.

oh and the word j1ggle, with an i instad of a 1, is banned because of the first 4 words?

LOL what that I don’t have it or that you don’t think you can do it?
It was super easy on this toon.

We’re saved!

Interesting “resolve” of the problem – shutting it down.

20 waves is not hard at all. My main is fury and it was easy as can be. There are bots that drop heals that heal the dude in the middle if needed and just interrupt the casters and they insta die. Spin to win the rest of it

Just wondering when this will be resolved?
I am still receiving level 80 items when I search for 70-79 items.

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AH down again : (