Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

if youre indeed a regular player im sure they will tweak it where it less affects us.

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You click the button next page button a hundred times in the old version of the AH and tell me that TSM doesnā€™t automate that? Or being able parse through 50000 or more auctions in order to find optimal price points?

Stop being disingenuous.


Solid argument!


Let me post my 200 auctions without being throttled then.
The ones I got passively playing the game, or going and farming an instance for transmog for my own account.


Let me get this straight. Blizzard overhauls the AH. Blizzard streamlines the mailbox to give you loads of your goods and/or sales back quickly, but now CAPS the AH speed, making the aforementioned changes utterly pointless. Slow clapping


Great change! I was able to post everything I needed today without TSM.

So, it collectively took me 2 and a half hours to run 2 cancel scans of 180 items and to repost 500 auctions that had expired. It used to only take me 30 minutes. As someone who keeps around 1000-1500 auctions of transmog listed on the AH at any one time, this is absolutely ridiculous.

In hindsight, it makes the mailbox update seem pretty fricken counter-intuitive, donā€™t you think? To the few saying good riddance and that the economy will get better? Yaā€™ll undercut each other into oblivion. More often than not, itā€™s the people with these addons fixing things and keeping the prices normalized.

Also if the point of doing this is the ā€˜unfair advantageā€™ the free addon gives, why are things like raider io, DBM, details, askmrrobot, warcraftlogs and so on allowed? Addons are specifically used for the utility and ā€˜advantageā€™ they give players so that argument literally makes no sense in the grand scheme of things.


Yep. This is only going to make things worse for legitimate goblins. Those that can P2W and bot without fear will be able to dominate markets. Thanks a lot, Blizzard.


I would actually love to hear the specific reason as to why they nerfed TSM like that. I wanna know if something specifically crossed the line of OP.


I didnā€™t say server impact.

If they wanted to deal with server impact then they can add hardware or redesign the AH to handle more traffic.

What they did say though is that they did it because it was being used to ā€œgain a competitive advantageā€ that ā€œisnā€™t good for the gameā€ ā€¦ well if addon advantage isnā€™t good for the game then DBM/WA/etc should all also be banned by the same logic.


perhaps if you uninstalled tsm you could post those items more easily. i think this is affecting you because tsm is constantly pinging the auction house using up your allotted pings


This is not true.

I transferred to my current server.

There was no one like me in many markets before I came here. Those markets were suffering.

That void was not being filled.

You are wrong. You just donā€™t want to see it because you donā€™t want to compete with people who use TSM.


You clearly donā€™t like addons. They provide you an advantage against stock UI players, so practice what you preach or be a hypocrite.

From my buddy:

This is like the government coming to Jeff Bezos and saying - hey we noticed that you guys are way too efficient and are dominating the market. Even though you are providing goods and services that everyone is benefiting from, weā€™re going to have to limit the amount of orders you can ship out in a day


Thankyou! Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. Players who have no addons should have a chance at being competitive in the AH and with any aspect of the game.


The system is tuned so that is should never affect players using the AH typically: buying consumables, listing gathered or crafted goods for sale, searching for specific items you want to purchase, etc. It should be essentially impossible to encounter the new limits for most players.

Who do you think they are buying from? a LOT of what i sell in bulk, Iā€™m literally the only person selling those items. Discouraging me from selling only will hurt the economy overall and limit what new players have access to. Especially as they level (i sell a LOT of old world items).


Additionally and here is the conspiracy relating to the longboi going away for shadowlands.

Blizzard is removing vendor access to the mount in order to limit AH calls on their server infrastructure. A technical limitation masqueraded as an appeal to the 3-5% of the community that may have the mount by BFA end.

I am going to poke holes on both sides. Addons should not do these things and Blizzard needs to get better servers. They are a mulit-billion dollar corporation not a multi-dollar one.

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If you understood economics youā€™d realize that would actually be a really good thing for the economy. you are just helping blizzards argument.

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You are just pissing everyone off today arenā€™t you?

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you mean, without people like you, more people have a chance to get the bruto because we donā€™t constantly have to fight against botting addoners like tsm constantly sitting on the ah nonstop still undercutting with the new system at a price so low theres no profit, hence why its fair to at least throttle the automated system you guys use to try to promote people to do it manually.