Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

To me it’s rather clear - they’ve detected that playing the AH is way too profitable and contributes to gold inflation, and they can’t have an increasing group of players with over 10 million gold in their pockets, especially now that we can pay our subs with gold.

It’s all about the money.


This is the unfortunate truth for most people who stomp their feet about auction addons.

People who don’t understand how game economies work are the only ones that are excited when it becomes more problematic for big sellers.


Blizzard nerfs AH addons because “generates lag”

have you guys at Blizz ever tried to play the battle for Nazjatar ONCE? Yes, the one event YOU created where when you press an ability button you can watch the entire trilogy of (the extended version) of LOTR before that button triggers its ability in game?

Revert this change.

Or let’s start talking about multiboxing. Shall we? No right?


You all said it yourself several years ago. When an addon necessitates that others that don’t use the addon to then adopt it in order to regain prior gameplay functionality, said addon’s existence needs to be called into question.

TSM and AH addons have had far too long of a lifespan at being able to do what they want. And you the devs only tip-toe around the issue because you know just how mad players get when you directly affect their wallets (much like how people do IRL).

You made the right call in this situation.

And anyone that sees this and gets mad, I don’t care. Problems always present themselves in the worst state when directly confronted.


I check my mailbox, take back any of my items that didn’t sell, and then relist them. I am manually listing (not using any add-ons) no more than 100-150 items per character (including setting prices on ones that aren’t already listed, also includes some stacks which hopefully don’t count each one item of that stack of 200 separately in your system) and I am getting throttled.


Just adding my support to the goblins out there. This change is going to negatively affect that entire player base as well as the economy as a whole.


if the idea of removing a addon for been a unfeer advantage, then remove all the addons that do that or remove the advantage that they give, then remove DBM, is the same for the PVE players that for us Gobling that find this way of playing fun. i hate this change.

Is like banning walmart because they sell to much .


What about DBM/Big Wigs/WeakAuras then, do those need to be addressed too?


The simplest solution would be to limit how OFTEN you can do a cancel scan or equivalent, not how many items.

Use the same idea as 10 instances per hour rule of sorts. Right now you’re basically saying " can go into the instance as often as you like but you can only kill 2 mobs per minute, ENJOY!


Those are bad too. When you have weakauras having to be created to sort decrees for azshara, you know that the fights have gotten too hard. And the reason they got hard is because of the development of addons.

All of this is just an arms race between players and blizzard. And it needs to stop. Now my points do not mean I hate addons. You should see my UI. But the automation of some really needs to be brought in line.

Additionally I believe that Blizzard needs to enable a developer level of native UI customization within the game being able to move elements around without third party tools (which would still be allowed). Ridiculous that I can’t move bars to fit how I want to view things without leaning on outside sources. We can move character/target frames And chat box and that’s it. Sad.

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I LOVE the new Auction House. For the love of Azeroth, don’t revert it.


With this logic other addons have the same reason to be hit. DBM gives a huge advantage to tracking boss mechanics. Weakauras gives a huge advantage to tracking buffs, auras, etc. Rematch helps to store pet teams and offers a quick switch advantage to get through world quests fast and easy. The list is endless.

Your logic is dumb.

With this change, what’s the point of keeping up with enough gold to keep playing? I can’t afford this game outside of paying monthly with gold. Plenty of people I know can’t.

In the long term, this will affect the auction house negatively. One simple example - why farm mats while being penalized in a way? There goes a huge chunk of resources in the ah, especially for small servers that struggle to keep items up for sale.

And don’t make me laugh about the lag poor excuse.


If you understood economics you’d realize that the void of you exploiters would be easily filled by the regular players that are now able to use that part of the game again.


Please provide proof of automation in TSM.

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Of all the asinine changes I’ve seen you make during my 15 years of playing this game, this has to be the top one. And to add salt to the the wound you introduce this change without even communicating iot to the community. So underhanded but expected nonetheless. Very disappointed to the approach.


I am a regular player.
This is going to absolutely screw me.


Possibly because the raid can decide whether or not to use dmb or bigwigs, where as the whole server does not agree on using tsm. and if i had to guess they didnt ban it because it will still provide quality of life features people can still enjoy.


Hey blizz while you are at it can you make it so you can only kill a raid boss on your character once a week. Ban multi boxers and make it so people aren’t allowed to play more then 4hrs a day because that is unfair to the majority!? As someone that has only stayed subscribed since wod because I enjoy making gold(however many tokens since token released you have made off me) I am quite disappointed.


Stupid change. Its been like this for years, its not that we are taking advantage of anything we just learned how to do something that any player could learn and do just most are too lazy

We’re not “exploiters,” and regular players do not bother to engage with old content. We farm items and recipes from previous expansions to sell to the average player because there is a demand for it. Why? Because the average player is not interested in actually playing the content to get those items.