Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

This is unacceptable.


It’s an awfully bold claim to assume that the rest of us don’t understand economics when you feel gatekeeped and unable to engage yourself because you are a “regular player”.


AH addons have been widely accepted for the whole length of the game…why limit us now??? Ban the bots instead


I will be giving all my gold to my daughter, as i will be quitting the game if this isn’t fixed… Goodbye it was fun.


You are trying to hamstring players who enjoy the wow economy as it’s own part of the game to bring them in line with those that just toss randomly acquired materials on the AH after they finish a dungeon run. There is no reason to do this. There is nothing wrong with those that play the role of the crafter/provider for their server’s community. It hurts no one. Im so sick and tired of this company.

You make stupid decisions that hurt large portions of your player base and help no one… cause reasons. You charge people money from junk expansions like BFA, with multiple layers of grind on top of grind that isn’t fun just to keep their time played metrics up. The expansion had major flaws that were expressed to you before it’s release but where ignored and weren’t fixed until half way through the expansion. You give your player base the bare minimum with as little of manpower as possible to save you payroll. I still remember your mass layoffs. You are a twofaced, lying, hypocritical company to both your customers and your employees. You don’t care about your customers anymore than what is necessary to keep them opening their wallet for you.

My desire to continue playing this game has been hanging by a thread this whole expansion. The only thing that has kept me hanging on til next expansion was gold making. But apparently gold makers are now a part of this player base that is no longer welcome. That was the last reason I needed to be done with this. You can keep your game. Im done feeding such a scumy company.


Hot damn! Two pieces of good news in one day! Good job Blizz. Please ignore all the whiners who wanted to keep ruining the economy with apps and infinite instance farming/boosting.

I hope these are the first of many steps you take to bring the game more in line with Vanilla. My suggestions:

  • Fix mob pathing to make 1-pulls impossible
  • Ban world buffs from instances & make them unstackable
  • Change the mats for the AQ war effort. Let those of us who haven’t stockpiled everything for day-one turnins have a chance at the fun.
  • Nerf AOE damage
  • Nerf DPS warriors
    *Buff AQ/Naxx (new boss mechanics??)

People “playing the AH” accomplishes all of the following:

  • Makes a wide array of goods available at competitive prices: People battling it out over being the lowest available price on potions or transmog armor makes these things easier to afford for non-goblin players. While there are instances of “reseting the market”, these are a.) infrequent and not long term sustainable and b.) able to be addressed directly. Also, some of the things being sold, especially transmog, would be incredibly difficult to obtain at all without the AH and people investing large amounts of time into it.
  • Gets people engaged in more areas of the game: I only bothered touching pet battling back in MoP for brawlers guild and then never again since, until I decided to try and get myself set up to level and farm pets to sell. I haven’t invested heavily into it, but it at least got me back in WoD battling trainers and doing those pet battle WQ I had been skipping for half a decade. I’m also running old raids on a weekly basis for raw gold and transmog, and getting some neat sets along the way. I’m enjoying the game MORE because the ability to play the AH exists.
  • Provides Blizzard money indirectly by driving up token sales: Most of the players who do really high end AH stuff are buying tons of tokens, tokens for their second, AH posting accounts, tokens to buy the blizzard stores pets and mounts, tokens to buy shadowlands, etc. This makes tokens worth more gold, and therefore more lucrative for someone to spend money on. AH players are literally helping Blizzard make money

You are crippling most of the above with this change, and at a time when players are desperately trying to use the AH to achieve a goal that you are artificially restricting once SL goes live. Even if your intentions are purely about keeping the AH running smoothly, it feels scummy, on top of unnecessary.

Please do not do this.


This change blows my mind.

TL;DR: The budget should be some combination of more actions and a larger unit of time than a minute. Let me scan and post my pack of about 100 items without being limited, which takes about 2 minutes, I’ll guess. Also, start small by only limiting cancel scans, then evaluate how the system responds.

Part of my daily routine is to empty my mailbox of my 500 or so auctions (whether expired or sold), relist the ones I have, buy materials to craft replacements for what sold (serving the customers!), go make them, then come back to list the newly crafted stuff. I occasionally run a cancel scan after emptying my mailbox because I find that is the best way for my inventory counts to be accurate. This all takes about an hour of my evening which is a lot of time but I like to make gold.

I’m not sure how many AH calls are done to post 500 auctions and then run a cancel scan on them (yes, through TSM) but it looks obvious that it is going to take a lot more time for me to do this – if I keep doing it.

Am I the type of person you’re trying to limit? My burst of AH activity for about 20 minutes a day? Of that 20 minutes, I’m probably actually using AH calls for less than half that time. Well, yesterday, at least.

Besides hurting my gold income and making this facet of the game I’ve enjoyed for about 10 years more frustrating, the market will have less for sale on it. How is that good for buyers?

I make all sorts of low level armor that I guess people buy for transmog. It doesn’t sell at a fast pace and I don’t do crazy markups. I have actually received ‘thank you’ mails for listing items. Adding a bunch of time to list these infrequently selling items means gold per hour drops for them and I should stop listing them. That hurts buyers.

I suspect the very high volume AH API callers are those who cancel and re-list frequently. Why not start there with putting a budget on cancel calls, then see how the system is operating?


I just want to put in my opinion. I don’t know when exactly it happened, but I assume it was around 8.3 when the auction house changes started to affect the normal user of TSM. I am making an assumption here, but most people use TSM for the posting and canceling aspect of TSM even though groups are really nice. Prior to 8.3 TSM worked super fast. Now not only is it taking almost ten times longer to post and cancel, but now its apparently the addons fault and the fault of the player base using an addon that was perfect fine prior to these changes. Therefor we get punished for their lack of coding/infrastructure and obvious lack of future tuning.

“Just have the addon fix our mistakes and blame it on them.”

Don’t think this is gonna change or get fixed, but this is really disappointing. Not sure if anything I said is even true, but I’m just frustrated. This is what I spent most of my time doing trying to get a longboi. And oh boi is it sure gonna be long…


As a casual player, I have been working on finding a way to be able to afford the longboi and using freely available tools that are available to everyone, to make sure I am not getting undercut too badly or anything and for true analysis you need a lot of data. Apparently Blizzard is against more people getting that mount. Instead of limiting the actions, why not make them more efficient so not as many actions are needed then? Sad to see how anti-player Blizzard has become…


Your game is already lost. A certain region of the world has decided that it is more profitable to do business over here than in their area. And they’ve been exploiting it since the first time they could get into MC by using fly hacks. Not to mention the myriad of other technical oversights from blizz.

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You’ve been posting a lot of replies in agreement with this blue post and now you’re saying that if they put it in the default UI, it would be okay? Little hypocritical.

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This change makes using the AH worse than the scrapper. Arbitrary delays for doing common things (which are only effective if done in significant quantity) is not fun.


I would love to know what advantages you think you are preventing. The API does what the API does yes? You’re not preventing anything. Just making it take longer.

You’ve ruined the game for people who played mostly for crafting and professions. Now you are going to do the same thing for those who’s main focus is the AH.

There are people who play who don’t give 2 s#!ts about your raids or your M+. Seems like you are going to keep ruining enough of the game until you’ve driven them all away.

With what blizzard’s done to WoW over the years, they don’t even deserve to get to keep it. It should be taken away from you and placed in the care of a non-profit co-op owned and governed by the subscribers.

Alas, you’ll keep failing forward until eventually you have to pull the plug, leaving everyone with nothing at all because of your stubborn unwillingness to listen or learn.

Edit: It’s also hard to imagine that a “small minority” of people using an addon have much of an impact on the server infrastructure supporting the AH.

So either you are lying about the number of people having an impact on your servers, or you are lying about the server loads having anything to do with your reasoning for this change.


This is incredibly stupid from the blizzard dev team. First I get to log out before I can post the items in the auction.


This broke more than just TSM. I just tried to post an item without TSM turned on. First item I tried, and then every item after it would simply put the AH into a loading state, and would not actually post the item. I tried for about 15 minutes, and was not able to post anything at all, which is why I found this thread in the first place, looking for whether this was just a me issue or a WoW issue. It would not let me post any items at all even doing it using the default UI. Your fix broke the entire thing, and was completely unnecessary to begin with.


Multi-billion dollar company worried about extra AH traffic that is the result of unnecessary 8.3 AH changes. Incredible.

There are 3 fun aspects to this game. PvE, PvP, and the economy. This change destroys any fun to be had with the economy…

Also, can we please ban DBM and BigWigs because this gives players an unfair PvE advantage? Make sure to remove sArena and OmniBar from PvP, too.



Im sorry this is the stupidest change ever. I dont do cancel Scans but i Post alot of Transmog. This now take me 4 or 5 times as longer to post my auctions. So this means you just want us to sit at the AH longer then actually playing the game.


Please be transparent. I would love to see sales data on the amount of tokens that are purchased daily/weekly/monthly. Us goblins keep supplying the whales gold and you make extra $. Why stop that. I may have to sell my Activision shares as this seems not thought out.


I don’t use an AH addon at all anymore, and yet I keep reaching this limit. So they’re lying by saying it won’t affect “typical” users. Please revert this. The auction house is borderline unusable.