Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

So, I’m supposed to drag and drop every single transmog piece I want to sell now?

I’m not selling thousands of actions, I’m actually under 200 right now. I go out and farm for a couple hours every week. This effects me harshly.

If you’re so worried about people flooding the markets, targeting casual TSM users isn’t the way to do it. Go after the multi-boxers absolutely flooding the market with materials and transmog.
A single person on a single account does not damage the economy, but this change only screws over individuals. I could just post off a second account and this change wouldn’t effect me at all.

RIP anybody farming their Longboi now, I guess. The removal of that mount alone also did more damage than people just posting a few hundred items a day since everybody and their dog started to flood markets. So many people picked up multi-boxing and started flooding the markets en masse. But no, that’s fine.


This is a terrible change and the limit is way too low. People can just download the addons if they want a balanced experience. Revert the change.


TSM is and has been a legal addon for World of Warcraft for nearly a decade. It is not an exploit, hack or anything of the kind. You can download it just as easily as you could DBM or BigWigs. It does not do any automation of any kind. You are required to submit input for each post, each sale, each cancel.


Keep telling yourself that. obviously blizzard disagrees lol.

Well I cannot speak for other addons, but I don’t think it is unjustified to try and balance aspects of the game after any amount of time. For example, if a specific class is busted for an expansion, and they nerf that class in the next expansion, I wouldn’t say it is unjustified due to the amount of time it WAS busted. Would you say that is unjustified?

An explanation of why blizz decided to nerf it now could be because it was only now that they believe auction addon users have too much of an advantage over non-addon users.

Players without addons should have a fighting chance vs. people with addons, regardless of if addons are FREE, which is an argument I have seen multiple people make on this threah

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First of all, normaly only new players have the tendency to not use AH addons, when the new player starts discovering what are the addons then it start to use it. Addons like TSM or Auctionator are not advantage because it is free otherwise addons Like DBM will be also an advantage cause it helps the player. It is really sad how they think this will solve the “problem”. Every Addon gives an advantage to the player so with this logic, addons are ban from the game, please fix this because some player just play wow for goldmaking, so thus this will seriously affect the gameplay experience


The vast majority of players can do exactly what we’re doing. Downloading TSM or Auctioneer is not difficult, nor is setting up either to engage with the AH. I was using Auctioneer before I even remotely cared about gold making and reaped the same benefit.

Furthermore, this change does not accomplish anything magical for the “vast majority” of players. Regular auction house goers are still going to continue to do their thing, albeit somewhat slower, and many of them do have an account dedicated to auctions that they run alongside their main account actively playing the game.

The only thing this does is screw the vast majority over by giving you the illusion of an improved experience. Enjoy never finding old mats and transmog, I guess?


Provide proof that it is an exploit. Why is the addon not banned then? Why isn’t DBM or BigWigs banned? I bet you can’t answer either of those questions. You just came here to troll and as such are being reported for doing so. This is a serious issue affecting the gold making community (Not the botting community, we despise them).

Botters, which is who you should be directing your ire at, will still be able to automate and AFK, while legitimate users suffer. Congratulations.


So the AH was the reason that I continued to pay a subscription / buy tokens / buy mounts / buy blizzard store items between patches. It was the largest form of fun and the only “True PVP” which was the AH. I have slowed down from posting 1x per day, and reduced the number of auctions but now am in the process of removing all my items from the AH, might decide to post some stuff but not really interested, or really interested in playing, or paying for a subscription any longer, until the next expansion. Thanks for making a great game, and giving me enjoyment as my friends would stop playing between expansions. Hope that the storyline for Shadowlands is able to keep people interested.


As someone that only gets a chance to get on Warcraft to post my auctions once a week, this change seems like instead of getting my game ‘chore’ done on that one day in a hour, it is going to take me a lot longer to post auctions. I am no means a professional goblin, but I do enjoy the small amount I make from the ah. I don’t think this is a helpful change for someone like me.


I use about 15 addons but I do not see how that is relevant. I do not believe the argument of “addons are free” is a solid one; as I have said in another comment I just replied to, non-addon players should have a fighting chance against people with addons, if they don’t, then the addon is too powerful an needs a nerf. I believe this is the mindset that Blizzard had when making this decision.


Uninstall them. Bet you won’t.


I mainly just craft BfA items and post them. This slowdown is still hitting me even though I’m relatively small in the number of things I post at any given time.


Again, Blizz making a change before letting anyone know about it. We are at the end of an xpac right now, and they are smart enough to know that this is the dull part of the cycle. Why do they have to make such a drastic change at a point when we are struggling to find things to do? I have limited time to play, and with no new content in site for a few months the AH is where some of us find enjoyment. Revert this Blizz, keep the game enjoyable for everyone.


The issue I see this creating is multiboxers just spreading their stock across multiple characters to bypass the throttling. If, for example, we can only do 50 actions per minute on one character, then why not multibox 10 accounts and then you have 500 actions per minute.
This change is trying to fix something that wasn’t broken.


Ok, I don’t usually use the forums, but I have to reinforce the other comments: what type of "fix"is this? What was actually broken and how on Earth is this supposed to make the gameplay of anyone better? This is the stupidest thing Blizzard implemented recently, it serves no purpose and just irritates people who plays the AH, which is just a valid way of playing the game as any other. If we’re talking about unfair advantage given by the use of addons, let’s discuss the game as a whole, shall we?

I don’t do much AH scanning, I sell precisely 39 items in the AH and it took me ages to do it today. Just awful!


Then they need to apply that logic to parts of the game that actually matter - like progression raiding and competitive PvP.

Something tells me they aren’t in a rush to break DBM or Gladius, though.


If you all added buylisting and allowing items to stay up indefinitely it’d massively reduce the amount of transactions happening on the auction house, but that’d require development time and a feature people would actually care about instead of destroying the economy by making things slow to the point of unusability.

I’d be happy to list a few hundred pieces of transmog for weeks to months in hope they eventually get bought without having to re-list them every other day, but this change means that it’d take me the entire day to put them back on the auction house. Instead, they’re going to sit in my guild bank gathering dust until I decide to re-sub.

That’s to say if I decide to ever do that again, since I don’t have the money to justify on this game and you all have decided that I shouldn’t be able to use tokens anymore.


You’ve always been able to compete. You’ve chosen not to do so.

This is not going to be a positive change for you or anyone in the game. I don’t think those of you who are celebrating understand that goblins on your server keep the farming market alive and make sure low stocked items are always in stock and consumables are always in stock.

On my server there’s ten people who sell flasks.

Some of those people only list three. Some of them list ten. Another may list twenty.

I also list twenty at a time.

I am the only one who logs on more than once or twice a day.

Without me there, my server runs out of flasks during raid/big mythic plus days.

That is not an exaggeration. It will happen.

You don’t understand what this is going to do to medium and low pop servers.


Without going into whether the change is right or now, I’m not sure how you can come to the conclusion that these addons have a comparable server impact, which seems to be what they want to attenuate.

The aforementioned take data that is already available to your client without the use of any addon and do some extra processing on it using your local resources.

TSM on the other hand generates completely new traffic at a much high rate than browsing the auction house with the default UI would.