Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

Hi, crafting goods and posting them on the AH is the only thing I do in wow anymore and this is affecting me extremely negatively. You’re limiting my ability to post my products on the AH. This doesn’t make the experience any better for the average user in any way. This only negatively affects people who actively play and use the AH as their primary source of fun. If a player wants to sell on the AH they can get TSM/Auctioneer/Whatever like the rest of the gold making community, just like every raider has to get BigWigs/DBM/Whatever.

If the vast amount of traffic on the AH is coming from a minority of it’s users then that is because those users enjoy playing that aspect of your game. It also means that the minority is who is providing the majority of players with things to buy on your AH, limiting that minority in their ability to provide said service will ultimately make the service worse for the majority when they become unable to find the item(s) they want because the minority posting those items was handcuffed.

If this change is not reverted it will be the last I play once my current game time runs out. I’ve already unsubscribed.


Exactly its a problem produced by boxers and bots and a solution that ignores them. Transmog boxers still have a ton of items, but wont be affected by this change because they post on a bank toon WHILE farming with 4+ other accounts, so they will hardly notice.


going the wrong way…if youre going do throttle an addon because it gives user an advantage over other…then ban all addons…this is far from a “fix” and well to say the least an annoyance. gold making is really the only thing left to do till SL and this just made it worse. my Game time is up next month.



Can we assume that Deadly Boss Mods and WeakAura’s will also be removed/throttled as these mods give HUGE advantages to people who use them as opposed to people who don’t use them?

This change is going to kill the trans-mog market as the only way to make a profit is to post a large amount of items with only a tiny percentage of them selling every day. This current throttle value is set too low and this will impact even casual players who will assume the Auction House is just broken again as it was at the start of BFA.


So does this mean that you will be shortly limiting how frequently DBM/BigWigs/WeakAuras etc can read in-game event data then?

All of those addons provide competitive advantages to the players that use them.

This is a total double-standard. All you’re going to achieve here is driving all of the server economies into the ground. Supply is going to crash everywhere because the people who farm/craft large quantities of things will cease posting, or at the very least reduce the frequency of their posting.

For example, as someone who is in the glyph market how do you propose I manage the 60-70 different glyphs that I keep on the AH at any given time?


This is extremely disheartening to see that this has been an intentional change. Imagine limiting the number of Mythic + keys that can be run at one time. Or imagine having to wait in a queue with your guild before you can enter Ny’alotha, because too many guilds are currently raiding on your server. Or even imagine if you got a slowing debuff when you were mounted, because you had been exploring or flying for too long. This is actively discouraging people from playing the game how they want to play it, a manner of playing that isn’t harmful or exploitative. I urge you to please reconsider this decision, as you are only harming players with this change while no one benefits.


Please fix this, I would rather play the game than waste 30 minutes while I do my daily auction processing.


From a development point of view I can understand there are different parts of the game that come together and when they all collide the strain can become massive. That being I think that the negative impact this will have on the health of the auction house will far out way any performance gain that the servers will see. There was a sharp decrease in the speed of posting with the 8.3 AH changes, and it was frustrating to suddenly have to take at least twice as long to post auctions as before, however the QoL changes for the average player made up for it in my eyes.
That being said, this change is intended (at least from my understand of Kaivax’s post) to limit people who are sitting and trying to snipe the AH all day to repost items.
I am really curious to see how big of a change, from an efficiency standpoint, this throttle actually is. Even if they were to stop that minority of players from sitting in a major city throwing queries all day, how much of the overall AH strain, and then server strain, do they represent? Are they really making an impact of the health of the server overall? If having a handful of Goblins on a server with thousands of players is slowing down the server doesn’t that imply that the search query functions are not nearly as optimized as they should be? If the issues is the new AH features, for those of us who have put in the time to set up add-ons like TSM to make our lives easier and don’t care about the added functionality from 8.3 why not add a checkbox in the advanced settings of the game that knock out the more complex searches and bring back faster AH queries.
Circling back to my original point though, this change will most likely cause a large change in the health of the AH on all servers, I specifically worry about small servers like my own.
On servers where you can easily have control over a certain market (you might be the only person to sell Transmog, glyphs, low level BOEs, etc, suddenly you have to spend a significantly longer time just to post your auctions? As someone who likes to sell glyphs as well as other random crafting items I pick up in my travels, I have at least 100 items I want to post every day. At my peak point when working towards my Long Boi I was posting 600 or 700 auctions in a day. Posting several hundred is reaching toward being a Goblin, but in my eyes I think the average player trying to make some gold could easily post more than 50 different items (I am not sure where the cut-off is currently, I believe I read 50 in one of the earlier posts) as a way to get started. I think that if they were to keep this change it should be in the thousands if at all, and also vary based on server size. I like to get on and post my auctions before I go to work, but if it’s going to take an hour to post 100 items I definitely don’t have time to do that every morning anymore. This means that I will only post the items that have the most value for me to sell, and suddenly the AH on my server (assuming the other members of my small server have lives similar to mine) is going to be significantly emptier.
This means that Joe on his level 66 warlock who just got soul well wants to go buy the glyph for it, because it’s dope and much easier to see in a raid, might have to wait weeks for someone to post it, if it ever gets posted.
The other thing that I worry will happen is that you will lose competition on small servers so only the goblins will remain, who can sit and post all day. This means that depending on how nice your local goblin is, suddenly prices might skyrocket.

In conclusion, I don’t support this change because I don’t think that AH queries are truly that impactful on server health, and I worry that it will hurt the AH health more than it will improve server health.


This is 100% trash. I will be cancelling my subscription should this not be fixed. TSM is not a cheat, it hasn’t been for near a decade and there is no automation. Each action requires a user input.


I think it’s unfair for players like me, who want to post large amounts of items and not being able to. Especially on large servers where items sell very quickly for shadowlands.

I think what this screams is we’re lazy and we don’t want to fix an issue. Addons are not against the games tos. You allow us to use addons therefore its either you are or are not against it.

And agree TSM is not cheating. you don’t even have the wits to say the addon you’re referring to in order to avoid backlash. But we all know what you’re talking about. Smile


Additionally, it has the unintended consequence of moving that time investment bar higher, as only those with exceptionally high levels of free time will be able to devote the new, increased time requirements to post large stockpiles of items. This will push out the semi-hardcore and the hardcore-but-smart-with-their-time types, who will now no longer either have the time or desire to spend that time playing the Auction House game. It’s a genuinely confusing change with no real beneficiaries.


Im not sure how this is a fix but it seems you are just punishing for enjoying a game. Why dont you break dbm? It gives people who raid or run dungeons an unfair advantage over others? I dont post much but these are terrible changes. It affects more than just goblins.


This is the worst change Blizzard has ever made. You’re killing the only part of the game that I and other players enjoy.


I came to post just this. I only have 4/5 hours a day (at most) to play WoW, the only thing keeping me playing until shadowlands was raiding and playing the AH for money to prepare for shadowlands (with the occasional horrific vision).

What was 2-3 hours a day reposting/crafting items will now consume most likely all my time, while i haven’t had time to experience this myself i’m expending to spend 4+ hours just crafting and relisting, and if this is the case i may just give up on WoW entirely. I only started bfa in 8.3 (after hitting max in 8.0) to prepare for shadowlands, which is now nigh impossible if you wish to play the AH


You want feedback? This change is ridiculous and needs to be reverted immediately.


Why bother making this change now after a ‘small minority’ has been using Auctioneer or TSM since Classic, BC? If this is such an issue, why not revert to the old auction house prior to 8.3? Clearly not an issue then. Stop using players playing your game to test your game. Actually test your changes in a robust environment instead of testing by fire.


Well, this will end the game for me. I hope there is a change of heart on this.


Finally the vast majority of players can compete on the AH again hopefully with this change! Thank you blizzard for listening! at the very least the average player can drink the salty tears of all these exploiters lol!!!


For God’s sake, I started using now AH was making a lot of money with the garbage from my bank and now it takes almost 10 min to post everything, TAKE IT WAS UNFEASIBLE TO USE AH, I’d rather throw away the items than try to sell things


TSM is free to install. DBM/BigWigs provides powerful information. Let’s nerf that. How many addons do you use?