Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

Please revert this change, or consider widely broadening the throttle.

I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, goldmaking (and thus, using AH-posting addons) has become the reason I log on to the game between raid days. If it weren’t for the completionist drive of wanting to post one of every profitable item on the AH, I’d be logging in to other games instead of going to farm old-world content.

In terms of literal service issues, I don’t know enough to speak to what kind of problems they cause.

In terms of economic advantages - I don’t see an appreciable difference between using one of these AH addons for gold-making and using say, weakauras for raiding. They help you do the task better.

I know I’m not the worst offender here (I don’t have a second account that is constantly cancel-scanning the AH to take down and repost items), but I do have several hundred auctions I repost each day, and this will, after a bit of testing, roughly triple or quadruple the time I spend just standing at the AH.

I actually think this will HURT the average player more than help, because it’ll drive inflation. My thought process here is that if it’s significantly harder to post lots of items, then those items just won’t get posted, which reduces supply.

Speculatively, (and cynically), this will likely also hurt account sub metrics - I’m sure a lot of multiboxers will stop paying for those 2nd-8th accounts if they can’t post all the products they’re making.

I dunno, I’m just generally against this because I don’t really accept the premise that it’s needed. I’m biased, obviously, though.


So, I think it’s pretty obvious whose gameplay experience is harmed by this change. But who’s experience is improved? I assume you made this change knowing that it would be a major pain point for people who spend a lot of time on the AH, so I have to also assume that you feel that trade-off is worth making the game better for some other group. From your explanation it seems like this is meant to be better for people who only occasionally use the AH for a small number of items, but I can’t see how. I play on a high pop server at peak times and I’ve never had a problem with pulling up the auction house and buying/listing a handful of items.

So maybe this is all about narrowing the competitive gap between people who use addons to scan and cancel/post and those who don’t, but I can’t see it being very helpful there either. The people who are willing to spend many hours checking and rechecking the AH will still do that, and will still have a major advantage over those who can’t or won’t spend that amount of time. Only difference now is the people who have the most fun playing the AH will now have less fun.


You do realize that without people like us there wouldn’t even be an economy…


It would seem now, that these changes favor the multiboxers/multibotters since they are only farming up massive amounts of single item types to post on the auction house. I’m a bit concerned as to how this is going to shake out.


Playing the AH was a big part of my gameplay during down times of the game context. It kept me in the game.

I haven’t played the AH lately but would be livid if I was with this hot fix.

Even just running TSM to get market values is great.

This needs to be reverted. This is a poor way to handle an issue that isn’t even spelled out correctly!


Seriously, revert this stupid call! You have a freaken 5 million gold mount in the game, you can’t get to that by only posting 1-2 auctions a day. If you’re going to do something as stupid as utterly destroy a major part of the game a lot of PAYING customers play for, then you need to give everyone gold cap, and unlimited of every item so we don’t need to use this sh!tty system anymore.


ahhh once again Blizzard trying to solve imaginary problems.

@Blizz you just killed an entire emerging “scene” of new goblins that got into playing the AH, farming mats and mogs, watching videos etc… triggered by the longboi race.

Seems like when players are having fun, but not playing the game the way YOU want us to play it, you just have to intervene. As Preach said in his torghast video, LET US PLAY THE WAY WE ENJOY PLAYING!!!


I agree with a lot of this. Until I got into a bit of goldmaking (I’m not one of the ones w/ 8 multibox accounts and doing constant cancel-scans, but I do do quite a bit of farming), I didn’t realize quite how much the AVAILABILITY of a lot of items is propped up by a very small few.


As a new goldfarmer, Im farming a damn ton of different things, transmog, materials, pets, mounts, anything that has value I farm it, I have over 1100 items so far, and with the 8.3 revemp it’s already really annoying to post them all, as it takes about 45 minutes, now if after 50 items I have that " throttling fix " and the 1050 items takes 3-4-5 seconds to post each of em instead of 1-2 seconds, that means I at least double my posting time, which means at least an hour and a half just to post them all.

Now im not even talking about scanning the prices with TSM, for sure people using addons are going to have a lots of advantages with the auction house, but why would this be a problem now ?! Like yes we’ll have an advantage, but why don’t these players just INSTALL these addons ? It takes 2 seconds and it would make everyone equally powerful in the Auction House, but as you guys said, only a small majority of the players are making a large traffic, but what do you want more than that, it’s just normal as prolly less than 20% of the player base is actually using the Auction House as an everyday goldmaking technic, but without these 20%, the auction house would miss more than 70% of it’s items. ( All these % are just an hypothesis ) And literally all the economy would suffer from that on each single servers.

Now im lucky I posted my auctions this morning at 7am, so I at least have 24 hours to make a couple of gold before I get slapped in the face by this bad throttling system. Please remove that " fix ".

Also, if you guys thinks that addons makes people to powerful, why wouldn’t you guys work WITH the TSM creators and make an auction house TOGETHER ?! At least them knows how to create and fix something in the auction house that has a great impact on the players. You guys should take some help from them and make a working " fast post " auction house, as it’s completly annoying that is hasn’t ever been done in over the passed decade.

Also, if you guys at Blizzard Inc. think that the auction house and the game is experiencing lags because of those addons, then you should probably upgrade your servers, as they are really bad anyway and they have been for the passed years. You guys make millions a years and can’t even make the Alterac Valley that YOU GUYS created work well with 40 players. Just upgrade your servers and everything will be better thant it has ever been, and the Auction House will work fine without you guys putting that " throttling fix " in it.


There have been addons for the Auction House since forever. For sure since Auctioneer was created and then now that TSM has taken over. Why make the change now? It’s unjustified now after giving us 15 years of allowance of addons for the AH.

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Good Luck posting 130 glyphs using anything else.


I’ve noticed Blizzard likes to do this type of thing. It’s called the Door-In-The-Face technique and it’s used to shoehorn whichever new agenda they’re currently pushing. They look at the data and see that the minority is doing something that the majority isn’t doing(master looter, anyone?). Then, they focus in on how to push the minority data set to becoming like the majority data set. “Most people don’t play like this so you shouldn’t play like this either.” Next they’ll come back with more reasonable but still restrictive measures with this new system. Quoting Blizzard on this post: “If the current settings are too strict, we’ll want to relax these measures.”


Jeepers! People are so sensitive about how much they can click at a time! The change makes a lot of sense for me but they need to change the threshold; AH bots are a problem on some servers but it shouldn’t be in the way of a player clicking at a normal time.

Feel free to whine at me, I won’t see it. I don’t use the forums and just happened to see a link to this page and found it hilarious how some are quitting because of it.


Has blizzard lost their damn minds? If they have an issue with people spam querying the AH, why is the system not a reactive one? Why make it proactive and screw over the ENTIRE userbase? If Space horse (A) goes and drops a 100 potions and glyphs into the AH every other day they should not be throttled. But if GoldGrubberGoblin (B) drops in 100 potions and glyphs every MINUTE then apply a REASONABLE rate restriction with a cooldown. Say 25 items, a minute until the spam stops. Repeat offenders get the usual. Rinse, repeat.

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What do you consider a lot? How many unique item/auction posts?

Blizzard could add a new puppy to the game and people would quit over it. It’s the playerbase’s favorite hobby.


The AH is what makes up 90% of my total play time over the last 16 years. I will likely pull the plug on my 5 accounts if this stays in it’s current implementation - this is unplayable, and has no precedent.

May I ask whom asked for this change? Who benefits from this? You AH interface is terrible, and that’s why the 3rd party add-ons are still in use even after the revamp. Instead of dissuading people from using the add-ons, perhaps actually improving your UI might be in order?


Well stated. Basic Economic common sense…the more competition on the AH (more Supply), the lower the Prices for the masses. If you limit the big AH Gobliner’s from posting as much Supply, then Prices will rise drastically for the masses. Is not more competition, greater supply and thus lower prices a good thing for the vast majority of players who do not use the AH very much?


Do you understand how many small server economies and auction houses you just killed with this change?

I play on a low population server and I am a big auction house user, many of the items I post I am the only one to have posted them in literally months. The website TheUndermineJournal shows you the last time an item was seen on the auction house so I know for 100% fact many of the items I post I am the only seller and many players only access to these items.

This change means I will have to reduce the amount of items I post by culling hundreds of items from my posting list and effectively lock out many players from items they want but have no other source for. Many items I craft and post I price it just enough to cover crafting cost and posting fees and make little to negative profit on just because I want people on my server to have access to those items.

Please reconsider this change, the auction house is how I have fun in this game, I like feeling like I am supporting my small servers economy and giving players access to these items.

This change kills a large part of the game for me and will significantly reduce the amount of time I spend in game.


I would like to register my thoughts, per the Blue post. I do NOT like this hot fix. Please revert the AH back to the settings they had yesterday, the day before, the week before, and the 15 years before that.
