Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

This is unacceptable. I ran into this Budget while posting less than 20 items using TSM.

All addons are designed to give a competitive advantage over those who don’t use them. Be it addons that mark nodes on the map, boss timers, or things like bartender.

If there is a performance issue arising from the auction house since the redesign then perhaps you should reach out to the addon authors and coordinate with them, we know they’ve been reaching out to you. Some of these issues could be alleviated with different design decisions or API updates

This current “fix” is unacceptable and effectively neuters my enjoyment of the game


Lots of other addons benefit people that use them, why is TSM different? because it uses more resources? Im on a high pop server and I barely notice any AH lag, it hasnt been a problem since the old AH UI.

We pay $15 a month, I dont wanna hear that were using too many resources or putting a strain on the game service. UPGRADE your servers. Its 2020 and youre still making excuses for a 15 year old game.


I don’t much mind the intent of this change, but I feel like it’s a bit strict at the moment. I generally use tsm to cancel about 12 ish stacks of items of about 2-10 items per stack depending on my supply, but I manually repost these from my bags with the standard UI and have noticed a bunch of my auctions not go through. I have to wait 3-5 seconds after an item in the AH loads in order to successfully post my auctions, and that sucks. If the intent is to just break TSM, i feel like there are better ways to do that.


From someone who has used TSM for a little under a month now, I think it is important to realize just how much of an advantage TSM gives in comparison to no auction mod. Someone without TSM simply cannot compete on the same level as a player with TSM. The information you have at your finger tips with TSM is extremely powerful, so I think that a nerf, if you will, to TSM, is justified.


This change needs to be reverted. I see no reason for doing this other than that you view too many people are (somehow) still managing to pay for their own subscription fees with tokens, and just removing tokens outright would provoke too much outrage over just blaming people who list more than a dozen items at a time on the auction house.


TSM is free. If someone decides not to use it, that’s their choice.


Will this help the default AH at all? There was already a substantial delay in the default UI when posting items. Often times you would right-click an item to sell then hit post but the item does not actually post. The only solution so far is to just wait, which makes posting even just a handful of items frustrating.


why not go out irl and ruin the real economy instead?


So let me get this straight. Blizzard wants to punish people for trying to earn enough gold to say…purchase a 5 million gold mount. Hmmm sounds hypocritical. Also, having an unfair advantage by using an addon is such a BS argument. Why dont you ban DBM or Weak Auras for giving unfair advantages in raids, dungeons and pvp? Simply put, they’re just trying to throttle the gold making ability of players so that they buy more tokens with real money. The WoW token continues to be a terrible decision making standard for Blizzard.


Please consider reverting this, or, at a minimum, loosening the throttle settings.

Edit: I would like to rescind this comment/request. I was able to log on last night, craft hundreds of potions/flasks, and sell almost all of them in one evening after this change. I was also able to cancel and repost twice within the same hour to undercut the competition… all without experiencing any sort of throttling or slowdown. I made over 100K in profit in 1 afternoon/evening of AH activity, and I’m not gonna complain about whatever changes that made that possible. Keep up the good work, Blizz.


I was actually thinking about that - it may be that the delay was the throttling from the Entire-AH level scan requests. If this fixes it, it’ll be a godsend.

That is a true statement, yes.

I thought it was weekly lag from being in the shrine. Very dumb change tbh…


have you tried turning the addons off? i posted quite alot and am not using the addon so an not getting throttled


This is actually good timing for me. My time expires is 25 hours and I won’t be buying more time unless this is fixed. I only post a couple hundred items a day and it is taking way too much of my time to list stuff on the AH. Its making the game not even enjoyable at this point.



Just wanted to post my own feedback saying I understand the concern listed here but to exclude those that want to play the game this way does not seem like the correct solution to me. Addons have been used since the game’s inception to improve aspects of the game and modify to one’s preference.

To essentially disable one of the most used goldmaker addons in the game is surprising to me, to say the least. There must be another solution so as to not hinder the game’s servers but also not blunt goldmaking addons.

Just my opinion, hopefully an alternative can be found soon.


only thing TSM is useful these days is finding out prices averages and keeping stock of sales, if blizz adds this ingame, they tsm is completely useless. Since this hotfix does not effect the stock keeping sales, still nothing bad about the hotfix.


So Blizzard is taking the stance of disliking transmog farming and gold farming in general? Gold farming, especially transmog farming is a huge time investment, if one doesnt have tsm, it would literally take hours upon hours up hours to post 800+ items, let alone post it at 12 hrs, and that is a small amount of items for a focused and smart farmer.

Want to know why a small amount of players control the large amount of auction activity? Because it is a huge time investment, it can take a long time to sell items and theres a pretty high knowledge ceiling for people to know what to farm, what markets to keep an eye on, etc. So people quit soon.

Want to know a fix that would ACTUALLY fix a large amount of AH activity that doesnt require the skill? Start banning multi-boxers and bots.


Fun detected; fun removed! Typical Blizzard. Yet another reason not to keep subbing.


You seriously need to hire an economist consultant because nothing you have done for this game’s economy has ever been positive.

This change harms the economy by deterring the “minority” that helps keep the economy flowing as expected. It is also the minority that keeps obscure, low demand but still purchased items in stock at all. The average player does not engage with a substantial majority of the game’s items outside of checking off boxes such as transmog and mounts - many of which require high-value but low-demand items that the minority will now find not worth posting.

Time is money.

This change will accomplish the following:

  1. Deter players who enjoy the gold making aspect of the game from playing at all.
  2. Reduce the overall quantity of items available on the Auction House.
  3. Make low-demand items even more difficult to acquire by “normal” players.
  4. Destroy the transmog market.
  5. Degrade the already stale experience of engaging with one of the most shallow MMORPG economies out there.

You also failed to communicate this extremely important change in advance and seem unwilling to find compromise or revert the decision, which is exactly what brought us to the disaster that is BfA as a whole to begin with.

Please reconsider. This is a terrible change that isn’t going to accomplish much other than make the experience worse for everyone who uses the Auction House - including your “typical” players - due to a decline in the economic stability and availability of niche goods.

EDIT: I have made a post with some proposed solutions, and the performance, average user, and economic benefits here: Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16 - #332 by Powerworduwu-wyrmrest-accord