I 100% agree. Echoing
“We killing tsm because lag”
Meanwhile do any sort of World PVP content over 6-7 players
I 100% agree. Echoing
“We killing tsm because lag”
Meanwhile do any sort of World PVP content over 6-7 players
TSM does not post for you. Why is TSM considered automation to you?
You aren’t being aware of something, DBM is, being aware takes brain cycles.
Yes you can push one button in tsm to post stuff, but guess what you can also push 1 button in the AH to post stuff, amazing how that works.
yes they can but not automatically via automation
you need to manually click stuff for using markers without DBM, DBM automates that, and it’s visible to ALL players
no you can’t. you’ve obviously bee been so used to cheating with TSM you’ve forgotten how normal people list and cancel auctions and scan the AH.
how many replies does it take for a blue to post again? 1000? never?
you literally cannot post right now without getting INCREDIBLY hindered without TSM.
And you’ve obviously gotten so used to DBM you don’t know what it’s like to do anything at all in wow whether it be 5 mans, WQs, or raids. I bet you even use the cheat for the matching memory game WQ. I use the base UI of the AH daily for things that TSM does not do well. I use TSM for things that it does better than the base UI.
you can have TSM automatically post all your auctions for you. it’s simple
it can also mass cancel and relist your auctions
it can automatically scan the AH and snipe items and undercut
it’s a cheat tool and gives unfair advantage
if you compare that to dBm putting a marker on the ground that everyone can see then you got issues.
Every single one of those requires user input. I don’t even use TSM, it’s too much a pain in the butt to set up.
It does not automatically do any of those things.
but can it cook my pizza to perfection?
you havn’t tried posting manually without TSM more than 50 auctions (even normal users do this all the time glyphs abttle pets lots of mats etc)…stop replying.
yeah bro, it also duplicates your items and gives you free gold /s
It’s amazing how ignorant you are. TSM doesn’t so any of that.
as I said you press 1 button. I had my auctions listed to my mouse wheel up. and cancel to mouse wheel down. it’s auto nation face the facts.
You still have to hit keys for every action you take. It might scan all the stuff you have in your bag, but you still need to hit an individual button for every auction you either cancel or post. It’s not just posting on it’s own.
This is completely unacceptable! The auction house is the whole reason I play this game. You might as well throttle people who’ve played in a few battlegrounds. The people posting auctions are the whole reason the wow token can function!
What about gnome sequencer enhanced? Azeroth autopilot? Garrison mission manager, oh, ElvUI helps make my screen cleaner so that gives me an advantage, so better get rid of that too. Healbot makes healing way easier than someone healing normally, better ban that too. Tons of PvP addons give information that a player without addons wouldn’t have, so those need to go…you know what, lets just remove ALL addons so everyone is the same!