Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

I can understand the sentiment behind this action, but seriously question if a minute by minute cap is the correct action.

A small minority of the player base provides a disproportionate amount of supplies purchased by the typical player. If a player focused on a very limited number of markets, such as current expansion alchemy only, this change would be barely noticed. However suppliers of more segmented markets, and lower sales volume items (glyphs, battle pets, and especially transmog), this newly introduced limit is a harshly punative time sink.

Are there specific behaviors that are perceived as degenerate that are the primary focus? The one that comes to my mind are those who repeatedly scan the AH to cancel and repost at the lowest price (or snag the last in first out position). On the opposite end of the spectrum - is the player who rapidly posts 1000-2000 transmog items, and leaves them up for a full 48 hours causing the system overloads? My initial take is that the former is an undesired behavior and the latter is an innocent behavior. Obviously larger scale than a ‘typical’ user, but also filling a niche role sustaining availability for a larger variety of items for the typical user to access.


You do this but don’t do ANYTHING about the damn multiboxers destroying the economy and posting on 10 bloody accounts? But I get penalized because I i PERSONALLY and SINGLE0-HANDEDLY farm herbs and craft hundreds of Glyphs a week?


You say that now, but wait until the prices of everything skyrockets because there aren’t enough sellers competing on your realm.

Why would I post a stack of leather you might need for 2g each, when I need to save my throttle-quota for posting more profitable resources?


Oh no, how will you get anything done with only does math thirty five hours a week to play WoW

I have 1300+ auctions on one chr on one server. I get it. That said, developers, the limit is too low. Perhaps 500 per 10 minutes?

  1. That would help you achieve whatever it is that you’re after that I don’t understand anyhow.
  2. I could post a bunch, go feed my pets, return to post a bunch, go do dishes, return to post a bunch… etc.

As things stand, I must be here every single minute and that’s untenable.


DBM has no automation

weak auras should be removed from the game

TSM had automation and allowed you to do things at a pacev normal human can’t. dBm doesn’t do this. you can’t even compare then.

Tsm doesn’t have automation, this meme needs to die. It only does what is allowed within the confines of the API (blizzards API) and requires human interaction for anything.


no multiboxer is posting on 10 different accounts unless they’re using TSM. now that tsm is gone your fears are fixed.

DBM is fully automated as a warning system for boss abilities? Whens the last time you had to activate or click anything in DBM. :poop:


This is ridiculous.

Do you really expect people trying to sell glyphs as one example to hand post that, and still get slowed down? How is that suppose to work for people in your minds when this decision was made? You have a profession in the game with a massive amount of items that are all desired. Your default UI does not make it reasonable at all for a scribe to be able to make and sell their full inventory.

I couldn’t even post single items in the default UI without massive lag.

What do you think is going to happen to all the people buying tokens for game time if you make it almost impossible to make gold on the AH in a reasonable way?

The first step should have been applying this change to canceling auctions only. Applying it to posting is insane and I can not even believe how hard you guys seem to work at making the game worse for everyone.


yeah it flashes something up on my screen. it doesn’t do my rotation for me or allow me to press 1 button to do my entire rotation does it?

DBM does not allow you to do something in game a player with no add-ons can’t do. TSM does.

being aware of something happening in game is not the same as game automation.

wake up

Please at the very least do SOMETHING to make it easier to post old-world transmog. I’m not one of the people who has an alt account that’s cancel-scanning literally all day. I just happen to have a LOT of old-world transmog that I repost once per day. I’m not constantly butting myself to the front of the line to sell my zin’anthid - I’m posting a lot of stuff that literally no one else on my server posts.

This change is (either intentionally or otherwise) going to kill a lot of the transmog market.


Things DBM Automates:

  1. Mob spell timers
  2. Paying attention to conditions for phase changes
  3. Placing markers
  4. Raid announcements
  5. Pull countdown

B-But DBM doesn’t automate anything!1!1!

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DBM does’t “automatically” tell you when a boss ability is about to pop? Is there something you manually click for DBM Bars to show?


Actually this is false a average player can easily do math and post auctions?

Also technically you can argue DBM does do your rotation for you if you can ignore mechanics and stare at your bar the entire fight like I would imagine you do. Does your DPS increase with DBM like our gold increases with TSM? XD

Blizz “we killing tsm because lag”
Meanwhile here’s how it feels like running a 5 masks Vision on Tuesday nights:


Out-of-the-box DBM user spotted.

It and its various modules does more than play an airhorn if you configure it to do so.

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pull countdown anyone can do. what’s your point?
mob spell timers is information not automation
markers are information not automation
raid announcements are information not player automation
paying attention to changes is information not player automation.

Yea, using ISOBOXER while not in WM is soooooo hard. ISOBOXER does exactly that. 1 button does the same action on all accounts. Also, some of us farm all our mats on a single toon. Multiboxers are huge reason addons like TSM are needed.

I am 100% sure you have at least 1 of your accounts sitting at the AH while the rest of your accounts fly around Nazjatar without WM on.