Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

Yeesh. Why in the world was this implemented?? I’m not exactly sure what Blizzard was aiming for when they put this in today… even some of my non serious gold maker friends that only post like 100 are super annoyed lol


Yes! Yes! Yes! Buy orders would be great and are in so many other MMOs.

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I’m gonna jump on the thread here and also say that this is a pretty terrible “hotfix”.

I don’t have the numbers, but there are so many people that play this game for gold making alone. I would imagine Blizzard makes a TON of money from these guys because they have multiple accounts, buy the latest expansion on all accounts, multiple character boosts, server transfers, buy/supply game tokens consistently and more. By implementing this hotfix, you are going to piss a lot of people off and probably lose many of your ‘whales’.

Goldmakers who have thousands of auctions to post a day are already dealing with slow cancel/post scans as it is. We really don’t want to deal with an even slower posting speed. Please consider reverting this decision.

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Well this is sufficiently awful. Part of my enjoyment come from farming transmogs to see what cool stuff I get and then selling them. As a subscriber since launch, this is easily one of the worst changes made. And I’ve weathered all of the changes you’ve thrown at us.


Please fix this bug you clearly invited into our game. I only play this game to make money on the AH. I farm and then I post then back to farm and then right back to post. If the posting takes longer then the farm then you’ve only wasted my time for no reason. I barely have time to post as is with my schedule. Please fix this virus you infected your game with.


That’s not the point of the AH. The point of the AH is so I dont have to spend anytime standing around auto typing that I’m looking to buy/sell something. That’s it. It’s not there for a small percentage to manipulate it.

I would love to see all you cry baby’s start multiboxing you so I can farm you for honor when you’re farming. multiboxing is a skill and requires motor skills and awareness of multiple different toon. you have to retrain your brain completely on how you interact with the game.

it’s not as simple as pressing a button on an add on like TSM was :joy:

I thought I’d post to give feedback that even WITHOUT using the TSM addon to scan/post items to the AH, POSTING SINGLE ITEMS IS SLOOOOOOW. I’m right-clicking items into the Sell tab of the AH and there is lag getting the item in. When I hit “Create Auction” there is a yellow circle loading icon that appears and sometimes the auction doesn’t post. I have to try SEVERAL times. Your hotfix did more damage than good.

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Same :confused: I’ve been playing since Vanilla and I’m usually OK or on board with anything they have done up to this point. This honestly perplexes me and I’m definitely saddened they have done this :frowning:

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This change is a major bummer. I was finally making progress towards the longboi but I dont stand a chance of earning that kind of money without posting large quantities.

FORGET selling transmogs on the AH anymore, that is dead in the water now.

You’re so right! Holy crap, why didn’t I think of this simple solution…oh wait, they can just play on PvE servers and funnel the gold to their PvP realm…oh well.

Gotta say I really love this change.

You might say there is going to be a negative impact on the economy. I would say let’s do it. Lets see what happens to the economy.

You might say this change harms my fun. I say any change has the possibility of harming someones fun.

You might say that this is the best way to make gold, or the easiest way to make gold. I would say playing the game, doing raids, dungeons, WQ’s other activities should always be the best way to make gold.

You might say that there is a mount in the game that costs 5 mil from a vendor. I would say these things exist as a gold sink to remove some of the gold from the game. This is only required because a small percent of people hold most of the wealth.

You might say the ones using the AH normally are impacted. I would say you need to define normal and the blue post has suggested that want feedback on tolerances. Which when they are corrected should sit exactly where it needs to.

In general I would like to say I don’t like those that just flip on the AH.

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Seeing as BFA is completely trashand uninjoyable . i was enjoying farming old transmog and selling it. however new AH makes me never want to post transmog again unless its over 100k. Its not enjoyable playing AH fails to post simulator because you can afford decent servers.


Why in the hell would this be a good Ideal. Been playing for 15 years and this is how it ends


Limit is WAY too low, needs to be much higher so you’re catching the guys reselling 10k+ things not the people just farming up stuff to sell themselves.


With a post like this I’m hoping your going to use your own advise and stop “cheating” with DBM, WeakAuras, insert any add-on that gives you some type of advantage.


TLDR: If you don’t like doing raids, dungeons, and WQs like Ainna they think your fun is wrong.


“Alright, guys, we’ve done everything else we can think of. Any ideas on how to make BfA worse?”

“…oh, I got it. Raiders have a time gate for grinding out the cloak, right?”


“And PvPers have a time gate with honor levels and conquest caps, right?”


“What if we - get this - time gated the auction house?


Hey Blizzard, I see what you’re trying to do here. While trying to even out the economy is a valiant effort this isn’t how to do it.

Unfortunately making sustainable gold on WoW is a difficult task. And not everyone wants to farm crazy amounts of materials or the transmogs they want to wear.

If you think about real economy it’s true there as well. Some people farm, some are middle men that work to keep markets from crashing so that farmers can get decent pay for their work.

You said it yourself, most auction house traffic is from people using add-ons. That’s because a majority of people don’t enjoy the auction house.

This change could really hurt your game in a massive way. Please revert it as soon as possible.


Here’s a two year old thread from one of the last times Blizzard “fixed” something, that wasn’t broken… but… promised to listen to feedback and fix what they broke (spoiler… they’ve ignored it for 2 years). So, my guess is the AH “feedback” will be treated the same way.

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