Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

This is a really upsetting change. I used to be a hardcore raider until IRL changes meant I could no longer do that - but “playing the AH” has kept me in the game, kept my subscriptions ticking over, with the hope that one day I will be able to “play properly” again. The AH is literally what keeps me here. I’m not even a very big goldmaker, I’m just here keeping things chugging along casually because I’m not ready to let go and unsubscribe from WoW.

This morning on my main bank alt I had 112 items to post. A mix of enchants, transmog, bits and pieces. I don’t feel this is a terribly excessive amount. I am quite casual when it comes to making gold, but again, it’s what keeps me active in the game. Trying to post 112 auctions right now is brutal.

The new AH gutted the bulk of my income through trade goods. That sucked a bit, but I understood that the AH revamp would help many people, so I didn’t complain - I adjusted. With the Winds of Wisdom buff active, I decided to finally level alts to cover crafting professions that I had never bothered with in the past, to diversify. But if listing crafted items is going to be this painful, I have zero incentive to have those crafters, and so zero incentive to level new characters.

This is so disappointing and seems like a “fix” that has been implemented to put a veneer on the AH’s flaws rather than actually address them (much like the terrible deposit fee fix that was in place for far too long while the new AH was developed). TSM, Auctioneer etc have been in place for over a decade - why are they suddenly now an issue for the economy? What changed? Do we not contribute to the economy?

Remember when deposit fees on old world goods were utterly ridiculous and so people just stopped posting them for months and months? Well now we’ll go back to that again because nobody is going to want to chew up their posting budget for old world goods.

How is it helpful for a server’s economy if the AH feels like too much of a chore for people to bother with it?

The timing of this change is also terrible, at a time when many new goldmakers are jumping in to try and get their brutosaur before you take it away in a matter of mere months. The brutosaur is undeniably a reward and status symbol for generating excessive amounts of gold - but now goblins are being punished for doing so. This is the third time the goalposts have been shifted.

Please, PLEASE reconsider this. If it is not to be reverted, then at least widen the limit substantially :weary:


And to the people who think this is going to help with multiboxing, you’re completely wrong. This will encourage it even more as the best way to handle the auction house will be with a second account logged in posting items while you play on your main. Farming tons of resources on 5-8 accounts at once and posting them on a different account will be a lot better than trying to post transmogs and pets.


As a pretty casual player myself TSM has been majorly helpful and this is a stupid change. The market value will spike because supply wont be able to meet demand. If you want a meaningful change then why not change cancellations?


Nice middle finger to scribes that have to post 50+ glyphs daily.


Did you just… reply to yourself?

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Get rid of multiboxxers and then we might take you changing something that has been ok forever.


So, basically, the only way to make gold now is to spam chat to sell carries; thus ruining people who don’t play with addon’s experience that much more?


This basically means professions are dead going into Shadowlands, and you did such a good job on them too.

For fun, without TSM, I cancel-scanned and reposted 400 pieces of transmog armor (took me about 15 minutes btw)… guess what? After 250 it was throttled.

Doing it manually.

Without addons.

This stuff’s dumb fam, literally the only thing keeping me playing was making gold.


complete horse sh!t of a change…

I get it you want to aim at the snipers and people buying out to reset the market. Now it affects all those of us who even just post the current 400ilvl crafted pieces. Devs are completely out of touch with the player base and what is actually happening on the AH it’s sad.


lol @ people comparing someone who clicks an ah button and has a bot do all their canceling and relisting at a none human pace to someone who is physically playing 2+ characters.

are you that ignorant you think a multiboxer lists all his auctions from each different toon? don’t think so and even if he did, he can’t now so that’s another win win.

From longboi journey to unsub in 1 hour maintenance time flat. POG Horrible “fix”. Turned something fun into a waste of time.

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Hilariously, it seems that Blizzard has attempted to address the symptoms of the issue, rather than the root cause.

Instead of understanding WHY people are posting in volume the way they are (hint: it’s because the current system incentivizes the undercut game), they instead just decided to attempt to throttle posting altogether.

I suspect this isn’t working the way they intended, since I’m still being undercut in literal seconds after posting things anyway, from the names I saw playing the undercut game yesterday.

Maybe a deeper analysis of WHY the players behave the way they do, and addressing the systems that create that behavior - rather than just attempting to punish the behavior itself - would yield better results?

Of course, also maybe giving people a heads-up on policy changes, instead of enacting them on the fly, would be a good way to do things as well. I mean, I learned that very lesson from this very game in Molten Core in 2005!


He must have forgotten to change characters when he high-fived himself.

I read the rest and yeah I got your point.

this was always the best way for anyone that wasn’t cheating with TSM.

Continuing to give this reply traction and I hope others do the same. It gives valid criticism to the changes while also offering solutions that are beneficial to both parties involved. It has a compromise on both sides that I think both sides can live with that isn’t just “slow everything down for everyone”.


Oh, just felt how slow it is. Thanks Blizzard. Axed off the last thing a depressed super casual like me does. Now I’m certain of not purchasing Shadowlands.

Made the choice very ez.

Well, i was looking for an excuse to un-sub and you just handed it to me on a silver platter. Why multi-boxing is still a thing but you “fix” the auction house is quite confusing to me. This is such a drastic change to WOW’s economy that i think there will be a ton of very negative unforeseen consequences. I highly doubt it will only affect “a very small minority” of players.

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This is a great point and actually thats what I will look into if they dont revert this change in fairly short order.

With the nuking this could have on the economy for average sellers, my second computer could actually turn me into an AH king.

I’ve never bothered with the reselling shice that so many goblins do. All I’ve ever wanted out of the AH was to be able make enough money for consumables. But… if me having a second computer can give me that much of a competitive advantage now… idk that could be hard to resist.

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I’ve been playing WoW for around 15 years now. I’ve never felt the need to post anything to the forum, but this change is so bad and such a poor decision that I finally have to post something. WoW has a wide audience of players who enjoy different aspects of the game. The part of WoW I enjoy most is the AH portion and buying and selling goods. This change is incredibly damaging to my ability to play the game the way I want. The AH is now so frustrating to use that I am not sure I’ll be able to continue with it. It’s quite awful, especially considering we are in a lull of content right now anyway. I strongly encourage you to reconsider this decision as it is very impactful to players like myself.


Why you like so much to make your community angry, Blizzard?

What an unnecessary change…

Please revert it back. This change is completely useless and stressful!