Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

I’ve got an alt for each profession. They all send their crafts to a single character to post. You can imagine how many auctions I have. The original reason I got into this is because I am a mount collector. I understand trying to limit the impact a ‘power user’ (which in this case is just someone who downloaded a free add-on) has on the performance of the game but I’m now going to be sitting at the AH for ages not really playing the game every day. I consider the AH a neccessity these days because without it I can’t collect certain items in the game. It’s not fun, it’s like a job (I understand some people may enjoy it, but I don’t). It’s something I have to do in order to complete the tasks I want to do in game.

If this change is going to be permanent then the Shadowlands version of the Brutosaur (and all the reputation recipes, cosmetic items, etc.) need to cost no more than about 100 gold each. If I can get all these items by earning gold through quests and the occassional posting of an item on the AH, I’ll delete my addons now. There won’t be a reason for me to spend so long in front of the AH waiting to actually play the game.

The changes made to the AH recently with the stacks and undercut stuff was really good. This one is just making an already lengthy and unenjoyable process even worse.


Cancel scanning needs to be removed from the ah forever

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I’m honestly shocked that this hotfix was actually implemented. I think Blizzard has significantly underestimated the number of players who spend so much time and money on this game because of their love of playing the AH. I am a ‘power user’ who enjoys farming mats and crafting items. I’ve farmed countless recipes just so that I can craft the item and sell it on the auction house. Many of the activities that I love in game are now completely futile since posting auctions now takes an eternity. The fun is gone and the frustration has arrived.

Anyone can download TSM. Anyone can take the time to learn how to use an addon. It’s free. Most of the people who have learned how to use TSM effectively have done so because they invested the time. This is no different than investing time in other aspects of the game. Please do not punish people who love the auction house, farming, and crafting. It’s what keeps me subbed 12 months per year…it might even be what keeps me subbed period.


Wow, so much misdirected hate here. I’ll try to keep this civil:

First off, I know some people dislike multiboxers, to the point of wanting them dead. I guess those people also like buying cheap crafted goods, which would be impossible without the level of supply multiboxers provide, so there’s a thought. I’ve been goldmaking since 8.3 started, and the only time herb prices went down (and consequentially, flask/pot prices) was when people stopped raiding a couple of months after raid release. In all that time, multiboxers were farming and supplying much needed herbs to satisfy that alchemy demand. The only reason why “multiboxing is driving prices down” now is because there is no demand (compared to a few months ago).

Second, I shudder to think that a couple people (there are ~1.2k people online in r/woweconomy right now. We don’t have total subscription numbers but we can guess they are not even the 10% of total players) can make the game laggy for everyone because they are doing a cancel scan. We are talking about a game that lets you fly from one end to the other of Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms, without a single loading screen. How come a few players with an addon can bring the server to its knees then? If we believe the AH is a separate subsystem, then there is no reason to even say that “AH botters are lagging me out in my raid instance”. If it’s not… boy does Blizzard have bigger problems.

So, even if undertuned hardware/software is suffering due to some people using an addon that provides functionality not provided by the main game client (but where the necessary data is there to provide said functionality), the solution is to fix the hardware/software. If you can’t handle too many API calls, work with your developers (who are as important as your gamers) to design bulk API calls. I don’t actually need 100*whoknowshowmany API calls to cancel 100 items. It could be done in 2, maybe 3 bulk API calls. Same for posting. It’s not very hard to do.

And if you really want to get rid of cancel-scanners (which is a “problem” that was caused by the very redesign of the new AH, favoring LIFO), simply change the system to have buy orders and be buy-oriented instead of sale-oriented. Most of the “problems” people report would go away.


I’m finding small delays after posting several items even with addons like TSM disabled. Then, on top of the delay in bringing up the current prices for the item I am trying to post, I will select to post the item, the game will make the successful post sound, and the item doesn’t actually post which then makes the time to post even longer since the item has to search again. I think this solution, or at least what triggers the delay, should be reevaluated since it is hitting when posting “typically” as well.

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this response deserves the Community manager’s attention

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this isn’t going to just hurt who you want it to. people who don’t use any ah addon are going to suffer when trying to post medium amounts of anything and crafters are going to suffer when people just stop playing and posting because of these ridiculous changes. no one is happy with this. change it back.


I add my voice to the opposition to this change. I’ve been playing WoW and the AH since BC and cannot stress how disappointing this is to me. By the post’s own admission, this does nothing other than damage the game as those who aren’t affected supposedly won’t notice and those who are affected are left frustrated.

At peak engagement, I can sell thousands of potions, flasks, and other consumables within an hour. With this change, all of those listings will be actively stopped due to a forced time constraint. Supply goes down, cost goes up. In the end, it will punish the type of player the change is meant to help by raising the gold cost of a single play session.

And to speak in a spectacularly broad stroke, is this really the best thing to be doing at the moment? When the game is providing a brief distraction from an otherwise beleaguered world, why go out of the way to ruin something which few, if any, people wanted changed in the first place?


FREE addons like tsm is an unfair advantage, yet Blizzard allows multiboxing…

Please revert this change, if anything just apply it to cancel scans.


To make sure I added to the conversation as another voice heard I wanted to say how much I do not like this new change. I feel that as many people who also feel this way should voice their concerns in a way that can be taken as critisim and not yelling and screaming because change NEEDS to happen.

I was once someone who posted 2k auctions a day manually. It took me all day and had no idea about any addons or anything to assist me in this matter. It took me the entire day and after a while I wasn’t even gathering anything new I just wanted to keep posting because I simply didnt have the time to gather new stuff. This change would still have affected me then… and yet I was not even using an addon.

Fast forward to now but previous to this hotfix where I do use addons, I am an avid auction house user. My time to post is now cut into 6ths. I can now experience the game and have fun while also enjoying the aspect of it I enjoy the most which is the AH. I am able to provide stuff to players on a deadish server that generally wouldnt have these things posted at all and I get tons of gold in the process. A win-win in my eyes. We have resulted to selling all things in trade chat and it has done nothing but spam trade chat into something it used to not be. This is similar to the state of the game at the start of the expansion which u also said was unacceptable when people were walling the AH and people were forced to use Trade.

This affects more than a handful of players. This affects everyone. This ruins the economy which some colleges even study as a good example of a small country scale economy. That is rather used to before you wanted to make so many changes to something that gets set up and is largely run by the players.

Do the right thing… Empower yourselves and the players by working together with addon developers to find a smart solution that works for both parties. Get solutions crafted and create long lasting partnerships instead of burning bridges like your did with OQ… Before it is too late… R.I.P OQ


I just tried to post 2 of each uncanny leather piece and hit the throttle. If you need to enact a hard limit, it needs to be like 10x the current one.

On the other hand, technology makes it really easy to fix this kind of issues. I really cannot believe that you prefer to alienate the portion of your player base that keeps the whole player base supplied with consumables, gear, and materials.

Old AH used to be able to handle the load, even with higher player base. In the end, seems like the AH change was actually a downgrade.


thank you so much blizzard. you have the data we don’t and I’m sure you can see it’s primarily TSM users.

the fact that TSM is even selling a premium service is against the TOS. I wouldn’t be sad to see the entire add-on suite die an explosive death.

TSM is a cheat, not an add on.

This is similar to when they prevented add-ons that could draw texture on the ground etc.

don’t cave into this vocal minority stick to your guns , please.


This is one of those “you think you do, but you don’t” situations. Some people think they like the change, but as time goes on they will learn to hate it. This change will cause prices to increase exponentially for all items across the board, because there will be less of a supply.

People who have multiple accounts will affected by this the least. People who bot will be affected by this the least.

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In many of the replies for the folks who like the change…they like the change because they think they will get undercut less and be able to sell a few more of their items easier. Unfortunately I see unintended consequences for them when the prices rise with less overall supply of goods on the AH. I see these folks as having an overall lower gold count/position down the road (with this change still implemented) than they have today.


To all the ppl saying all they play the game for is gold making. - this is cringe as hell The game isnt gold tycoon. Get real.

Finally, I’ve been waiting for this for so long. It takes me 30 seconds just to bring up a single search for an AH item sometimes and it’s annoying. Don’t listen to all the gold sellers “This is unacceptable”… no… it is acceptable and it is a welcome change to 95% of your players.

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  • Buy orders - let people post the items they’re in search of to the AH so farmers and crafters can supply that need
  • Historical price data - maybe there aren’t any Glyphs of Shadow available NOW, but can I see what they sold for last time they were listed?

If the Auction House had features like these, I would never have turned to Auctioneer, then Auctionator, before finally throwing up my hands and learning TSM. TSM makes it so easy and rewarding to spam searches that OF COURSE we’re gonna do it as much as possible. Throttling searches doesn’t remove that incentive, it just makes the pursuit of that incentive frustrating. I am disappointed that the AH overhaul failed to address such common requests as those I mentioned above, yet the best tool for providing that functionality is being penalized.


Then don’t put a mount in the game that includes an AH vendor and price it so high that only people who really do play the AH can afford it. Sorry @Kaivax, that logic doesn’t hold any water.

I understand that there may need to be technical reasons to streamline how the AH works on the backend. I understand (and agree) that server economy is dictated to a certain extent by bigger players in the AH market. But if that wasn’t the point of the AH, then why put it in the game to begin with?

I usually side with Blizzard on things like this, but I can’t agree with this on any level. I just don’t see how this solution could even be considered. Revert this now please.

Edited to add: if this is somehow related to the rumblings I’ve been hearing about botting in Classic…then fix Classic. Don’t punish retail players who aren’t the source of the problem. Not saying Classic is the issue in this case, but I’m starting to see speculation about that.



seriously dude? it’s a game, you play it however you enjoy


You have a really great and valid point in here.