Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

I recently returned to WOW after 1.5 years of not playing. Literally the only thing I do is craft and sell the crafted items. If this change stays, it won’t be worth it for me to continue to subscribe.


I like the idea of removing the ability to cancel, but if Blizz thinks thats too extreme they could even just change the way the deposit fee works. Increase the fee, but if someone buys your item OR it expires from staying up for sale the whole time then you get the money back. Then the deposit becomes a cancellation fee instead, so people lose profit if they cancel scan too much, but doesnt hurt players who put things up for sale and then leave it there for anyone to buy.

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WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE @BLIZZARD? Are you intentionally trying to destroy your game?
Why don’t you just make it faster?
Is this your form on equality? Make everyone the lowest common denominator?

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I was wondering why things were going so slow. I was so confused and sorta frustrated. This change is harmful to alot of gold makers out there. Especially me, who is trying every aspect of the game. Gold making, farming rep, transmog running, raiding etc. Gold making has always had a special place in my heart and this hurts. I just started making alts for gold making and learning that this is a thing, Sure does seem like a huge problem.


Hello Blizzard, I just wanted to share my feedback in this issue. Personally I don’t think this is a healthy change for the overall game and economy, I think the community as a whole appreciates the thoughts ,but ultimately would like to see something like this reverted.

Thank you


This is really heartbreaking that it’s being enforced by Blizzard.

I’m not a gold farmer, or really an auction user that much. I sell a little here and there, but I know a lot of people who are huge AH players. To some of them, it’s a game in and of itself - and you’ve just broken it for them?

Beyond that, you’re putting out items ( the bronto, for instance ) that cost 5MIL gold, and there’s a time limit on when it can be purchased. For people new to the game, or new-er, how other than playing the auction house are you expecting them to reach such unattainable goals?

While yes, it means they’re hoarding a mass wealth, that doesn’t take away from the community at all when they’re pouring items, at fair cost, back in.

You’re telling people how they can play the game… You’re absolutely destroying an entire portion of your community that enjoys playing the Auction House as a game within the game.

We all know why this is really happening - because you can purchase subscriptions with gold, and so WoW isn’t making as much in subscription fees. <_<’


That’s the point of addons, to have QoL changes that the devs don’t have time to implement that doesn’t break the game.

Addons are amazing, TSM are amazing. The issue is that they don’t want to fix the problems that the new revamp caused. This hasn’t been an issue for 10 years. But now it is because of the revamp of the AH. I personally would choose the old AH over the new one if it meant keeping the integrity of AH in place.

If I want to use the AH in a certain way I should be able to, and I don’t even use the AH right now but thinking about the beginning of an expansion and the amount of mats i buy just from a GM perspective of a mythic guild, or me mass posting items to make gold the limitations set forth is a hindrance. I should be able to make gold the way I want to make gold. The average player wouldnt even invest to use the ah in a way a “goblin” would nor want to. So it doesn’t even affect the average player.

There is no new amazing feature causing this issue. They just don’t want to fix it so the solution is to limit it and limiting it causes other issues. It’s lazy game design and the fact you don’t realize that is kind of startling to me.


Dumbest change EVER!!! I was happy farming LOTS of old stuff for transmogs, old crafting mats, etc. for fun and posting on the AH. This literally KILLS any reason I had for playing the game. Vendoring all these things seems to be the only option now, which makes it not worth doing any longer. I guess Blizz just wants us to spam the same world quests OVER AND OVER till we all collectively lose are damn minds. There is FIFTEEN years worth of content we can play in and get items that can be auctioned… So instead of improving performance of their end, they throttle the people playing the game. This is probably the last straw for me, WoW used to be fun… not so much any more. They just took away the last thing in game I truly enjoyed. I moved to Europe and can’t raid with my old guild any more so this was how I enjoyed spending my time in game.


Imagine ignoring the several thousand to almost hundred thousand downloads in the past few years. Continue being disingenuous and cooked.

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There are many players that post on multiple servers each day. For some it takes a few hours to get the auctions posted. This new throttle has caused such a bottleneck. People would like to be able to play content instead of having to sit for almost 2 hours trying to post 600 auctions that expired. Instead of focusing on the auction house, it would have been a better idea to focus on the areas in the game that cause the server lag. I am honestly very dissapointed in these measures. I am currently trying to post 111 items and so far my scan has taken 20 minutes to be able to scan 111 items to post. You claim that the add-ons are giving an unfair advantage, but i do not see how this is possible as these add-ons are available to everyone. Why are people like myself and many others being punished because we choose to use an add-on. Others have the option to use the add-on but choose not to use it. How is this leveling the playing field? It honestly is not. The imbalance between the vast majority and the very small minority is not as a result of the very small minority. The vast majority has the same options as the minority group. As i’ve said before they choose not to use add-ons. I am honestly not very happy at all. We have worked hard to get the items that we sell, there are hours spent there gathering, crafting, farming etc. And now we are going to have to spend additional hours posting because of throttling. The whole purpose of the AH fix for this patch was SUPPOSED to fix the AH but there have been nothing but problems since day one. The market has crashed several times as a result of this. What i am not understanding is the issue with running rapid queries? Is posting 600 auctions in an hour rapid? No it is not. The Auction house used to be alot faster prior to the fix of this patch. As i have said before i am really dissapointed. And i do apologize if i rambled with this post. The problem is not the “very small minority” it is the auction house itself that has been broken since the patch…


If you’re going to implement rate limiting, tell us how it works:

  • What the limit is
  • How much of that limit our API call used
  • How much remaining we have left
  • If we hit the limit, when can we safely make our next API call

Good software design depends on good API design.

If users of your API have found a use-case they find valuable, work to support it. A batch/bulk API would be a welcomed addition to help address the performance issue.

Also, I love GraphQL. I don’t get to use if professionally and it makes me sad.


so when i sell glyphs I should only sell MAX 20

This change is garbage. I will have no reason to log on anymore if I have to spend hours posting my stuff.


I’m glad I got the Brutosaur for my wife and I already, this is 100% going to kill the auction house because Blizzard wants to sell more tokens to desperate people using FOMO on a stupid mount.

I just got a second account that I use to play the AH on. I used Recruit a Friend and I was going to pay for 12 months of game time to get the rewards. Guess that won’t be happening now. Farewell r/woweconomy it was fun while it lasted when I found you in February 2020 and started making gold for the first time.


Hi there,

I’m responding as one of the small minority of players you’re referring to. I currently have over 3000 items I post every 48 hours to the auction house, using an addon to help facilitate pricing and posting. THE addon you might say.

I’ve spent the better part of two years amassing this collection of goods (legitimately), and I spend some amount of time looking at prices of popular items every day on the Auction House, to see if I can find people posting low so I can buy and re-post at a fair market value. Your standard auction house flip.

To me, as a solo player, this is fun activity. This is my endgame activity. I really enjoy the challenge of making gold, and it has kept me interested in WoW far beyond what grinding to the max level, doing a few dungeons or playing some islands ever would have done.

To support this I engage in trade-skills, leveling up alts, running mythics, even doing LFR - all in pursuit of this self imposed challenge. At best, all this hotfix does is add hours of tedium, in terms of slowing down the responsiveness of the Auction House, for everyone.

You’re taking a niche I have carved out for myself to have fun in this game world, and added a layer of artificial time investment I’m not sure that I’d be willing to overcome.

I’ve never cheated or done anything untoward in the game. I’ve never tried to scam other players or otherwise engage in toxic behavior. I just use a supported addon and I’ve been able to use my limited play time yet still make progress in my own way.

From my perspective you’ve taken something that I really enjoyed in the game and made it significantly less fun, but I’m still not clear on why.

Do I have an advantage? Over anyone not using TSM, absolutely. But anyone can install and learn TSM if they want to be on equal footing. If the team doesn’t like this, either take another pass on making a better base Auction House or restrict TSM usage (don’t do that please).

Performance issues? How are you solving performance issues relating to the Auction House by throttling the speed at which we can interact with it to be slower than the performance issues that were occurring.

Please revert this fix and lets start a real dialogue on how to solve the issue at hand.


I’m not currently using any auction house or crafting addons, and hit this new “budget” within a few minutes of posting gems/enchants. This is absurd and unless this is a temporary band-aid fix needs to be reverted ASAP.


Why don’t you remove the use of all addons that help automate the game? I play the game mostly for the economics, crafting, and thrill of the deal you get from the AH. This is how I enjoy the game. Others enjoy the game in PvE encounters where mods like DBM tell players when abilities of bosses are about to happen and even gives them audio queues to run away. Why is this addon acceptable when TSM is not? It is 2020, we can use the addon names. This throttling should be used there as well if you don’t like automation of scanning the terrible base AH. This is an unacceptable change and is only fair if you throttle other addon usage as well or you know don’t throttle any addons because they actually make the game…playable.

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Please revert this change. Posting on the auction house is ridiculously slow now. There has to be a better way to fix whatever issue you’re having other than punishing all people who enjoy posting on the auction house.


True, as much as I like this change. It is hostile to not present forward facing ways to determine how you are being throttled. They should fix that.

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Yes! And let’s not forget about the unquantifiable traits such as the amount of ingenuity and passion these players have put into the game.

TSM is a very extensive addon with a ton of different use cases. You don’t need to be an AH goblin to benefit (and even if you are, great! It’s a game - have fun!). Making players who use such addons out to be bad and hurting other players is disingenuous and wrong.