Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

I’ve seen a couple posts now referencing that this may be related to the brutosaur mount and forcing token sales.

Scarily based on decisions I’ve seen from the company lately, this doesn’t seem too farfetched to me anymore.

I could totally see them reverting this change in Shadowlands and saying ‘Oops we messed up!’ after the rest of the playerbase returns to the game and they’ve got their forced token sales…


the AH is crap already with it only working for 5-10 mins before you get a internal AH error

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Honestly throttling cancels alone would be enough.

It’s still a bad change, but if they only throttled cancels, this change would be far better.


Look on the curseforge page for prior versions of TSM and tell me the number of installs over the years.

while ive used TSM strongly in the past for decent gold making i havent devoted much time to it now a days. to post less than 100 items on the ah today using TSM it took me 4 minutes. this is a huge step up from where it used to be.

I understand wanting to limit extraneous request, but the current throttle is ridiculous.

the new AH overhaul of 8.3 was great and i have honestly considered what it would be like without TSM as i havent tried it. one thing to me that TSM is absolutely essential for me is telling me the ah price of an item when i pick it up… this lets me decide if its worth my bagspace or whether an item is worth it to craft vs its mat cost unless something like that is put in then TSM is absolutely critical for any goldmaker

Ive generally been a blizzard fanboy and defender in the past (i wasnt even against Diablo immortal…hell gives me a diablo game i can play when im stuck at my in laws…) but this “fix” for the AH was definitely overdone


Gold making has brought some calm and happiness in a very stressful time for me. This change hinders that. Perhaps only apply the throttle to certain goods? Posting glyphs has become a headache, and collecting them and then selling them had been one of the more gratifying experiences I have had in game. Please consider making changes.


I similarly am on a low pop server. I can attest to the accuracy of your statement.

On high pop servers though… dirty little cancel goblins are a problem to be sure.

Maybe they should have adjusted the budget on a per-server basis, because this one-size fits all approach kinda just hurts everyone.

Also, they could just roll the low-pop servers again, because as a side note, the best guild on my server is still 7/12 on mythic nyalotha. My server size creates some serious problems.

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This is absurd. No one has an advantage over another person by using an addon. The addons are out there for any and everyone to grab at their own leisure. Coming from someone who posts over 2k auctions a day, this slow speed is a little ridiculous. If I am posting auctions all day due to slower posting speeds, it gives me less time to play the game. Please take everyones comments into consideration and revert this back. You are hurting the community and the economy.


Honestly, the Brutosaur mount is the only reason ive been investing time into the AH. I already hate the time I spend to post stuff and this changed has made it worse.


And another thought… are we (the TSM users and AH Millionaires) using too many CPU cycles? Fine, charge me a fee, how much do you want for my extra cpu usage? $5? $10? I know if you want to spin up extra servers you gotta pay the server farm, pass that cost on to us. I don’t care, just tell me how much ya want.

Some games you gotta pay extra for more bag space, or more action bars. I want an auction house that works… how much? Just tack on a pay scheme already if it is too much traffic from us.


And now they are all in here, crying all over the place. “The hell with the other 90% of the people, I want my addon to work!!! Cater to me Blizz!!!”

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To wit, then fix the underlying performance problems? They could have taken 8.3 to architect a new AH rather than the bandaid they put on it. They could take shadowlands to implement a whole new infrastructure. Instead they’re punishing the people who use the game feature the most…

We pay them to play the game. They, rather than fixing the underlying infrastructure, are throttling the player base that has been doing the same thing for the last 15 years.


I wish I could like your post 30 times. We need this now.

ya was created in 2010 when did legion and the AH problomes start in this game? 2016?2017?

the wod selfie camera patch was better than this


This. The people blizz is calling out are also the ones responsible for keeping the AH stocked with everything everyone else needs. This is going to kill the economies on smaller servers.


I only really post current stuff (uncanny gear, presently usable raid consumables and enchants), and no old school stuff at all and I’m getting throttled to heck. I can see why transmog stuff could bog down the systems when it takes 1000+ items to start generating a profit and such but this is current stuff. I shouldn’t be getting bogged down for present stuff!


So in essence, the line item for Auction House API on your AWS bill has been flagged for cost-savings efforts and you decided to throttle in order to save some cash, thinking this not only helps lower costs but may result in an increase of token-funded accounts becoming actual paid accounts (assuming upset players don’t cancel their accounts instead).


  • Don’t drop this as a hotfix during a content drought when gold-making has become a popular topic due to the pending removal of longboi mounts.
  • Revert this change or at least adopt the strategy of throttling on the high end and tightening down. The current limits feel awful even when using the normal UI.
  • Consider the impact of your recent LIFO change to the AH on player behavior. Do you see a severe increase in user queries due to addon user cancel scans in answer to your recent AH revamp? Maybe that was a mistake?
  • Improve your API. GraphQL could enable more specific calls so you don’t have to return large payloads each time, lowering your data transfer costs.
  • Be a little more creative with ‘fixing’ issues that affect longstanding mechanics. This was a knee-jerk, lowest level of effort reaction that has negatively impacted anyone who engages in Auction House PVP whether on a casual or no-life schedule. It affects the broader population by removing many items from the AH that goblins will no longer view as worth their time.

TL;DR - You just cut our pay and let us figure it out when we called the bank because our direct deposit was 80% less than usual. The bank told us on the phone, “They left you this note that says you should stop cheating but really our bills are too high and we didn’t think you’d notice anyways.” Feelsbadman.



Here’s the problem. It’s late in the expansion and there are a lot of people trying to buy/sell items so they can either get the 5,000,000g AH mount before it goes away, or they have already purchased it and are looking to make their funds back.

  1. The re-listing and mass scanning is a symptom of the real problem with the AH: The WoW AH does not have a simple feature like stop-limit that would mitigate all of this. TSM gives us this, by allowing us to string in exactly what our lower-limit is for posts.

  2. The new AH, while bringing in some features - fails miserably. Undercutting by 1-2s can be the difference between making a sale on an item that is a slow mover (eg: a pet or transmog piece) or keeping your consumables in the hands of people that want consumables.

This has been the way for 15 years now. You are making these changes now, blatantly to encourage people who are close to purchase wow tokens to finish their grind. Unreal.


TSM has been downloaded over 26 million times! I don’t think that sounds like a minority.

I am a very casual gold maker. I use TSM for the awesome scroll wheel macro that puts whatever is in my bags all up at once. How can I go back to the tedious listing items one at a time? Play smarter not harder!

This is very disappointing to me. After a long wow mythic + session I log into my AH toon to list before I go to sleep. I do not want to sit there waiting for scans that never complete.

TSM has also given me a reason to run the old content and collect those old recipes! It opened up a new enjoyable way to play the game. Now listing the old stuff and the current stuff together will take way too much time. Its like asking me to pick and choose what to list. And thats not fun.