Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

This is completely unacceptable. Some players play this game specifically for the purpose of playing the economy. There is no automation using addons like TSM. By this logic, the vast majority of addons should just be outright ban from the game. How are you supposed to post glyphs? How are you supposed to transmog farm and sell? You have made making gold completely unbearable. This needs to be fixed ASAP.


I think it would be ok to allow people to put buffs/debuffs on nameplates. Debuffs/buffs in upper right corner is archaic and only belongs in classic. However omniscient tracking of activities is just too much.

Can’t even post raid consumables before hitting the throttle limit. Current limit is around 20 items per min with TSM before you are excessively throttled.

I hit my “budget” of actions just trying to manually post a few items and buy things off my favorites list. I’m using the default wow AH to buy and sell, nothing fancy here. Thought my internet had gone out or something was wrong. If its going to be throttled players need a notification that is what is happening, otherwise the game just feels laggy and broken. The tuning values are horrible right now too if I can hit them just playing normally. Just go back to how it was, this doesnt fix anything. I would rather be undercut by someone that is camping the AH than have it lag when im trying to use it.


Blizzard has made a few assumptions:

  1. People are abusing the AH API
  2. They are doing so to gain an unfair advantage over other players
  3. Those that are doing the abusing are a very small minority

So adding a rate limiter without warning, with no documentation, and no API support for effective use of a throttled API is an acceptable solution.

Might I suggest that you are unfairly punishing some of your most supportive and creative players.

You may know how many players use TSM but do you know how big the TradeSkillMaster community is? There are people who don’t even currently play the game who still contribute to it. Do you know the number of content creators that have not only talked about TSM but also showed other players an entirely unique and interesting way of playing your game? Can you quantify their passion for playing the game in such a way?

Blizzard as a game studio used to celebrate players finding new and interesting ways of playing their game. Now, not so much. It seems if you deviate from their design intent, you’re not playing the game correctly.

This is yet another change in a long history of changes made from the perspective that

  • The game must be played as designed and any deviation is abhorrent and wrong
  • It’s us vs. them, developer vs. the players

15 years ago you created an entire world that could be explored, literally and figuratively in terms of gameplay. Finding new ways of playing the game was celebrated, not met with suspect and disdain.

There are people who play your game for the purposes of making gold. What precisely is wrong with that? Does it hurt other players? Can your average player not afford what they need in the game? Gold is hugely available in retail WoW and costs and gold sinks are balanced around that availability. If a player wishes to play the game in a different way, to gather massive amounts of gold for reasons that are their own, what is wrong with that?

Regarding the TSM addon itself, player-made addons reveal not only limitations in the default UI but, as mentioned above, new ways of playing the game. It’s true that TSM causes the majority of AH API load and that is something that needs to be addressed. But instead of making a sweeping change and punishing people, why not work with them? A Blizzard that cared about its players and their passions about the game would provide API documentation for addon developers to use, including acceptable use of said APIs. If a new use case was discovered, such as a need to bulk buy and post items, then a batch or bulk API could be implemented for addons developers to use.

If you had simply commented on the technical issues regarding the AH API, I and many others would understand. But to suggest there’s something wrong with how your players are choosing to play the game - especially considering the amount of time and passion they put into it - is simply dreadful.


If you were able to actually read you would quickly realize that I never claimed to think that addons are completely unfair. Clearly you cannot, though, and would rather make statements that add nothing to the conversation.

I believe that this is how it works. There is a threshold that addons have in terms of OP to not OP, once an addon surpasses that threshold, Blizz. nerfs it.


This is unacceptable.

is the same with ALL of the addons, let remove damage meters cuz those made the player base care about the DPS and is unfair for those players that don’t care about their damage. sigh


This is an absolutely absurd change. The AH was already slow before the 8.3 change, it was even slower after the 8.3 change, and now you’re throttling it even more?

Maybe invest in some better server infrastructure for your game that’s made you literally BILLIONS of dollars. This is not the correct way to solve your long-standing lag issues.


Mad goalpost andy.

I think it should be noted that these addons are available to
everyone. Rather than throwing a grenade at that ‘small minority’ and THEN calling for feedback, why wouldn’t you try working with the developers of those addons first? If the addons are causing issues, work with them to develop better tools.

I don’t know
as much as I don’t like the changes, I like how you approached MAKING those changes and the complete lack of communication even worse. Playing the auction house is a big part of the game for me, and I have a hard time with the idea of using your default interface
even after your recent updates.

Blizzard, take these changes back and work with the developers of TSM and other tools to improve the game. I have a feeling these changes, left as they are will have a bad effect on the economy as a whole, and in the long term, it’s definitely going to have an impact on how tokens work.


Who’s the bonehead who made this decision? Pretty sure their are a lot of police departments looking to hire dumb people atm, maybe go work there.


As a player who uses the AH in the normal, no addon fashion I support this change.

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your post would be valid if not for the fact that tsm is a public add on that is accessible to anyone.


Whats the point of making a change if it only effects the minority? Seems like some Dev got upset when playing the game

This reminds of of how Comca$t justified adding data caps. They pretty much said data caps were not bad because only a small amount of people went over 1 terabyte per month. If that few people effect the services why implement the change anyway? If very few are crossing that line it’s a better reason to not implement a change. Also the players blizz is making this change for are suddenly not going to use the auction house more. Using the auction house addons is a choice and if a player doesn’t use them that’s their loss.

There’s a few people saying this is good. Just gonna say don’t come crying to the gold makers when we quit and the prices of your items go up cause there’s less competition.


This is completely asinine, Blizzard has lost the plot. Blizzard is acting like a child that had their toy taken away.


According to some testing done by other people, you get roughly 25 AH “actions” (Searching, Canceling, Posting) before getting throttled to 3-4 seconds between actions. Relogging or waiting a minute before performing more AH actions restores some of the 25 AH action limit.

This is an absolutely terrible change that will end up serving to just push people away from posting on the auction house entirely.

Consider the fact that some AH players post materials from previous expansions, which tend to still be profitable, but less so than current expansion content – AH throttling will make the AH players stop posting previous expansion materials, since they can just post current content items to get the most profit for their time spent on the AH.

EDIT: This will severely impact other markets with a huge variety of items as well, like glyphs, and transmog.


Thank you for stifling my chances at getting the longboi before you remove it from the game.

Way to go.

Way. To. Go.

So it’s NOW only a problem, after over fifteen years of the game being out, and countless CSR comments that AH trading is a legitimate part of the game?

This change doesn’t help the community, it hurts it. Odd that you can’t see that.

Now one aspect of the game has been closed off to me. Was that what you intended? Making this game EVEN MORE of a grind that it already is in new and interesting ways?

So I now very much look forward to you shafting people that just log on to PVP, or raid, or just have one focus in the game that they like to do. Because this is what you are saying, right? Penalizing one subset of the player base for playing it one completely legitimate way?


Their attempt to drive up the wow token price so people that can no longer achieve 5m for the long boi have to spend IRL money to get it

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You guys don’t get it. By overwhelming the servers with AH requests you are negatively affecting performance for others. This is just preventing TSM from causing the game to be slow for the rest of us. Good change!


Last reply of the day, I’m trying to be balanced.

I got into “goldmaking” to get the longoi, like many many others. (again, YOU telling us HOW we should play our game)

Surprisingly enough I found one of the best WoW communities out there. Everyone is enthusiastic and having fun with new creative ways for getting gold. Everyone is sharing their ideas, findings, results, goals. Not like the elitist gold addict nerds I thought they were.
Goldmaking content creators are so genuine and nice, always available for the little no ones like me, for newbies, for aspirant goblins or even just for curious mount collectors.

It’s been such a wonderful surprise, getting enthusiast about running vanilla dungeons to get mogs, analyzing trends, getting to know my server, my competitors, my fellow adventurers’ needs.

You’re killing a huge, GOOD, GENUINE chunk of your community. I hope you’ll consider reverting this change.

A noob goldmaker