Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

This is insane. Don’t throttle the people that are putting money into the WoW economy!


So I just spent 12 hours at work and came home to this garbage patch. Instead of spending a few minutes reposting auctions on a few toons. I get to wade through this garbage and take up more time not playing the game.
Looks like no more transmog posting until this is fixed. Yay.


I am doing a scan for old materials that i buy up so that i can make old transmog, mounts etc.

It is about 500 items long. I am 15 minutes in and it has only scanned 180 items.

I can still complete my scan but this means i have to play other games in another tab instead of playing your game once i’ve made my purchases for the day.


This is an absolutely unacceptable solution that hampers many of your customers reason for playing this game, making it completely agonizing to use a system that was designed from the start to be an aspect of your game. This just seems to punish players for enjoying the game in a way that you have decided that you don’t want to happen, even though it was never an issue for those players that you refer to as being in the “other” group before.

Please stop creating “solutions” to problems that never existed in the first place.


When raw gold farming becomes the best way to get gold, you know something is wrong.


This is one of the dumbest “fixes” I have ever seen. I don’t even play the AH but know those that do, about to loose someone from game over this if it is not reverted soon.
It feels like someone got jealous of others that were able to play the market well and make lots of gold. Have to admit I am a little as well but I do not complain about it and want to change the game to ruin their fun. Please change this back asap. Blizz you really seem to only be hurting yourself with the amount of people who will unsub over this. And if you think this is a fair change you are sadly mistaken.


It’s not public because it is made by a group of people and hosted on a private platform.

Your point would have merit if TSM was forcibly bundled with every WoW install.

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Whoops i posted with my WoW classic character instead of my retail one lol

This blows

Ugh they changed my toon to the classic one wth? Sorry about that

This is awful. I buy mats, craft items and sell them on the AH. I have a pretty wide variety of things I post, and this has significantly increased the time it takes to post things on the AH. Please revert.


Great post. I agree, the Goldmaking community is one of the best communities in all of WoW. Always there to give a helping hand to anyone who would need it.


SO this is the issue that needed to be fixed and not the multiboxers who are ruining the economy daily!!!


When the 1% (either top or bottom or middle) affect the other players, it is advantageous to restrict that portion of the population from causing more than their fair share of impact on other players.


Wow, this is an absurd change. I posted my usual 50ish items this morning manually on the AH and it took me 20 minutes. Who the hell thought this was a great idea?


I believe I have addressed this argument 3 times in other comments.

But the game IS slow for the rest of us with this change. I put up maybe 150 auctions per day, without an addon. It’s throttling me. It feels extremely laggy. I don’t want to take 15 minutes to put up some Aromatic Fish Oil, pets and tmog every day. I can’t imagine how long it takes for people that post thousands, with or without an addon.


The relatively small performance impact caused by Auction House goblins is worth the myriad of other economic benefits it provides to the average user.

Use brain.


There was no negative impact to these searches. How many people have reported issues accessing the AH before this hot fix? None. This was clearly a push to get people to buy WoW tokens instead of make gold in game.


Dear Blizz,

It took over 15 years to get a real auction house update. Now, I realize not everyone liked the current AH setup, but after you get over the initial learning curve the new AH beats the crap out of the old one. Fast, streamlined, easy to work with no matter your level of experience in the AH. Both new and old players could enjoy and work with the AH so much more efficiently. It really was amazing, every day I sit here and just think wow, this is so much nicer now.

And then you do this… Are you serious? One of the main reasons for an AH update was to get rid of the lag… you do remember this right? The reasons you listed for this change are hard to take serious, it is hard for me to believe that you would do this on purpose. You made a conscious decision to slow things down, this after fixing the damn thing to get rid of the lag… you add lag… Do you go wash your car then pick up a bucket of mud as you exit and cover your car with it? Because that is what you just did.

I know I know, you pooped the bed, now you are telling us why pooping the bed is a good thing, how we should enjoy the poopy bed, you did it for us, you pooped the bed for us, it is a good thing, we should all be thankful and enjoy the poop. I have a little faith left that you will realize the poop stinks, change the sheets and apologize and promise not to poop the bed any more in the future.