Auction House items missing

Hey, i’ve been like 2 resets since i have my Auction House showing these items as “None Available”.
Even in another computer with 0 addons.

What should i do to correct this ?

Even with no addons installed, the base UI can become corrupted. I highly recommend doing a full UI reset as described in the following support article:

Although, I do see TSM at the bottom of the auction window, so there is at least one addon installed.


A proper reset UI would be my first recommendation as well.

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Terise noticed it before me, but the tabs in your picture is showing tsm4, so if your add-ons are disabled there’s still data affecting the UI. Try renaming the folders and restarting the game.


i’ve TSM on right now yes, but even disabled and in a PC with no addons still shows the problem mostly.

I see two dead giveaways in your post:

  1. “2 resets”
  2. Favorited items

Here you go :slight_smile:


I can’t view your image but if the issue is what I’m thinking of, just remove the starred item and search for it again.

I’ve had more than just Shadowlands commodity disappear.