Auction house items disappeared since reset

Lots of this happening to me today, not entirely sure where to start.

Missing many items and gold from cancels and from sales that never showed up in the mailbox even after the timer runs down and my money should be there.

over 2 mill total losses if i were to take a guess.

This has happened to me probably 20 times already. Different characters, different servers, different times. Sometimes it disappears forever, sometimes it shows up hours later, often it shows up hours later duplicated but one of the items is a dead link. Often you take down items to repost them but the old link stays up, then the new item posted disappears, so you think your item posted successfully but it is in fact just a dead link and your item is gone and you can’t get it back. Support tickets are over 2 days now, there’s no public acknowledgement of this, this is bananas.

This happened to me on Aug 26-28th. I put up a large quantity of Cavedweller’s Delight potions and roughly 6,000 of them never appeared in my Auctions list. They were a flip, and my TSM ledger has record of how many I purchased and how many I sold / still had in inventory, so I know roughly how many went missing.

The funny thing is, I got “Item Sold” messages for them in chat, but never received the mails for the successful sales.

Opened a ticket, got politely told to pack sand:
"We are aware of multiple issues players are facing with the Auction House at the moment. These include auctions being delayed, lag, posting errors and unavailable items. The Developers are aware of these issues and are currenlty investigating in order to apply a fix.

There are no workarounds at present, however items / gold should not be lost during this process but it could take some time before these issues are resolved. Customer Support cannot manually restore auctions or losses from them. We appreciate your patience and understanding on this matter."

Gee thanks, Blizzard. Those items were worth somewhere around 115k gold at the pricing they would have been selling at during the initial launch wave.

This just happened to me. I put items up for sale minerals and skins. I watched as it reported a buyer had been found for each item and then logged out. I logged back i and nothing. What happened? I worked for that gold and this is not good.

Just had the same issue, listed multiple items for sell and then the auction house froze up. Closed it out and re-opened and it was all gone. All the mats mine and skinned from 70-80.