Auction house items disappeared since reset

I’m wondering now if my missing mount is related. It was there before the AH issue, and now it’s completely gone from my account (Got lucky and got the Dauntless Imperial Lynx on the 28th (screenshotted) and today it’s greyed out/missing from my mount list here too. I put in a ticket, hopefully they’ll restore it, because it just feels terrible to have to go back and farm again because of a bug.

Sucked a lot of enthusiasm I had out of me, I’d just gotten the two rare hunter pets to use with this mount and only to find it gone :frowning:

So i lost more than 100K gold, hello blizzard? Any compensation?

I’ve also lost out on about 50K. I was getting messages that my auctions have sold, but I can’t see the remaining items nor have I gotten anything in the mail.

Same. I tried to cancel a couple of auctions tonight to repost but… they went missing. Nothing in my mailbox and now they’re not listed on the AH either. You’d think over a week into this expansion they could get the auction house working properly.

DATA LOSS reports like this one and the guild bank disappearances are seriously troubling. The fact that these have not been acknowledged with ETA for fix is devastating for a game like this.

The guild bank disappearances have been open since pre-patch released.

We are QA.

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Yep, same here. My main is on EU, but same problem there, items just disappearing. Weirdly enough old items is posted fine, but new one from the expansion is disappearing.

I suspect it might be some sort Jerry rigged in the last moment cancel-scan protection. You cant see your own items so you can’t cancel them, lmao.

Hello there,

Lok’tar my friend! *** tribe greets you.

In this case, it seems that other players have reported similar issues, but right now GM’s assistances are limited under this circumstances, and sadly there’s no workaround currently.

The best option will be submitting an in game bug report, so that our team could investigate and provide further assistance if possible.

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

Currently we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconveniences while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

In the meantime we advise you to report

Bugs submitted have the benefit of allowing community discussion around high-impact bugs, which can help us to analyze and prioritize certain issues, additionally, they do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

Thats it, they do not offer a personalize help. They declare themselves incompetent and wait of hopes for the developers fix the issue or not. This is a bad and generic careless customer service.

They suggest we report this as a bug report because they are to busy not do their job.

We stay in the LIMBO because we do not know if we will get our items or gold back.

I had a isp that acted like this. When you needed help they threw the ball to the other department making you a fool. I am no longer a customer.

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This just happened to me with some Dawnweave bolts. Still radio silence on this?

Same thing happened to me with Recipe: Feast of the Divine day. 330k item and blizzard will not do anything about it.

Same thing and same item. Gone into the nether. Definitely ripped that dopamine hit from me.

I also thought this, but after a while you can find the item posted in the AH, it seems the AH is lagging behind a fair amount right now. The same thing happens when you cancel and auction but it still apears as posted. When trying to cancel a second time you get the error “item not found.” Give it time, check back in an hour or two to see if the auction posted. Again the AH is lagging behind an incredible amount right now for some reason.

The item doesn’t show in my auction tab and no way to cancel since its 100% gone. It has also been 72 hours. My auctions are only posted for 48 hours.

I posted a bag last night and it left my inventory along with the deposit I could hear. It didn’t show up in the AH even after about 3 hours. Around 12 hours later it was showing in the AH but undercut so I cancelled. After retrieving it from the mailbox I went back to the AH and it was still showing as posted. An hour later it was still showing even though it was in my inventory. I’ll check back in a few more hours to see if it finally disappeared.
I’m also seeing a longer than usual “lag” just getting items in the AH to load up.

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Same thing here, I posted a 500k pet and it just disappeared WTH blizzard? SOLVE THIS

put up 3,770 2-star spool of duskthread and it also looks like it poofed

have 3 auctions on another toon also disappeared

I had the same issue, as well. I posted some ore and enchanting mats and got a notification that the ore sold (and later got the gold in the mail) - but the enchanting mats haven’t and are not listed in my active auctions, with or without AH addons.

Just put up several items, got the usual “Auction Created” message, and the items were removed from my inventory. Two of the items are showing up in my list of auctions, but the others aren’t. I logged in with another character and searched the AH for one of the missing items and it wasn’t there.

Edit: Just logged in with a 3rd character (about 10 minutes elapsed) and found one of the missing items is now up on the AH. Returned to my auction/bank char and now that item is showing along with the two that worked right originally, but no other missing items are listed yet.

I have no AH addons.

So Classic

704 Spool of duskthread gone after just posting. TOok my posting fee man this game…