Auction house items disappeared since reset

I had some items up on the auction house this morning. When I click on my auctions, it shows “no auctions.” They are not in my mailbox either. The auction house does work though because it loads other people’s auctions just fine.


Same here I just put items in for crafting and they just dissappeared no where to be found


I put up a BOE mail item on the AH and it just disappeared. It’s nowhere to be found on the auctions tab either.


Same, put up some auctions and they all disappeared.


Same here. Could hear the sound of my money being taken for the posting fee, the item is gone from my inventory, and the chatbox says “Auction created.” Yet my item is not listed if I search for it, and my Auctions tab is completely blank.


Same. I posted an Item this afternoon, it said the auction was created, and now its removed from my inventory but the auction doesn’t exist.


Same same, but slightly different, but still same. Out of all the items I was posting, equipment (greens and grays) actually managed to get posted, but not any other type of items.


Literally like 15 minutes ago I listed several different gathering/herb stacks for sale (rank 3 bismuth, luredrop etc). After I finished dealing with the laggy slow AH and getting my items listed, I realized some of them are not showing in my listed auctions at all. They were removed from my bags and there’s nothing in mail or anything… just gone. I love spending hours of my day gathering herbs and ore to finally list them and earn some gold only to have them just vanish into thin air upon listing. And if they do show up again at some point, what about my profit margins? How is that fair in any way? lots of items will only continue to plummet in value over the next couple days and weeks. It’s ridiculous that we are dealing with stuff like this, bugs market issues… we pay 100$ for a game, then we pay a monthly sub on top of it… and we still don’t have a working game 99% of the time.


Yeah…I think i lost A LOT of gold on this, cause many orders were approved but they never arrived at my mail, on the other side, my gold went missing.


Same here. I’ve posted up 3 Bismuth Fueled Samophlange and they all never posted and disappeared. Any way I can get these back? Thanks.


Posted under he wrong Char. This is the correct one.

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posted items and they sold, but the gold never arrived in my mailbox
this was after the down time today, servers were very laggy and ah not working.


I just put up two BoEs. Both sold but one disppeared from the incoming gold section. Kinda irks me a tad.

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I think I just lost about 30k worth of auctions. Just spent a few hours farming flowers and ore and posted them. They all sold in like 30 secs. As I was listing my last few items the AH went down. Now its back up, but all the auctions I had up that sold are just gone. Not in my incoming gold list. Nothing in my mail. Just gone.

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i have the same issue here

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[Update] - It took 10-15 min but the items did end up appearing on the auction house.
I just had this happen to me. I posted 2 items, an enchanting recipe and a cooking recipe and they were taken from my inventory and I got the message “Auction created” but they are nowhere to be found on the auction house. They were 2 high value recipes that could have net me over 400k gold.

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My crowd pummeler 2-30 mount is still missing. This is a 3 million mount, not a 30k lose.

I opened a ticket and it has a 1 day 10 hours waiting time.

A gm took the time to do a copy paste a generic response to send me to the item restore page, even tho I said its not there.

Now Im still waiting.

This is a deal breaker. The amount of bugs and the lag reminds me of the time when I played on a private server back in vanilla era.


Same here. Post New bags and rare recipe.
Saw “Auction Created” but items still missing.

Same issue here. Blizzard seems to like TAKING items and ignoring their customers. First the wide-spread missing guildbank items and now random auctions going into thin air. WHY? Can they really not answer what is going on? :frowning:

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Adding myself to this list, posted some weavercloth got the posted message and poof. Not in my listed auctions, not showing in my pending or sold. Having guild bank items disappear now this on top of that.