Auction House Issues

Because if you’re selling stackables you don’t get gold back so you can’t buy more materials to make more gold, when theres an especially high demand and good profit margins once every few months, IE at the start of a new patch/raid =)

It’s a good thing that those stackables such as enchanting mats, flasks, potions, food and what not, that none of those are stackable in any form whatsoever so they can make plenty of gold off that right!

Wait a minute…

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Radio Silence…

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Ah yes, will eventually receive it… Soon ™
Classic Blizz style…

Just annoyed it’s a feature of the patch and it’s still broken a week later with another maint last night, was expecting to move some of this on raid day :expressionless:

I wouldn’t say a delay… I’ve received nothing back since the weekend, on patch release I still got some auctions back, not all but some, since the weekend though none have come back

Just because they say it sitting in limbo, doesn’t mean it true. Anything between now and when ever they get it fixed can happen and all that gold is just gone. I’d prefer refusing to use the AH until it 100% fixed, over taking a chance that something goes wrong and everything I’ve farmed for just went out the door.

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This silence is frustrating. Today is a big day because of the new tier. No solution.
We are losing thousands, millions of gold.
Go back to the previous system and work to deliver the lost gold to us


But the player I was replying to said they had farmed materials for this patch. I am assuming they want to sell what they have farmed which they can still do.

If their strategy is to flip, and they have no liquid gold saved to invest into materials to flip, I agree they can’t do that.

If your personal philosophy is don’t trust anything then there is nothing that blizzard can do for you except fix the problem.

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YES!! That’s exactly what I planned to say…


Yeah, that right, blizzard can fix the problem. I mean, that would be nice now, huh? lol

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You say go back to the old way without 1 even knowing how much work/time that would take and 2 if that would even solve the problem.

But if blizz is confident enough to say “no gold lost” and not close the AH while they are fixing the problem, that’s enough assurance for me to continue using the AH.

The old one worked. This matters.
How many raids use Brontosaurus to buy reagents, flasks, potions and enchants?
All of these people would be our “customers”. Nobody goes to city to buy via chat.

“delay” it’s been 5 days


This is quickly becoming insane, we’re supposed to get our gold an hour after the auctions sold. We are now pushing into 5 days over due or more, this beyond a delay and is just broken. I don’t know if you guys are being told by your higher ups to not regard this as broken to the public but only ‘delayed’ but if that’s the case please relay to them that we aren’t happy and that people who use gold to by game time or other store things via the wow token are being affected too.

The longer this goes on too the more I can’t justify even putting a token ammount of stuff on the AH to sell. At this point its essentially giving away items with a giant “I Owe You -insert gold amount here-” So people are able to gain the benift of getting their goods and using them while we’re stuck with nothing till some to be determined date.


They were confident enough to say “reforged” would be released last year…
It’s been days since that “no data has been lost", I lost hope. I’m not going to truste and risk to waste all the work I had with farming. I want this fixed, or at least someone of blizz says (with proof): “It’s safe to post! Just the action’s sales from 17 to 20 are stuck. The rest will get to the mail as always, 1 hour maximum.” Or something like that.
To be honest I just want this to be over.


Ah I see maintenance has yielded no solutions on this.
Very disappointing.


Then you go ahead and keep continuing to use it. Don’t know why your here other then your board and want to troll people who are unhappy about the fact that we’re getting no communication what so ever on the issue.

I agree with you that I just want it to be over :+1:t3:

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Fixed a bug that caused some mail from the Auction House to exclude expected attached gold.

Hotfixes from 1-17-2020

I’m sorry if I come off as trolling. I’m just discussing my feelings with this on a message board.

Just because someone does not share your opinion doesn’t mean they are trolling.