Auction House Issues

100% agreed! I’ve always been off and on with WoW, but mainly because some other game got my attention for awhile, never really had an issue with WoW up until this point. Not getting an update or going through all these hotfixes, maintenance, etc, with no fix in sight is just beyond frustrating.


give me a brutosaur and we can call it a day


Any further Updates? It’s been now a few days. This was a “Major” feature of this patch and is ‘bottom line’ broken for sellers. How it made it out of QA in this state is a real embarrassment. I guess it was another one of those “Fix it in production”. I was hoping that server maintenance today would have given the needed time to sort it out. Given that has not happened, I think your paying customers deserve an update to this issue, and soon.


yep and it doesnt help twitter - blizzard cs keeps sending people here expecting some sort of news. 5 day old update is no longer an update imo.


I don’t normally frequent the forums so just curious - are blue responses normally this vague and intermittent?


Yes. They stopped actively communicating years ago. The ticket system is no better. Usually refers you to the forums, when you get a relevant answer at all.


That’s exactly what BlizzardCS did to me as well. “Go check out this forum for information.”

The only information I’m getting is that a lot of people are pissed.


I think they are under estimating the damage this is doing to the wow communities. It’s bad that they aren’t at least letting people know that they are still working on it. I’m not quite sure their thought process on this situation. When stuff like this happens something told me awhile back was the the only thing that could kill wow is wow itself.


People are waiting on hundred of thousands (and some, millions) of gold. During patch week and now into the new tier. It’s absurd.


Yes, this does suck but for everyone begging for some update. Even if that update is “we are working on it”. Think for a second. Do you REALLY think they aren’t working on it? Why do they need to give a common sense update? It won’t change anything.

Blizzard hard acknowledged there is a bug, they are working on it, not ETA (ETA can always change when working on an issue like this) and they confirmed no data has been lost. What more can they update us with?


No ones thinking they arn’t working on it. People are complaining that theyre just brushing a major problem off to one side for days at a time in terms of community response. Problem has been lasting for quite a long time now. If its still an issue in a month, would you be fine with them not saying anything on it? At all? If no, where do you plan to draw the line on ignoring us.


I definitely think and hope they are still working on it. Reassurance goes along way and its often times free of charge.


It hasn’t been a month though. It’s been a few days.

I agree if it’s been 30 days since previous update I understand the frustration. But it’s only been like 4 days since the last update.

You’ve missed the point of my post, please reread it.


I didnt miss the point at all. How can you say they are brushing the issue under the rug?? They have literally posted multiple times on the forum about it and also have a notification on the launcher and the login screen.

Also you don’t draw the line after a few day’s. That’s a problem with the player base if they expect immediate resolution or perfection. The reality is these things happen when designing a game like this.

“It hasn’t been a month though. It’s been a few days.”

“If its still an issue in a month, would you be fine with them not saying anything on it? At all? If no, where do you plan to draw the line on ignoring us.”

IE You agree at a certain point it’s an issue. Where is that point. That was the point of my post, which you have missed.

The breaking news has been up all week. The last post on the forums about it was several days ago.

We can agree that that tipping point hasn’t been reached yet right? Blizzard deserves more time than this

More time for a 20 second forum post by a blue saying “We’re still working on it, don’t worry”?

Thats literally all people are asking for.


I’m sure they are working on a PR strategy for when they tell us they lost our gold, yes.


Still don’t get why that’s necessary