El problema no es que se haya perdido el oro o los item, el problema es que continue el problema…
Seriously… We need an update.
Hey Blues, care to grace us with your presence? Or nah?
Could we please get an update?
Few days.™
/flips desk /kicks in screen /throws computer out the window and lights it on fire
I thought the main reason for paying monthly subscription was to have support …
Indeed, we need some information regarding this topic, raid already started. The AH market has a big part in this.
Blizzard fired most of them. And pay the rest poverty wages. Your subscription is for the inflated salaries of the dev team.
I see, they are doing a great job… really great…
Faith is seriously fading here!
No post no message, we’re basically forgotten about at this point. Idk, before I was understanding but theyre leaving us completely in the dark and I’m getting angry now.
Dang no gold after patch
I wonder how much is “a few days”
they are still just telling people to come here for updates on twitter. I guess there really isn’t anything new…it’s getting a little silly at this point.
I’m just bent about it cause I made enough to get the 6month sub and the new expac
Iv nvr made so much before so I was gona put it to that instead of burning it on flips. Most of which was only made due to the new patch new raid stuff GL now.
beautiful blizzard work, the game is in beta I still forgot … 15 years of beta: D
The new raid is up today, is the most important day to make gold, I and bunch of people was preparing for this, and now… WHAT? Nothing? That’s awesome! Let’s stock for the new expansion, maybe until there the “ISSUE” will be fixed.
STILL broken. STILL missing gold.
no gold, favorites still not saving, a week and a maintenance later and no hotfixes… seriously blizz, what the heck are you even doing?? This patch has been the worst, buggiest turd you’ve put out in a long time, and your community team/interaction is progressively getting worse in virtually every aspect. Sure glad you’ve adopted the practice of pushing beta and ptr to live as quick as you can… good job.
Same, still missing gold as well… getting tired of this. I refuse to use the auction hall until this issue is fixed, which means I’m losing out on gold to use for my sub.