The gold is only bugging, the rest is working … That makes me more puzzled, it seems that it was on purpose …
I don’t know why or who decided the auction house needed to be changed but this was truly a hideous idea, and a hideous result! Are you guys purposely trying to make the game less fun?
It was the final nail to all the toxic single stacking lagging down the AH for one. Tbf it is way faster now once they did that reset the other day.
I think the structure of the new auction house is a vast improvement. Players had repeatedly asked one another to stop posting pages and pages of single stack ore, herbs, and other small items. I’m pretty pleased those days are finally over. But I still want my gold.
I love the new AH system.
Will love it more when I get the gold for my auctions that sold a couple of days ago…
Do you honestly think the old system was good in any way?
Why yes, I enjoy searching for 20 minutes for something and not being able to buy X amount instantly. The amount of recency bias in your post is amazing
Will there be an announcement when the AH is fixed or the gold actually makes it to our mailbox?
I dont think the gold has arrived yet. I am not posting till it does.
Not posting anything on AH till it’s fixed myself.
The price on goods on my server went up a lot. Still doesn’t make sense to post if no gold coming in.
Hopefully they’ll make some sort of announcement when fixed. just wasted a lot of my stored stuff because not listed on the 8.3 known issues sticky
I wish I had seen this earlier. I am currently missing about 70 battle scarred augment runes. No returns, no gold from sales. Nothing. Just gone. Last one was from yesterday.
I hope they truly mean it when they say no data was lost…
I’ve lost glyphs, contracts, food items, etc. It doesn’t seem to be just one thing that disappears. And, of course, the gold for the items that did sell.
Per BlizzardCS:
"Developers are aware and working on a fix to this issue, but it is not expected for a few days.
Please note that during the investigation so far we’ve been able to identify this as an issue with the mail delivery system meaning that the mail is not subject to a 30 day expiry. Mail only begins counting down from 30 days once you can see and interact with it within your inbox."
Received that today from my Ticket.
So, it appears that the AH is actually working fine, it’s either the Mail Delivery system failing to send the mail, or it’s not being picked up by the mail delivery system, meaning that it’s queued up somewhere in one of the servers.
So, we just have to wait until they fix the clogged up mail, so that it gets sent to us.
Sadly, as Mccritical said, this is the time that we make the most selling things on the AH, as all of the preordered people are out buying things for the new expansion. And, with the issues, they are avoiding the AH afraid that they will lose their gold and not get their items.
It’s not lost - it’s… just stuck. (From every thing I can tell, it’s stuck in the mail delivery system. See above, as to why I say this with assuredness.)
It’s been a few days - any updates?
I’m not getting some of my expired items or gold from sales; I am getting some things back but not all of them.
Also - when I had put in a ticket when this issue first surfaced, the GM answering my ticket said they could not see the transaction I had made when purchasing items; is this different for selling/expiring items?
I would also like a blue post if possible please.
Even if it’s just going to say “Yup, nothings changed. Still aware, still working on it.”
Just sold some items, only about 15k worth a few hours ago. Didn’t receive any gold in the mail. So it’s still an issue unfortunately
I got a completely new response to my ticket about stacks of contracts, warscrolls, potions, flasks and herbs missing:
Game Master Cthulolchu here. I will be the one helping you out today with your case.
I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me about a delay in mail. I know it can be frustrating to reach out for assistance so thank you for being patient while we look into your situation.
We are aware of the situation you reported, but thank you anyways for bringing it to our attention. There is an active report open that we are looking into for this issue. We have a message on the Blizzard App about the concern.
We currently do not have any workarounds for the situation, but we do ask to make sure to bug report this so our developers and QA team have more data to work with.
The best place to put bug reports are from within the game. Please go ahead and make a report with the bottom steps. When you place in a bug report from your character, the developers get a ton of info to work with:
Click Esc on your Keyboard and go to help.
Click Bug Report
Enter the details of the bug, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
Click Submit
Thank you for being patient while this is being investigated by the WoW Team. I can understand this does not resolve the issue right away, but we want to have the developers investigate and make the next call if something is bugged or not.
Thanks for taking the time to reach out to me and reading my reply to your case. If you run into any other concerns or worries, please let us know and we can check things out for you.
Sincere wishes,
Game Master Cthulolchu
Apparently we are just reporting it wrong! If this is a database issue, get back those mechagnome…cogwheels and just admit to it. I for one will be much more understanding to a “Whelp we tried to make this better but really screwed up some just as old code in the process and are trying to get the databases to play nice. But wine and machine oil isn’t working, so give us a bit more time. We swear creative use of multiple languages is being heard in the halls as we resist the overwhelming urge to “press any key” with Thrall’s hammer. Cause we all know he doesn’t have the cogs to hold it anymore.”
Hopefully maintenance tonight will yield some solutions.
Have many thousands of gold floating in the void.