Auction House Issues on Some Burning Crusade Classic Realms

I’m fairly #nochanges - against dual spec, dungeon finder, and most other proposed changes.

I’m fine with bringing retail AH if that resolves things. Though as far as I’m concerned the original AH interface was a bug that simply wasn’t fixed for years anyway.

Ya the retail AH is just a godsent, I don’t use any AH addons anymore with it since its so easy to use.

As for Dungeon Finder we won’t be getting it in TBC (unless Blizz does something stupid) rather the Group Finder in Retail which is just the Premade group finder section. So much user friendly than the old TBC interface. Which I hope we get ASAP with Guild Banks. Especially in Phase 2 with some resist gear for tanks.

But a lot of people want it. The tomen, like paid boosts, has been quite popular in retail. It’s probably a matter of time before they hit Classic.

funny how this never seem to effect the classici AH

The WoW Token would be detrimental to Classic, the only reason why people want it is to compete with the gold sellers/buyers. Blizz needs to ban gold sellers and the buyers. As we saw today people buying gold (seemed to be 5k gold for epic flying) were suspended for 3 days and lost the gold and their epic mount.

There needs to be more crackdown on those who buy gold with removal of the gold, suspension period, and removal of items they bought with the gold.

If they introduce the token in Classic I’d no longer be playing Classic and will go back to FFXIV. The only reason why I’m subscribed is for TBCC.

That’s a bit reductive.

Some folks use tokens to buy gametime with their in-game currency… in fact, they wouldn’t work if that wasn’t the case.

Yes some do, but I think the benefits of the token are not enough to outweigh the damage it would cause to Classic.

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Retail is dead to me, which explains why I’m about to ask you this question.
What did retail do to the AH that would fix the headache we have now?
I’m genuinely curious, as I have not touched retail in years and have no plans to ever again. Anything that would fix the problems we are having now would be great lol.

then ure delusional

The retail AH changes can basically be summed up in:

  • Back-end was made more efficient, causing less errors and hangs (better database stuff)
  • UI was changed, so that you an actually see everything listed, as sorted by how many at the exact same price

For example, if something like Netherweave, that stacks at 20, and some seller has 3 stacks of 20, another person sells a single stack of 13, all at 1g per Netherweave, you can buy exactly 70 Netherweave at that price, and not have to buy 73.

Also, if you see someone posting 300 knothide leather ONE AT A TIME, FOR 300 STACKS, you can just put in how many you want to buy (purchase 200 knothide leather), instead of buying one at a time.

So it’s fantastic for buyers, and still simple for sellers.

I’d suggest looking at a screenshot in google, if you wanna see it for yourself.

(Yes I oversimplified it, but this is just the jist of it)


Thanks, Kaivax.

Let’s get the Classic AH fixed. There are plenty of folks who prefer it to the retail AH.


Please ban anyone who posts 2,000 runecloth or netherweave in single auctions on the AH for abuse of the economy.

Also fine them 50% of their gold.

WHAT PROBLEM? do auction LIKE retail!!! or fix it like you doing that on Classic wow omg no work?

It’s dead Jim. AH is just spinning its wheels on Mankrik atm. please fix.

I still cant post any auctions. I disabled all my addons and I still keep getting internal error. It’s been almost a week now that I’ve had this issue. Not to mention how laggy its been since prepatch. Fix it or I’m unsubbing.

Kaivax, you should be able to solve this without resorting to throttling or throwing hardware at the problem. Do a rearchitecture of the backend if you have to. It will be worth it. Do stress tests and look at your queries to see where you can optimize. Use your indices. This is a software problem. Treat it like one and don’t resort to throttling. You don’t need to.

necro’d post but just wanted to say blizzard has literally done nothing to address this a year later. Benediction has auction house lag which makes it unusable at times. that is just not acceptable.


Its so bad. WTF Blizz, this is an easy and obvious fix - you’re just being lazy.