Auction House Issue - Accidental Trap Purchase 751Gold

Good Afternoon,

I have been playing TBC since launch and saved up 1200G by level 68, I am saving all my money towads flying mount with a few small purchases along the way.
On Earthfury on my character Knucklebone I accidently bought a mote of fire for 751G becuase it was listed as 1c bid and i accidentily bought it thinking the buyout was under 1g.

This was i believe 751 gold i lost from one mote of fire. I am not asking for anything to happen to the player since there’s no restriction on what you charge for an item, but I had not intended to buy this item or spend all my money for it.

If anyone can please touch base with me to resolve, please delete the mote and restore my gold or reverse the transaction. I just want to quit now because i feel like i just got screwed over even if it’s my own fault because someone tries to mislead people on the AH and ruin their week for their own gain.

Anyway thanks for any help if something can be done, i can’t put a ton of hours in all the time due to work and this much of a setback really makes me want to quit playing which is on me.

This happened at roughly 12:55PM EST time Saturday June 19th. I have a screenshot of the character listing the bid if that could validate the order I placed.


EDIT: I have the exact details from my mailbox:

Amount Paid: 751 Gold
Buyer(Me): Knucklebone

Horde AH
Server Earthfury
Time 12:55pm EST (within 2 minutes)

There is unfortunately no sort of refund or warranty possible for auction house purchases. That is a shame that you were tricked in this way, but your best recourse might be to message the player and see if they’ll have some conscience and refund you some of it.


Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen. Blizz doesn’t undo AH purchases even ones made by mistake.

You’re welcome to try and sell it again and see if you can get someone else to buy it, but Blizz isn’t going to return your gold for a mistaken purchase.

Edit to add: You should probably remove the seller’s name too, just to be on the safe side.

  1. Blizzard doesn’t undo valid auction transactions. You didn’t look at the clearly-posted purchase price, so this is on you.
  2. Even if they could, this would require a Game Master, and none of them read or act because of a forum post. It would require you to open a support ticket and wait your turn in queue. However, don’t bother. A ticket would just waste both your time and the GM’s time, since they’ll be obligated to tell you “no”.

the TBC AH design is a horror

you have to navigate and navigte and navigate through troll posts to find anything

frequently I just give up and then loose a little bit more interest in playing

If you wish to provide feedback as to how the AH could be better designed, then you will need to post in a Forum from which feedback is gathered. I would suggest the Classic General Discussion Forum.

Alternatively, you can also post your feedback in game through the Help menu options.


I did. It’s just a bit of commiseration. I’m not a fan of it.

Some people say the same of the current retail version too. But be that as it may, that was how the AH was then, and people wanted the respective expac experiences, so there it is.

I’m sorry it happened to you, but it’s been pretty well covered by the others. The folly is yours for not paying attention, and it’s a harsh lesson to learn. It doesn’t hurt reaching out to the player in question - the worst thing they can do is say no. But the staff here doesn’t get into those sort of disputes. Only time really is when someone is scammed, and even then it has to be done through the ticketing system. And just for noting’s sake, even with a scam, the offending player gets stripped of any profit. The scammed person rarely gets what they lost back.


I don’t believe that’s credible … well, people could say that but that statement form them doesn’t hold water. Yeah, nostalgia. There’s a limit though. If one persons nostalgia is gaming a system to (essentially steal and) screw other people over … well that’s a nostalgia best left behind. imo.

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I’m going to remove some of the unnecessary arguing that took place towards the end of the thread and close this topic.

However, I did want to confirm what others initially provided. Auction house transactions are considered final, so please be very careful when completing purchases there.

I’ve definitely been on the other end of this and sold valuable commodities for an incredibly low price because I thought I had entered the right values :frowning: Someone out there got a heck of a deal.